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Monday, September 28, 2009

Bill Clinton...alleges right-wing conspiracy against Barack Obama!

According to Bill Clinton, there is a right-wing agenda to see Barack Obama fail in his political efforts.

Slick Willy compared the "political agenda" to one that Hillary Clinton alleged existed during the Clinton term in office out to destroy his presidency.

The political machinery targeting Barack Obama now, Bill Clinton noted for the record on "Meet the Press" this past weekend, is not as virulent as it was, though.

The former President known to sit on the fence on political issues, and get ensnared in delicious scandals, further argued that the opposition is not as strong due to the fact the demographic in the voting booths have changed somewhat over the decades.

Bottom line?

"Their agenda seems to be wanting him to fail."

Gosh, it must have been a slow news day, eh?

Roman Polanski...busted! Long arm of law reaches out on rape charges...


Boy, that must have been a shock for film director - Roman Polanski - when he innocently arrived at the airport to attend a festival in Switzerland (to accept an award for his craft) and found himself apprehended, hand-cuffed, and hauled off to the local pokey.

Talk about realism, Roman!

Of course, Polanski has been on the run for a few-dozen-years now, after fleeing the American Justice system to avoid prosecution for allegedly raping a thirteen-year-old actress.

Young pussy was hard to resist for old lover boy, I guess.

Last year it appeared there was an opportunity to resolve the legal snafu.

But, the specifics were difficult to wrangle, so Polanski remained at bay and out of harm's way (temporarily).

Now that an arrest has been made - albeit on foreign shores outside of  U.S. jurisdiction - a second battle has ensued.

Extradition proceedings!

Will the Swiss kow-tow to California's judicial system and comply with their request for transfer to their jurisdiction?

Or, humbly bow their heads in the wake of the cries of shame from neighbors who opine that their unprecedented intervention amounted to a baldl-faced shameful act?

Some analysts on the sidelines argue that it may have behooved Polanski to negotiate his own deal when the opportunity arose.

After all, now the matter has turned into an International incident, with all hawk-eyes inclined to scrutinize the legal system in both countries on opposite sides of the big pond.

Bottom line?

Polanski will get his day in court!

One legal eagle speculated that the case may be dismissed and commuted to time served.

Poland and France have launched a joint appeal for the Swiss to release the embattled film director.

Part of the reason Polanski eluded his pursuers for so many years was due to the fact France has no extradition treaty with the United States.

Though the articulate auteur - who received his first Academy Award nomination for "Knife in the Water" in 1964 - travelled throughout Europe extensively in recent years , he avoided arrest mainly due to the fact policies in respect to apprehending foreign fugitives have been quite lax.

A recent award that was bestowed on Polanski proved to be his undoing, however.

The celebrated event in Switzerland was advertised on the Internet - and consequently - tickets were sold guarnteeing an appearance by the the director of mega-hits such as "Rosemary's Baby".

Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpt intends to remain in Zurich until the extradition proceedings are finalized as a matter of legal form.

U.S. authorities have sixty days to file a request in writing  for Polanski's transfer to these shores.

Ironically, the victim (Samantha Geimer) has since settled out-of-court with Polanski.

Curiously, she has since joined in with friends and business associates, rallying for his exoneration.

Actions speak louder than words, but $$$ scream out for celebrity justice!

Las Vegas...motorcycle cop Alan Doyle harasses pedestrians! Pig hurts tourism...

Last week, I noticed an overweight slovenly-looking cop (what else is new?) harassing a middle-aged black woman on the street for allegedly jay-walking!

Big bully!

He must be proud of himself - picking on a poor defenseless women - because he was bored that day.

Disgraceful conduct, too, when you consider the senior citizen probably couldn't afford to pay for the $67.00 fine out of her pension or SSI disability check at the end of the month.

Just betcha his dick is about an inch long!

Another impotent member of the local police packing a gun to bolster their manhood (what there is of it).

Unfortunately, the incident I witnessed last week was not an isolated case.

This fat fu** - with all the charm of a worm - lurks in the shadows each day waiting to entrap the locals and tourists, too, as they jog along Maryland Parkway (near Clark County Library).

The tourist trade has been complaining that business is down, and they're losing their homes.

Well, no wonder, when you have an a**hole like Alan Doyle harassing the few that venture into these picturesque parts for a bit rest and relaxation.

Heck, Doyle doesn't even have the decency to have a chat with an "alleged" jaywalker first, before ceremoniously writing up a ticket.

