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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Taylor Lautner...to spread for Playgirl! Fans mixed feelings...

Taylor Lautner to moon pages of Playgirl!

"Taylor Lautner is going to bare all for Playgirl," a female DJ yelped half-ecstatic and half-in-shock,on her rush-hour squawk-box radio show.


"I don't know that I want to see THAT much of him," she confided to the Twilight fan next her.

"Me, either," the other dudette squealed with disapproval.

I expect that reaction was the same around the country - in Twilightville - and elsewhere.

Was "Jacob" going Hollywood  - on the fast-track - to nowhere?

What next!

A reality show?

News at 11!

Twilight...Jacob takes beating! Wedding Bells for Bella! Victoria bites dust!

Jacob took a beating, Bella - in true biting-the-upper-lip acting style - wrestled with doubts about her future, Victoria's revengeful nature got the best of her, and a slew of blood-thirsty characters signaled the Pacific Northwest is a trouble spot bound to trigger a sequel or two in the Twilight series.

At around 9:45, the AMC theatre was relatively empty - but then - a steady gaggle of giggling girls suddenly dashed through the door last-minute (make-up touches in the ladies's room?) and into their seats to prime themselves for the much-ballyhooed event.

A screening of the latest sequel in the Twilight Series, of course!


Once the title page for the 3rd segment in the Vampire saga sprang to life on the widescreen there was an endless stream of screaming throughout - specially when gooey-eyed fans spied their favorite characters - when they sauntered on screen into spotlight.


These passionate twi-hards even squealed when the credits for  Taylor Launter, Kristen Stuart, and Robert Pattison crawled along at the end of the flick on a mundane black background.

Probably the biggest uproar occurred when Victoria got her comeuppance.

The applause and cackles of approval were deafening to the ears!

In this sequel, there is a big focus on what amounted to - in human terms - teen angst.

Before you could say "fashionista" - the characters began to make their entrances on screen in a truckload of designer threads - sure to be the envy of any Abercrombie & Fitch aficianado.

The Vampy fashion smorgasbord was a feast for the eyes!

But, the style went far beyond that!

In this fantastical Vampire thriller, going in for the kill, was no idle matter.

Indeed, the filmmakers have the honed the "Art of the Kill" and refined it to perfection.

This time out, "Twilight" is more violent in nature - and for this reason - took a departure from the fluffly image that went before it.

Much to the relief of die-hard fans - who have no doubt been getting testy about the proliferation of "cold hard stares" with no follow thru - Eclipse goes for the jugular.

So, just as I was about to fall asleep amidst the adoring sweet young things in the packed theatre all around me, I was jolted wide awake and managed to coast through on adrenlin rushes half-way through the picture and on to the end of the flick.

There were  quite a few impressive fight scenes where snarling wolves - vicious-looking characters, indeed - fought ferociously with a posse of half-naked studs flexing big time here-and-there about the wild terrain.

I wonder what Freud would think of this mixed imagery?

For romantic twi-hards, Edward and Bella were set in a field of flowers at one juncture, where the pretty young lovers whispered sweet-nothings and discussed plans for their upcoming wedding.

In a heart-to-heart, Bella quelled Edward's fears that his headstrong future mate, may be giving up too much for his sake.


In one touching moment, Bella succinctly spilled the beans.

"I'm doing this for me," she softly confessed in so many words.

"Eclipse" is a visually-stunning feature that mesmerizes one moment (and stupifies the next).

In the final analysis, it's a "surface" flick, that speaks volumes about a culture.

All style, and no substance, is the bite that kills Twilight's "Eclipse".

Barack Obama...Homeless program announced! U.S. Interagency Council...

Interagency Council on Homelessness

A spokesman for the Obama Administration annnounced that a National Stategic Plan to prevent and end homelessness in America has been launched.

The program is meant to increase "leadership, collaboration and Civic engagement by focusing on providing and promoting collaborative leadership in all levels of Government,"  according to a press release.

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (which is comprised in part by HUD - the U.S. Department labor, Health and Human Services - and Veterans Service) will head up the ambitious effort.

The council will endeavour to "increase access to stable and affordable housing" by providing "and permanent supportive housing."

The function of the timely program is to also "expand and meaningful and sustainable employment", improve health and stability", and "re-tool the homeless response system."

Kudos to the President for implementing the life-saver for those in dire need in these tough economic times!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A philosophy to live by...quote!

