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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sarah Palin...a winkie wanker? Nah, it's neurosis, dude!

Much ta-do has been made in recent hours about a sly wink that Sarah Palin appears to be levelling across the uneven playing field in political jaunts around the country.

Just when voters are sure to get a bead on her meanderings - yup - thar she goes again!


Is she on the make?

If it kicks off with a come hither look first, perhaps!

If so - does she have her sights set on anyone in particular - or is the 1st Dude's hubbie just out for a wild 'n crazy cluster fu**?

Years ago, Carol Burnett used to tug on one ear lobe.

And, it stirred up a hornet's nest of speculation with the viewers at home.

Was it a message to a secret beau that she'd saunter by later when the cast were out of sight?

Or, maybe TV's funny-lady was just checking to ensure that a snazzy diamond earring hadn't fallen into the front row without warning during some last-minute high-jinks on stage before the close of the popular variety show?

Turns out, the lobe stroke was a signal to her Mom at home!

In the instance of the VP hopeful, I expect she's just a winkie wanker.

What's a wanker?

The dictionary describes it this way:

Main Entry:


1 chiefly British; usually vulgar: a person who masturbates

2 chiefly British; usually vulgar: jerk, contemptible, dolt

According to the dictionary, a wink means:

Main Entry:


1 to shut one eye briefly as a signal or in teasing

2 to close and open the eyelids quickly

3 to avoid seeing or noting something

4 to gleam or flash intermittently : twinkle winking in the sunlight

Anyone who wunks that often in a wicked crowd of wanton whirling dervishes - politicians, pollsters, and lobbyists (and the like) - is neurotic, though, if you ask me!

But, the winks could mean a couple of things, in view of the foregoing.

Perhaps she's signalling some masturbator that's she hot-to-trot.

Or, she's flashing a sly message to voters that she finds 'em contemptible.

Just maybe, on the other hand, she's subliminally letting people in the audience know she's got to twinkle, so they'd better move along with the debate.

Just put up your hand, Sarah, and ask if you can take a trek to the ladies room.

It's a good sign, actually.

When the phone rings at 3 a.m. in the morning in the White House, world leaders won't have to worry if they roused Sarah out of a funky slumber.

Yeah, they'll know the former Beauty Queen was up and down all night with a weak bladder.

Have you tried cranberry juice, Sarah?

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