Surely,  it's possible that there could have been a misunderstanding - a cultural difference - whatever!

Obviously, if Alan Dyle can't fathom that one, he has sh** for brains.

Or, quite simply, his sly intention from the get-go was to rack up his quota of tickets for the day, and the hell with the unjustices he hurls out at his innocent victims.

Talk about a perverse sick sense of humor!

He outta be strung up by the balls, then, tarred-and-feathered.

President Obama...gives nod to extending provisions of Patriot Act?

Barack Obama announced recently his intention to take a closer look at the Patriot Act and some of its defining salient points.

On the surface, the Obama administration appears to stand behind three provisions of the Act (installed in the wake of 911 when the country was at risk to terrorist attacks) which are due to expire at the end of the year.

Of particular interest to lawmakers and Civil Rights groups is the government's current legal right to access business records, monitor suspected rogue terrorists operating out of cells in the United States, and engage in surreptitious wire tapes of a dubious (and possibly illegal) nature.

Critics charge that the Patriot Act, in a nutshell, gives the intelligence community in the Government arena too much authority to snoop into the private lives of  U.S. Citizens.

At issue is the rule of  law and accountability.

The Justice Department has acknowledged the administration's desire to extend the three-year provisions aforementioned.

In spite of this hard stance, though, the president and government handlers have hinted that they may consider granting additional privacy protection if said provisions do not weaken the effectiveness of the Partriot Act.

Get those petitions out to Washington, eh?

The Newlywed Game...Star Trek thespian George Takei to air dirty laundry!

For the first time in decades - since The Newlywed Game bounced onto the boob tube with little fanfare or much ado - a "gay couple" will be competing for prizes on the popular comedy bill-of-fare.

The contestants are celebrity newlyweds, too!

George Takei - a regular character on Star Trek for years - got hitched to his long-time mate a few months ago when gay-unions became legal in California for about a second or two.

There was quite an uproar in the press, also, when Takei opted not to invite William Shatner (co-star on the popular SciFi series)  to the much-anticipated union of the star-crossed lovers at a high-profile celebration in Tinsel Town.

Why, pray tell?

Some hinted that egotistical Shatner may have tried to manipulate the moment to steal the limelight!

Oh well, Shatner always has priceline, that rip-off internet booking agency, to keep him busy.

Especially when the lawsuits rev up in the near future.

As to the lovebirds?

I'll be tuning in, how 'bout you?

CSI...on hands "crime" experience in Las Vegas! MGM Grand...

Fans of CSI may dive in for the experience of a "crime fighter's" lifetime currently on exhibit at the MGM Grand in Sin City.

On the eve of the unveiling, a handful of the popular drama's cast members trotted down the red carpet in Vegas amidst a lot of hoopla and fanfare!

The intriguing display affords guests the opportunity to play-act the role of a crime-scene investigator.

On the scintillating set there are two state-of-the-art crime labs to enhance the adventure for thrill-seekers and wannabee-actors alike.

Because there are quite a few parents taking-in the "hit"  in-the-round theatrical experience, obviously, there are many kids in tow.

For this reason, the terrain is a little tamer than a crime scene in the mean streets of  Los Angeles - let's say - than it normally would be.

See 'ya there!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brand X and Verizon Wireless...present Movies @ Santa Monica Pier!

Bueller screens on October 2nd at pier!

For the past couple of weeks, Brand X and Verizon Wireless have been sponsoring a delightful event on the pier in Santa Monica (CA).

Unfortunately, like all good things in life, the series is about to draw to a close!

In the event a night outdoors (with a mate, family member, or close friend)  is up your entertainment alley, then take a jaunt down to Santa Monica Beach and catch a documentary - FUEL - which won the best audience award at Sundance Film Festival this past year.

Some critics hailed the insightful thought-provoking film as:

"The most hopeful movie of the year"

If docs are not your style - and remind you of education industrials you were once forced to take a gander at in the sweaty old gym in high school - I guarantee that next week's offering will screen to a packed house!

Ferris Beuller's Day off - directed by John Hughes (who recently passed to spirit) - is a hilarious comedy which stars a mischievous young Matthew Broderick, a candy-apple red Ferrari, and - the ultimate old fart of a school principal - sure to burn in hell.

Free popcorn and bottled water will be handed out to guests who drop by the Verizon tent.

Well, there has to be a promo in there somewhere, eh?