The underdoing of most humans
surfaces in their inability
to let go of the past!

Julian Ayrs
Divine Grace
Collection of Poems


Barack Obama...letter to moi touts accomplishments! DCCC seeks funds...

What do they say about foolin' the people?

When I trotted to the mailbox today, I was startled by an envelope which fell out of the box into my hands, with the name of President Barack Obama emblazoned on the front left corner.

Barack who?

Oh, that guy.

Was I being invited to the White House for an elegant formal dinner - and the opportuunity to hob-nob with the rich and powerful - just like those gate-crashers who wandered in under a blanket of twinkling stars as the moon hung ripe with promise in the night sky?


Barack was just peddling for bucks!

But, I confess, he did some fancy pitching first - enough so - that I just about slipped a fiver into the return envlope with a hasty "Good luck, Barack" penned in an elegant scroll.

You never know where these precious scraps end up, after all.

Soft-soaping people (as my gramma would say) will go a long way to put folks in a right generous mood, so he started off with an affectionate pat on the back.

"Through your hard work, irrepressible voice and unflinching courage (!) we have put America firmly on the path to a brighter, more prosperous future."

Then, Barack moved on to heighten the stakes a tad.

In the first few well-written (persuasive) paragraphs, the President managed to cover a lot of ground.
"After years of struggle, every American is now guaranteed affordable health insurane that cannot be taken away when they get sick. Every American is covered by the toughest consumer protections in history, and every American will benefit from lower costs for care."

Sounds great to moi!

Then, Barack took a shot at the biggie!

"Our economy has begun to recover after the worst financial crisis in 75 years. Companies are beginning to hire, our neighbours are finding jobs,  and entrepreneurs are starting businesses to provide new goods and services."

Heh, Mr. President, do you expect that the portents are good for landing an executive-level post in development at one of the major studios right about now?

Maybe you could throw some seed money Hollywood's way to nurse it along?

Arnold would be forever grateful, 'ya know!

In addition, the Prez boasted about his achievements in the education arena.

"We have lowered the cost of college education, so that more Americans can gain the training and education they need to live happier, more productive and fulfilling lives."

So, that's what it takes to find peace of mind!

At this point, if I was uncertain about what Barack Obama was talking about when he spoke of "Change" on the campaign trail, he decided to enlighten me.

"When I talked about change in my presidential campaign, this is what I was talking about: coming together on behalf of the American people to solve problems and build a stronger more hopeful future for all."

Now, he moved in for the kill.

"However, the 2010 election season is upon us.  In less than six months, the American people will go to the polls for the Congressional midterm elections. Republicans leaders are campaigning (you don't say!) on a pledge to repeal these  accomplishments (those dirty basta**s!) and many others, if they gain majority control of Congress in November."

"We can't let that happen," he continued in a forthright manner.

"We have come too far. We have worked too hard to return to the failed Republican policies that created this mess in the first place"

The President proceeded to underscore that special interests have shaped the status quo in Washington, and that they are strong, and they are fighting tooth and nail to protect their privileged positions.

For this reason, the President urgeed that I and others join the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

"The DCCC has the technical expertise, political experience, and strategic perspective to lead the campaign to defend House Democrats. They also have an impressive record of success."

I trust none of the celebrated members weren't involved in any capacity in the BP oil debacle, then?

"With a strong Democratic majority in the House, we will continue to enact new initiatives and reforms to defend the middle class - to create millions of jobs, support small businesses, and drive  up wages. We will step up investments in the educaiton of our children and develop the clean energy technology that must power our future; and we will take the steps necessary to protect the economy from reckless Wall Street abuses."

Barack summed up with a directive right out of the Latin books:

"Let's seize this moment - to start anew, to carry the dream forward (which dream is that?). Stand with me, Speaker Pelosi, and the courageous Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives."

"Please support thier campaign with a generous contribution today."

Do you suppose they DCCC will take an IOU until I see how things pan out?

The Democrats Queen of the Tea Party!

Tom Cruise..."Knight & Day" sparks debate! Lead horse to water, at least...

Motorcycle publicity still better poster choice?

Shortly after I posted my review of "Knight and Day" - the Tom Cruise spy thriller - the hits went through the stratosphere at the Tattler.

In my caption, I shouted - "Tom Cruise...He's back!" - which must have triggered an emotion or two judging by the response.

Post:  06/27/10


Industry honchos, media pundits (and fans) appeared to have written the action-adventure off as a "bomb" based on a slow start at the box-office and negative buzz on the Internet.

In fact, I penned an article on the issue wherein I wondered aloud if "Tom" was still suffering from lingering image problems due to a bizarre couch-jumping incident, his involvement with the flakey Ron L. Hubbard's Scientology "outfit", and a controversial stint on Matt Lauer's hot seat in which he came off as a total pig-headed a**.

Post:  06/26/10


So, what gives?

Essentially, the Knight and Day fiasco all boils down to marketing (misguided) and the way "Knight and Day" was promoted.

In the morning LA Times, Patrick Goldstein pointed out that the poster - which featured a stunning graphic of the two stars - was part 'n parcel of the problem.

He argued that the failure of the studio brass to feature the identifiable faces of the two stars - Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz - may have been a fatal lack of judgment in the total scheme of things which negatively impacted the project (and perceptions of it).

In response, Tony Sella (co-President of marketing at Fox) scoffed at Goldsmith's wild idea that the studio was hiding the faces of the two stars because their appeal was lacking in a demographic they were striving to lure into theatres come opening day.

"I was doing an homage to fabled title designer Saul Bass," Sella fessed up.

"It was a way for us to signal that this was a different kind of adult movie.The whole campaign was designed to evoke a film like "North by Northwest (a Hitchcock classic)."

Because I attended film school, and have a background in the film industry in a myriad of capacities, I understood that.

If anything, the concept intrigued me - hence - my decision to screen it in spite of a bevy of biting press clips (and stinky rumors denouncing it).

I agree with Sella that the commercial spots - in which Cruise appeared to be a wacko dude kidnapping a woman - may have fallen short  in getting the film's essential storyine across.

If the studio noted - in a nutshell - that this was a spy thriller (and that Cruise character's was on a ultra-secret mission) Cruise fans and spy-thriller enthusiasts would have flocked to the theatres from the get-go when theatre doors swung open.

It appears, in retrospect, that filmgoers took a - "let's wait and see" - attitude.

Movie dollars only stretch so far these days, after all.

Call me sophisticated, if you will, but the quirky "promo" didn't phase me.

Frankly, I tire of "trailers" that reveal so much of the plot, that you end up saying to yourself:

"Why bother going to see the film now?

The studio's big sin was they didn't give enough "tease" - and as a result - left filmgoers and fans in the proverbial dark.

Fox brass  didn't even lead the horse to water!

 How do you expect them to drink?

Monday, June 28, 2010

General McChrystal...retiring from military! News alert!

On the heels of a forced "resigntion" last week (some blatantly allege it was a veiled "firing") General McChrystal - once top dawg handling military maneuvers in Afghanistan - has informed the White House of his intention to retire from the forces.

Inside sources note that the General has not lodged his retirement papers, yet, but intends to do soon.

The future for the General?

Well, he could always hire himself out (everyone prostitutes themselves these days in one form or another) with one of the Hollywood studios as a Military consultant for War films, Movies of the week on Terrrism,  and the like.

What about the Rollling Stone article?

Heck, Tinseltown will welcome him with open arms; after all, a juicy candal is often the scurrious prequisite for getting a foot in the door!

There's no life like it!

Milan Fashion Week...Giorgio Armani steals limelight! Clothes for adventurous male animal!

Giorgio Arman's elegant chic!

Nothing new under the sun in swimwear!

A few years ago, Sal Cesarani unvieled a beautiful collecton at the Men's Fashion Association, which were patterned after the style phenomenon of the Great Gatsby.

Cesarani managed to extrapolate the flash, panache, and simple elegance off the era in one fell swoop.

The recent Menswear collection featured on the runways in Milan are somewhat reminiscent - indeed - brought to the fore by a smattering of men's wardrobe pieces that refect the same kind of lightness, simple chic and fashion maturity.

Men are ready to get down to business when it comes to style.

And,  the designers previewing their silhouettes in Milan recently, have offer up a myriad of choices with something for every discerning - and not so discerning - male.

Imagine that! 

Threads that any any old Joe can toss on without much thought - that manage still - to lend the fellow a sartorial edge.

Ermenegildo Zegna - as usual - was low-key.

The suits, were lean (Italian cut &-crafted) not splashy.