FUEL screens on September 25th!

MacKenzie Phillips...lies about my father musician John Phillips! Demented child star needs therapy...

Bijou a songbird, too!

Yesterday, I was quite staggered when I spied a couple of posts featuring Bijou Phillips (in which I reported on a red-carpet appearance and subsequent stage performance at a fundraising event later that festive evening at the Palms in Vegas under the auspcies of the CineVegas Film Festival) racking up a dizzying number of hits seemingly out-of-the-blue.

Post: 07/15/2008


Post: 06/15/2008


The phenomenon continued bright and early this morning.

Something must be up in respect to Bijou and her lovely mother, I thought to myself.

Later this morning, after I wiped the cobwebs of a deep sleep from my foggy brain, I strolled in for a snack at the local Jack-in-Box.

At this juncture, I managed to thumb through the daily Review Journal, and happened across a news report on Bijou's sister - MacKenzie Phillips - screaming out at me from a caption in the daily.

"Phillips alleges Incest"

The bizarre has-been actress was at it again - engaging in bold-faced theatrics (on this occasion literally drumming up lies) - to thrust her sorry self into the limelight once again.

In the article, MacKenzie alleged an ongoing incestuous affair with her father (celebrated musician John Phillips of the Mammas & Pappas), which is a preposterous notion by anyone' standards!

In her new book - "High on Arrival" (go figure!) - the dried up tart swears that she had sex (no glove no love, eh?)  with old dad-y-o the night before her own wedding in 1979 when she was just sweet (argh!) sixteen.

Since John died in 19, the poor soul is not in this realm to defend himself.

But, fortunately, former wife Genevieve Waite dashed in to nip the scuttlebutt in the bud!

In a written statement read on the Oprah Winfrey Show this past week, Genevieve underscored the reality of the situation.

"John was incapale,  no matter how drunk or drugged he was, of having such a relationship with his own child."

Ah, from the mouths of true babes.

Gotcha, Mac!

Bijou at CineVegas Red Carpet Event
(Genevieve danced with abandon later at Palms)

Liberace...Siegfried & Roy inducted into Hall of Fame in Vegas! Public (& fans) invited to ceremony September 25th...

The Queen of glitter - and the undisputed  Kings of  Lion pampering - will be honored by the University of Nevada "Hall of Fame" tomorrow afternoon (September 25th) at 6:30 p.m.

Fans of Liberace and Siegfeld & Roy will undoubtedly trot down to the Artemus Ham Hall  on campus to join in the fun (free!).

There will also be a VIP reception (after the initial opening ceremonies) for those who pine to meet the celebrated entertainers Siegfeld & Roy in person.

Attendees who cough up a $200 contribution to help raise funds for the organization are invited to the chi-chi after-soiree to mingle and munch on complimentary food and exotic cocktails.

Several months ago, I was inspired to pen a post on the highlights of  Liberace's dazzling career, which also zeroed in on the intriqing private life of the extravagant showman - who chose to not only play the fop - but quip on one hilarious occasion:

"I'm laughing all the way to the bank."

Post:  07/01/2008


In recent months, it was announced that a bio of the late-great Liberace is in the works to star - believe it! - Michael Douglas.

Well, if he could handle the "War of the Roses", why not the scandalous romantic battles of Liberace?

The "Hall of Fame" was formed to specifically honor residents of  Southern Nevada (in the Vegas metropolis in particular) who have made outstanding contributions to the Arts which include those of a Visual, Performance, or Archictectural nature.

In addition to Liberace and Siegfried & Roy, other honorees named at press time included respected architect William E. Snyder, Patron Bernice Fischer, and former two-term Nevada Governor Lorraine Hunt-Bono.

Each receipient will be gifted a Sidney Award - which was named after the 1st inductee - Director George Sidney.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mohammed Gadaffi...pitches tent in Martha Stewart's neck-of-woods! Protests @ United Nations disrupt proceedings...

Gadaffi in less bohemian salad & tent days!

As soon as known-terrorist - Mohammed Gadaffi - touched down on these shores the controversies began to rear their ugly head!

For starters, a failed attempt to pitch a tent in Central Park,  forced the defiant rebel to seek refuge beyond the fringe of the inviting NYC cityscape.

Unfortunately, for the tony town of Bedford, the ego-maniac from Libya set his bizarre sights on a country acre or two owned by high-profile financier Donald Trump just short of the outer reaches of the wilderness.