“We are a discreet brand,” Zegna calmly noted to the press, “one that doesn’t make a lot of noise.”

Giorgio Armani paired slate gray suits with pale hues - and in some cases - incorporated whimsical twists by virtue of knit vests in free-floating patterns to spark the ensembles up.

Fashion flourishes included eye-catching shoes in brilliant colors such as canary - and strategic accessories such as pocket pouffes - designed to add a dash of daring to the adventurous dude.

Lightweight fabrics such as silk, linen and hemp predominated.

Nifty blouses in washed silks and burlap shells - topping ubiquitious jeans - lent a beachy influence that screamed a carefree liberated mood.

In that setting, sandals featured by one designer (crafted with rope and tooled leather) will find favor with those who want to kick back and  have fun in the mid-day sun.

Stripes will also abound in every offering - from boxer shorts to elegant body-shirts, bathrobes, pajamas, and what-have-you.

Prada's collection was dominatd by paint-by-number primary colors - which were vivid  - and eye-catching!

Alexander McQueen's musings were crowd-pleasers with a wow factor.

The collection - the 1st since his passing to spirit - facilitated a unique dye process which conjured up intriguing "glow" effects.

Fashion as art?

Designers like Missoni set their sights on re-introducing cargo-inspired day scrubs, fulfilling a need for people on the go, according to their spokesperson.

"When you travel, you need lots of pockets for things, and these are my urban travelers my tribe," he was quick to sum up.

I'll be first in line to snap up the practical pocket pleasers, you bet!

For me, the lightweight suits - subtly-threaded with white and blue pin stripes - held the most appeal out of all the exquisite wardrobe choices I ran my fingers through.

I imagine myself trotting out for cocktails in one of those classy ensembles at the midnight hour on a balmy Los Angeles night - beneath a pale moon - as I am toasting the town.

Thanks to Italian designers, I'll do it with style.

Cedars Sinai...Nurse abuse more widespread according to LA Times!

St. Rose Nurses guilty of drug theft!

On Saturday, I posted an expose on the growing problem that Cedars Sinai is currently facing.

The problems I reported on Saturday were only the tip of the iceberg, however.

In an earlier post, I reported in-depth incidents of outright negligence, incompetence, and lack of quality of care which has been tarnishing the image of the once-presitigious Medical Faciility.

Nurses violate Patient Rights @ Cedars Sinai

Post: 05/25/2010


Subsequently, I was  not surprised to pick up the LA Times this morning and spy an investigative report on Nurses in the State of California.

According to the reporters at the daily, the inappropriate conduct of Nurses is widespread, and not restricted to "quality" of care.

For example, Nurses have been sanctioned for neglect, sexual abuse, drug use and criminality (theft of patient property, for one).

In my own experience as a patient, I have found the foregoing to be true.

Over the weekend at Cedar's Sinai, for instance, one middle-aged Nurse kept trying to lift my gown to stare at my genitals.

At a hospital in Las Vegas (St. Rosa) the doctor prescribed morphine for my pain.

When it wasn't forthcoming, I asked to speak with the "charge" Nurse.

A middle-age Filipino Nurse swore up-and-down that she gave me the injection.

A total falsehood.

I surmise she either squirreled the addictive narcotic way for her own use or to sell on the black market.

In an article I penned on a Las Vegas Medical Facility on Charleston Street - I reported that I witnessed shocking abuse of a patient in the Emergency Department.

When an orderly stepped into a cubicle and noticed that the patient (with kidney and liver problems) had urinated on themsevles (because no Nurse or orderly was available to assist at their moment of need) the insensitive unprofessional shouted at the patient.

"Did you piss all over yourself", with a tone of disgust in his voice.

The appropriate way to treat a patient?

At another Vegas hospital, a patient sat in Emergency for about 12 hours before being installed in their hospital room. During that time span, the patients medical records - and their insurance information - went "missing".

For the next two days, a doctor was unable to locate the files.

Was this a classic example of neglect or an attempt at Identity Theft?

Post: 10/15/09


In an earlier Times investigation, journalists learned that hundreds of Nurses have een sanctioned elsewhere (other states) but continue to work in the Golden State.

According to Paul Riches - a director at the Dept. of Consumer Affairs - investigation of new disciplinary cases filed in recent months are going to be a difficult challenge to meet.