Consequently, night-before-last, Gadaffi's handlers were hoisting a large canvas structure on the rustic estate, with the specific intent of securing shelter from the impending storm.

Not so fast, bozo!

The neighbors in the upscale community - Martha Stewart, for one - must have been screaming bloody-murder.

Because, on the heels of the militant's arrival, city officials were inclined to pay the foreign entourage a visit - and in the process - give 'em a tongue-lashing or two.

On one talk show a fuming resident lamented that Gaddafi and his outlaws didn't play by the rules.

"They trespassed on my property. Cut down trees." he angrily snorted on 360 (CNN).

After further questioning from TV cutie - Anderson Cooper - a spokesperson for the city wisely noted the town of Bedford (and its residents)  had two options they could pursue.

The city was within its legal bounds to file a criminal complaint from the get-go because the builders of the off-beat structure did not abide by applicable rules and regulations set down by the City in recent years.

A permit was not obtained, for instance.

In the alternative, the townsfolk are also legally entitled to file "moving papers" with the Supreme Court, to force an injunction  (and hence)  put an end to Gadaffi's tent-city lunacy.

Meanwhile, Gadaffi continued to make waves early today when he arrived at the United Nations in downtown Manhattan with a gang of thugs in tow.

Protestors interrupted the normally easy-going gathering - and caused  many to speculate in the wee hours of the bid for peace -  it it was going to be tough-going the rest of the unpredictable day.

You betcha!

As luck would have it, Gadaffi was slated to speak second-up on the agenda, on the heels of the President's well-received appearance at the mic a scant few moments earlier.

To prevent any altercations - or unpleasant moments in the event the two crossed paths by accident - there was a lot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering on the part of intense Washington handlers to manipulate the proceedings to their political advantage.

For example, normally the speaker "next up" to the podium is queued-up and at-the-ready to stride forward, to ensure there are no delays or glitches.

On this instant occasion, it was not until after President Obama exited, that Gadaffi was allowed access  to the floor of the United Nations asssembly.

The delay was so obvious - that a handful of politicians wondered aloud if  Gaddafi (last minute) was being physically-prevented from basking in the glow of  his much-anticipated moment in view of the loud protests.

But, eventually, he strode confidently to the platform and commenced with his speech.

Actually, it was more of a rambling rant about the preamble to the United Nations charter, punctuated by a jab or two at a couple of Super Power Nations he accused of hi-jacking prestigious UN Benefits to their own advantage at the exclusion of others.

For the most part, he sounded like a madman.

As to his illegal immigrant status near Martha's vineyard (!), well, I say send in ICE.

In short order, he'll learn a valuable lesson about what happens when 'ya mess with Homeland Security!

Gadaffi roughs it in tony Bedford!

Barack Obama...speech at UN unpresidential? Swipes @ Bush unprecedented...

Bright and early this morning, Barack Obama strode to a podium in New York City to elucidate his thoughts on the world political and social scenes for the first time at the United Nations assembly.

To many, The U.S. President's speech - which tended to split hairs and stress the differences between the George W. Bush regime and that of his own over the past nine months - was unpresidential.

Critics argued that America's dirty laundry should not be aired on the world stage.

In sum, they underscored that it was a speech tailor-made for American voters, not for our allies abroad.

I am in accord.

The President's subtle references to North Korea and Iran (and  the political inferences) also failed to sit right with pundits and politicians alike.


Because the Prez's sly (self-serving) action was unprecedented!

In the final analysis, the occasion allowed the opportunity for President Barack Obama to reach out - be heard, if you will -  near and far.

Did he touch anyone?

News at 11!

Wizard of Oz...screenings tonight around country! Judy Garland classic enchanced...

During the depression, the "Wizard of Oz" was the "great escape" for theatre-goers in search of a magic place to hide "away above the chimney tops"  where troubles were inclined to melt "like lemon drops".

In the Warner Brothers fantasy feature - "Wizard of Oz" - they found that refuge.

In fact,  ticket-holders were totally captivated by the pretty young songbird - Judy Garland - and her spell-binding portrayal of a Kansas farm girl who gets swept up in a wild tornado - and ultimately - makes an awkward crash-landing  into a never-never-land poulated by talking scarecrows, wicked witches, and elusive wizards with ominous powers.

Now, seventy years later, the "Wizard of Oz" returns to theatres!