A database maintained by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing has revealed that many Nurses were disciplined for the same offenses but continue to defiantly maintain watch over unsuspecting patients (who are obvioously at risk).

State Officials note for the record that a complaint must be filed in California against the Nurse in question before an investigation may begin with the aim of ousting the unqualified and/or disreputable practioner from the profession.

Patients are urged to report all incidents of Nurse abuse and/or negligence to State Officials with the ultimate aim of preventing innocent victims from being the target of these uscrupulous unqualifed hospital personnel.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tom Cruise...He's back! Knight & Day quirky thriller that entertains!

Far and wide, fans and critics alike, have been poohing-poohing the notion that Tom Cruise's - "Knight and Day" - will restore his flaggng career and propel him over the top into the glare of the spotlight as a full-fledged A-list star once again.

Actually, from the prospective of  a romantic/thriller/comedy - mixing genres is generally risky business by the way - the quirky little engine that could has succeeded as a fast-paced funny feature with a lot of original material that resonates in the ticket-holder.

Personally, I was surprised at how fresh some of the schtick  was.

Sight gags took fans by surprise, playful moments with dialogue caused the audience to roar, and unexpcted sidesteps jolted folks enough to pull them effectively into the one-note storyline.

Although the script was not Oscar material, it managed to provide a solid framework, so that the actors were able to flesh out meaty characters.

Cameron Diaz is amazing in this movie!

The pretty blond handles drama equally as well as comedy (a requirement here).

Of all her performances, this is the one gem that stretched her creative muscles, to her advantage.

Tom, in some respects, goes backwards in time to roles like Jerry McQuire and Risky Business in a desperate effort to conjure up the ingredients of a persona that once worked well for him on the silver screen.

However, in "Knight and Day", he is adventurous enough to take some risks (which pay off).

I loved Mr. Cruise's performance.


This film - though not totally dark - is a borderline black comedy piece.

In the final analysis, the right (twisted) mindset may be required to fully appreciate this 3 Star film.

San Francisco...Backstreet Boys perform @ gay pride today! Festive parade returns with 200 floats!

Gay Pride screamed into San Francisco this weekend!

On its 40th Anniversary the rainbow celebration - which boasts 300 exhibitors - remains the largest gay event in the country.

The San Francisco celebration is chock-full of exhibition tents (where artisnas hawk their wares) and a posse of street musicians who entertain daily.

The main stage has been set up at the Civic Center is downtown San Francisco.

The theme is this year is "Forty and Fabulous".
Richard Kravitz, a pride member (who submitted the selected theme) explained how the idea came about.
"I thought that Pride event needed something fun."
On closing day, quite a few acts are slated to perform on the Main stage and include Sharon McKnight (12:55 pm); Martha Davis & the Motels (3:45); Backstreet Boys (4:05);

Happy Gay Pride!

Cedars-Sinai...Nurses ditzy and clueless! Gay orderlies a comfort!

Oh boy!

The quality of care at Cedars-Sinai is slipping!

On a recent trip to the upscale (!) celebrity-favored medical facility for a procedure - I was shocked by the unprofessional, sloppy, health care - I encountered during the course of  my stay.

I'll start by noting that the young males nurses (and orderlies) were quite attentive.

No problem with bedside manner, there!

One twenty-something worker started the conversation by asking if I was a surfer.

Then, offered up a great compliment.

"You have Steve McQueen hair," he piped up in all sincerity.

I didn't warm up to the idea of my temperature being taken rectally.

But, I lucked out, because the handsome toy-boy type (with every strand of hair coiffed to perfection) was in charge of that delicate procedure.

Unfortunately, these gents were installed in a department I fleetingly passed through.

Suddenly, the mood changed a tad, when I found myself in the clutches of a gaggle of middle-aged "bags" trying to pass themselves off as Nurses.

At first glance, these slow-moving frumps appeared to be somebody's "mother".

Did they lose their way after visiting hours?

And, the Filipino nurse gave the impression they're on the look-out for a rich lover clinging to life on death's bed.

Was it my imagination -  or was the pretty young Asian nurse - flirting with me?

At one point, as I attempted to trot to the little boy's room, she coyly sidled up close to me and seductively posed a question.

"Going somewhere?"

Not her way, 'fer sure.

The thought crossed my mind that I must be wary - after all - spurned admirers are inclined to react (retaliate?) in unexpected surpising way.


Think "Fatal Attraction" - the film starring Glen Close and Michael Douglas.

Some folks are romantically turned on by wrinkles and the convenience of a limp di** for two good reasons.

On dates, folks will surmise the old dude is their father, for starters.

And, the erectile dysfunction guarantees that sexual romps will probably be limited to petting (and maybe a spanking).

The odds are that a handful of these ambitious gold-diggers will hit the jackpot and dive into a life of  luxury fueled by old (best) or new money (usually a vulgar option).

Does the name - Anna Nicole Smith - ring any bells?

Nuff said.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mike Nichols...AFI Life Achievement Award! Hollywood Star-studded turn-out...


They flowed in - a veritable "who's who" of the Hollywood elite - megastars flanked by respected film directors, power-brokers chatting up the studio brass, and a host of precious friends who were there to bestow glowing tributes on a legendary director.

Mike Nichols, of course!

Meryl Streep said it best when she noted what it was like to work with the likeable seasoned pro.
"All I can say is that I was always happy on the set."

Individuals who have been graced with his presence are usually bowled over by his great ability to communicate (his sensitivity to actors and their needs is legendary, for instance).

Over the years, Diane Sawyer's hubby whipped up a number of entertaining celluloid hits, such as "Barefoot in the Park", "Spamalot", the gut-wrenching "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" starring Elizabeth Taylor, "Carnal Knowledge", and - who could forget? - the Graduate.

Nichols has nabbed a slew of prestigious awards over the years.

For example - he scooped up an Oscar for directing the Graduate; a Drama Desk Award for Neil Simon's "Barefoot in the Park" (stage), an Emmy Award for "Angels of America" (musical), and a Tony award for helming "Spamalot"

In toto, the jewels in his dazzling Crown of Glory, are Mr. Nichol's legacy.


AFI is America's promise to preserve the history of the motion picture, educate the next generation of storytellers, and honor the artists and their work.

In sum, the prestigious National institute fosters leadership in screen education - and in the process - celebrates excellence in the art of film, television and digital media.

AFI trains filmmakers at its world-renowned AFI Conservatory, preserves the legacy of America's film heritage through the AFI Catalog of Feature Films and AFI Archives, explores new digital technologies at AFI Digifest, and honors artists and their work through a variety of programs and special events.

For 37 years, the AFI Life Achievement Award has remained the highest honor for a performer to be blessed with.

AFI offers film enthusiasts a variety of events throughout the year including:

(the longest-running International film festival in Los Angeles (sponsor/AUDI)
AFI Discovery Channel Silverdocs
(A documentary festival in Silver Spring, Maryland)
AFI Silver Theatre
(year-long programming in the Washington DC, area

John Schneider..."The Promise" political junk song! Mike Huckabee show...

Although I am a fan of John Schneider, I can't ignore the fact that his new single - The Promise - is pretty much a failure as far as musical compositions go.

The preachy lyrics are a little heavy-handed (poorly written) too.

Today, John performed the uninspiring tune on Mike Huckabee's Show (while the politician cum talk-show-host played the guitar).

No, Mike!

It is highly doubtful that the new recording will become a great "American song".

Schneider became a born-again Christian years ago because of chance meeting with Johnny Cash.

While filming "Stagecoach", the Country & Western star invited John to bunk at the Cash home.

The former Dukes of Hazzard star confessed that Cash was able to open the door to Christianity for John  because Johnny was not all sweetness and light.

Christians, John joked, tend to be all sickly sweet.

"I liked the fact that Johnny was rough."

It's not suprising that Johnny Cash became a born again Christian.

The legendary performer fought alcholism all his life - and in the process - undoubtedly was involved in one or two twelve-step programs over the years.

Because sacred (practical) passages of  the Bible are woven into AA programs, it was a given he'd cross paths with the Lord.

Schneider - The triple-threat (John sings, dances, and acts) - prefers to known as a musician.

"I like to say I am a singer who acts."

I expect fans are still turned on by his rich masculine voice and his rugged looks.

If anything is "All American" , it is the persona of John Schneider.

Tom Cruise..."Knight and Day" slow out-of-gate! Top gun losin' it?

A role in the feature film - TAPS - was his first big break.

And, in an interview with Charlie Rose, the handsome actor poignantly recalled that it was a dizzying whirlwind turning-point in his career.