Tonight (September 23) Warner Brothers unveils an updated (and itechnologically-mproved) print to heralld the upcoming Blu-ray Hi-Def version due out in the near future.

According to insiders, the new "OZ" has been digitally sharpened and brightened - so much so, in fact - that  textures and details invisible in past prints scream out in all their former glory.

Tickets and details:  http://www.fathomevents.com/

For many, the much-anticipated screenings, will afford film buffs their first whirl at screening the celebrated classic since its first National release (1955).

Ray Bolger and Judy Garland star!

Click 3 times!

Britney Spears...circus hits Vegas! Concerts September 26th thru 27th @ Mandalay Bay...

Circus bimbo babe returns to Big top!

Britney Spears and the final act of her Circus Tour splash down at Mandalay Bay this weekend much to the delight of die-hard fans!

Many are viewing the concert dates as a "comeback tour" for the once-troubled pop icon.

According to the Sun (London/U.K.):

"It is an all action, eye-melting pop spectacle which even leaves the crowd out of breath."

MTV.com - a tad critical (and stingy with rave reviews) on occasion - noted that Britney's "Circus" extravaganza was not only a sightr to behold, but the biggest show under one roof.

As for Pop Teen's  fashion get-up?


Notwithstanding, I expect the lusty lass will play to sold-out houses.

See 'ya there!

Mandalay Bay & it's healing garden setting!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Steve Wynn...Encore owner stingy with cocktails! Big bucks go to dog & ex-wife & heck with customers...

Last night I sauntered into "Encore" on the Vegas strip after capturing a few picturesque video clips of  the Gondoliers on the canals at the Venetian  (check out my YouTube site for exclusive videos).


A short gambling streak later, a handful of us slot-players thought we would just die of thirst!

Without a waitress in sight, and suffering from a nasty bout of parched mouth, we were scheming to call out to a bootlegger for some demon rum since the house was obviously dry.

A gander around the room signalled the obvious.

Old money bags, Steve Wynn, was obviously keen on holding onto his loot!

Or, too budget-minded  (mean) to employ another server to lend a hand to the two over-worked bimbo babes who were struggling to keep up with frenzied requests on the Casino floor.

Just maybe, the multi-milliionaire is a cheap-skate when it comes to "watering-down" his paying guests.

Curious, that!

I just read in the morning newspaper (in "Norm's" column, if  I am not mistaken)  that Wynn has his much-coddled puppies chauffeured around in a pricey limousine (worth half-a-million bucks).

Looks like all the moolah he's raking in at the Hotel & Casino (off  the backs of gamblers like toi & moi)  is being  pressed into the sweaty palms  of  handlers for dog upkeep and canine pampering.

Maybe it's time we cut up our blood red Player's cards and slouched off  to an establishment that appreciates our biz, eh?

Maybe then, the liquor will flow freely!

I got to thinking today, though, that there is a solution to the problem.

Since Steve  loves doggies so much, maybe he should spring for a couple of  St. Bernards - and likewise - strag a keg of beer or two around their furry necks.


Whenever a patron cries out for a drinkie-pooh for medicinal purposes, at least, the winsome Wynn just has to send in the dogs (and a clown or two from his management team) to facilitate a life-saving chug-a-lug or two.

As I headed out the much-foliaged front doors, I couldn't help but also notice that Wynn is making a killin' elsewhere on the prmieses, too.

Golly, the letch with a penchant for bimbo babes,  is also charging guests ten smackeroos ($10.00) to take a gander at parked Ferraris on the lobby floor in a fancy-schmanzy showroom a hop-and-a-skip away from the Casino floor.

I guess I'm jaded  'cause I would'nt  be caught dead forking over one thin dime for the privilege.

I ain't no wide-eyed kid,  with his nose pressed up against the glass of the candy-store window, after all.

Ferrari's are a dime-a-dozen in Beverly Hills, Steve-o!

Bottom line?

You're not really part of the tony elite in BH or Bel Air 'til a Ferrari hangs a sharp turn on squealing wheels and annoints your leg with a spray of run-off designer water the locals use to perpetrate the green on their well-manicured front lawns.

By the way, I couldn't help but notice that at - "Blush" (the Nightclub boutique) - a crush of of young trendies began to queue along a bank of the spanking-new slots as the withcing hour approached.

Just beyond that permieter, natch, Wynn's security gooks in goon suits, were eyeing up a handful of dubious characters to shadow as the bustling eve wore on.