When he flew into town - Sean Penn (co-star) - not only picked up the aspiring wannabee at the airport - but also invited him to stay in a cottage on his property.

Do you suppose any hanky-panky went down?

Ah, so that's where those gay rumors started up!

As to the work itself, Cruise executes all his own stunts.

Frankly, I find that practise DUMB!

An actor's body is his "instrument' - a tool - which he facilitates to flesh out a character.

Without it, an actor is pretty much up a creek without a paddle.

Leave the tricky stunts to the professionals, Tom.
In the heady day of the eighties and nineties, Cruise was a megastar savoring all the trappings of a spoiled A-list performer.

The pint-sized performer actor could do no wrong.

Today, however, the fact that Mr. Cruise is a practising scientologist often gets the odd-ball mamma's boy into trouble.

But, nothing can hold a candle to the couch-jumping incident on Oprah or the fiery chat with Matt Lauer on the subject of psychiatry.

When those scary moments unfolded unexpectedy across the old boob-tube, the public's perceptions of the  diminutive star  flew all over the map.

Although Oprah's fave guest has managed to rehabilitate his image somewhat in the past few months - the talented "Interview with a Vampire" star - is facing other dilemmas.

Ticket sales have been dismal for "Knight and Day", for instance.

How would Tom  describe what Catheron Diaz (co-star) was like in four words?

"Bright, fun, generous, and talented," he smiled, after reflecting for a moment or two.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the film raked in a paltry $3.8 million opening day. 

In contrast, Tim Allen's new release - "Toy story 3 - rustled up 13 million Ka-chings.

Studio brass weren't totally in the dark about the bumpy ride ahead, though.

Sneak peaks at pre-release junkets determined that fans &  filmgoers in general weren't thrilled with the studio's quirky offering.

Roger Ebert gave the "comeback" film  three stars, though.

The NY Times called it "loud, seemingly interminable, and altogether incoherent."

"Hollywood has been buzzing the studio might drop 'MI4' - Mission Impossible 4 - if 'Knight' doesn't fair well at the box office," one insider whispered.

Like many a struggling actor, Tom can always fall back on waiting tables inbetween gigs.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Blood of the Earth - The BP Gulf Oil Spill part 1

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

Cher...plastic surgery? A hollow look to the Pop Diva!

Cher imagines herself a twenty-something babe!

It's rare to catch an up-close shot of Cher - but ET - managed to pull it off.

When the old trooper alighted next to host Mark Steines - on the Red Carpet event for the Daytime Emmys  - I was startled by Cher's appearance.

The skin on her face was wrinkle-free, "even" in skin tone (unrealistically so), and so tight that it restricted muscle- movement in the most unflattering way.


Cher is a plastic surgery junkie!

Because of it, the Pop Icon has become a caricature of herself.

Michael Jackson...fans celebrate life of Pop Star at impromptu wake at UCLA! (re-post)

By late afternoon, once the shocking news of Michael Jackson's death streaked across theInternet - and beyond into local businesses and the cozy homes of devoted fans - the skies here in picturesque Westwood were black with helicopters buzzing the frenzied masses below.

Meanwhile, on land routes that normally accessed the state-of-the-art UCLA hospital with ease, were now cordoned off for the most part as University security hand-directed the traffic flow in a bold-faced effort to avoid a potentially dangerous gridlock

Two dozen or so media outlets were inclined to screech to an abrupt halt in their vehicles and park along the median strip haphazardly - at which point - they bolted up to the front doors of the medical facility where the Pop Icon passed into spirit a few scant hours ago.

It was an impromptu media blitz, if ever there was one, and was reminiscent of the debacle that followed in the wake of Elvis' death decades ago.

Fans held brightly-colored signs etched with loving tributes - and on occasion - broke into a hypnotic chant.

"Michael! Michael! Michael."

Did they half expect their Crown Prince to rise up from the dead - and "moon walk" once last time - before taking a final bow forever?

One fan turned up the sound on his CD Player - and within minutes - bodies were writhing to the strains of the "Man in the Mirror".

My own included.

Catchy little ditty, that!

Did the emboldened hordes descend on Michael's final resting place because the image of the man - though distorted and misguided at times - still inspired them to recognize the power of song?

All of the media heavyweights were in attendance, too.


Each news team waited patiently (albeit a bit frustrated with the cards they had been dealt) for the doors of the temporary press room to swing open wide so they could surge forward - animals that they are - and stake a claim at a News Conference guaranteed to satisfy not only their audiences but the curious madding crowd to boot.

One reporter next to me in line shrugged.

"What can the doctors or Police Officials tell us that we don't already know?"

She answered her own question in a cynical tone of voice.

"Time of death. Who he is survived by. Yada Yada Yada."

On the contrary, I pointed out.

In this instant case, enquiring minds were probably pining for all the juicy tidbits.

Was the death accidental?

"No way," one reporter snapped back incredulous at the thought.

Was the unexpected death brought on by natural causes, his own hand, or due to drugs?

Also, there were nagging questions surrounding the hour of death.

Allegedly, Jackson died at approximately 1:21 pm this afternoon.

But, for some inexplicable reason, the legendary POP star was not pronounced dead until about two hours later at approximately 3:23 pm.

I know.

I was sitting at a computer terminal when MSNBC flashed a news alert to that effect.

Bottom line?

Expect the unexpected.

And, a lot of drama, Hollywood-style!

Michael Jackson...dead @ 50! (re post)

I popped the last morsel of a late lunch in my mouth, took a swig of the remains of my Coke, and headed out the door and across campus.

Suddenly, a helicopter buzzed overhead and made a beeline for the UCLA medical center, just down-a-ways a tad.

Excited students and members of the faculty gazed skyward as whispers filtered about the campus that inside Michael Jackson was struggling for his life.

According to a Los Angeles Times news-bite on the Internet minutes ago, Los Angeles Fire Department Captain Steve Ruda reported to the newspaper that Jackson was not breathing when paramedics arrived at his home,  so CPR was performed on the unconscious Pop Star.

Meanwhile, over at TMZ.com, Harvey Levin's team speculated that Mr. Jackson suffered cardiac arrest.

A family spokesperson noted that Mrs. Jackson is en route to the medical facility to be at her son's side.
Updates to follow hourly as details of Jackson's medical condition and prognosis filter in

UPDATE: 3:23 pm (Thursday June 25th)

MSNBC has just reported that Michael Jackson has been pronounced dead at the age of 50!

UCLA State-of-the-Art Medical Center

Joe Jackson...brings wrongful death suit against Dr. Murray!

A year has passed and still no resolution to the Dr. Conrad Murray intrigues which triggered a criminal charge of involuntary manslaugther.

On the eve of the anniversary of Michael Jackson's mysterious demise, Joe Jackson has announced that he is bringing a wrongful death lawsuit against the doctor in the Civil Courts.

So, it appears that the Jackson's may conceivably find themselves in-and-out of court alot.

Over the years, I'v been involved in a couple of lawsuits (as a plaintiff), and I learned one great lesson in life.

To me, in my current frame of mind, lawsuits amount to lawyers and their clients chasing each around the courthouse until one of the parties runs out of paper (money!).

If compromise is all that is needed to end the dispute, I say, go for it!

On another front, a frenzy has erupted once again regarding intriguing aspects of the pending manslaughter case.

Night-time talk show hosts (Larry King, for example) are pouring over the events of that fateful day, and are once again  inclined to cry "conspiracy" and "murder".

At this point it is difficult to sort out fact and myth.

The one  thing that Americans do know, is that Michael Jackson died way before his time, and that someone in the dark shadows must be held accountable.

That's justice.


iPhone...joke of the day! Mit out signal...

Fans of high-tech gizmos - and product manufactured by Microscope - stood patienly in a seemingly endless line yesterday that swelled down the bustling street.


The spanking-new Iphone continued to fly off the shelves in the midst of a circus-like atmosphere.

But, within hours it was time to get down to the nitty-gritty.

A handful of die-hard geeks started grumbling about sound quality.

Steve Jobs was quick on the uptake.

"You're not holding the gadget right," he uttered up with a grin on his face.

At this juncture, there was a demonstration n to shed some light on the glitch complained of.

The really "cool" communication device (which is so much more than that, really) was designed with a slim piece of lightweight metal on the perimeter which doubles as the antennae.

In fact, the dialogue inspired the joke of the day.

When one user whined that the signal wavered that when he held it "like that", Jobs allegedly quipped:

"Don't hold it like that," he joked.


Maybe those bozos should forget about high-tech telephones and take a page from the past.

Two tin cans and a piece of string should do the trick!

My first cell phone!