Judging from the smug looks on their mugs, I expect the whole posse of 'em thought they were being remarkably discreet.

On the contrary, they exhibited all the subtlety of a herd of pink elephants in heat!

Losers, one and all.

Ironic, in a gambling hall, don't 'ya think?

Mayweather vs. Marquez...big fight! Odds on favorite...

Marquez punches are right on the money!

Tonight, two fight greats, take each other on.

In one corner, Juan Manguel Marquez (Mexico)  chomps at the bit after 37 knock-outs in the ring.

In the other, Floyd Mayweather, Jr., growls confidently ready to stake his claim to his 7th undefeated fight.

To some critics, Marquez has the edge; after all, his opponent has not been in the ring for over twenty-one months.

Even still, quite a few seasoned ring-siders are inclined to plunk down their bets Mayweather's way.

Their reasoning is that because Marquez is packing a heavier load (a few pounds) his speed may have lost its edge (which may be his downfall).

Marquez laughs off the suggestion.

"I'm stronger. And, just as fast," he boasted to a sports reporter a few days ago.

Win or lose, he trots away (limps, some say) with 4 million bucks in his punchy little hand.

Not bad for a night's work, eh?

Both boxers are a curious breed.

Both thrill to the night life, apparently, and like to get down 'n dirty.

Marquez, for example, celebrated Mexican Independence Day at  Hooters!

The bimbo babes are crying out:

"Don't mess up his face."

Meanwhile, Mayweather is so hot to trot at the trendy stripper watering holes, that he has actually considered opening up his own prestigious "pussy" club for discerning men only!

Spearmint Rhino gets the nod for best striptease on the strip (well, just off the beaten track, a tad).

But, Sapphire is pretty hot too, according to the man with the golden fist, fancy footwork, and taste for classy tits & ass.

But, right now, the champ is focused on the task at hand, remaining the undefeated champ.

As for Marquez, well, he's a local hero in Mexico right now.

A victory tonight may be cause for a national holiday in his name south of the border, for raising up the image of  the Mexican Latino in the sport of champions.

May the best fighter win!

Big fist for pummeling!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cher...dinner & show @ Caesars Palace in Vegas! Sweet Deal kicks off September 19th

The unsinkable, non-stoppable, songbird - Cher - returns to the Colosseum (Caesars Palace) tomorrow night after a brief hiatus from the stage.

For a limited time only, ticket-holders can snap up tickets for a special discounted price which includes dinner.

Expect all the old hits ( such as "I got your Babe") to send toes tapping, hearts racing, and headlong down memory lane.

Undoubtedly, a few of the more recent chart-stoppers (Believe), will wow the audiences and die-hard fans, too.

The publicity still for the live! stage performances underscore just how "timeless" (and firmly entrenched in the hearts and minds of the American people) her persona and beauty have become!

Undoubtedly, there will be a number of dazzling costume changes for the Pop chanteuse - and a dizzying array of fabulous hairpieces to match up with 'em - sure to make any drag Queen envious!

I remember the early days when Cher and Sonny starred on their CBS Variety show.

At the top of the show, Cher usually sashayed out; then, a gasp would erupt from the rapt audience - followed by uproarious applause - at the sight of Mrs."B" in the latest outrageous Bob Mackie designer gown.

At this juncture, Cher would maneuver a little turn and joyously scream,

"Let's hear it for the dress!"

In fact, in those heady days when censorship was a tad tighter on the airwaves, each week there was a big brouhaha over racy outfits that often caused a multitude of migraines for the CBS execs. Indeed, on occasion, a dress appeared to be nothing more than a skimpy band-aid pasted on here and there about her tanned slender body.

Throughout the opening number, Cher was inclined to flip her long silky strands to one side, as she ceremoniously licked her lips.

Yes, the perceptible personality quirks stuck, and were great fodder for impersonators to take a poke at ever after.

Once the top brass at CBS got a gander at "The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour" on its debut in August of 1971 as a five-week summer replacement series, their collective gut instinct was that this was the hot ticket the network was searching for.

So, when "Sonny and Cher" skyrocketed to dizzying heights within weeks on the old boob tube, a pact was signed to return in December to replace "Chicago Teddy Bears" - on Friday nights.

By 1973, the slot became a consistent top-ten winner - due to the fact it was a high-caliber show which featured talented popular regulars such as - Terri Garr, Freeman King, Peter Cullen, The Unknown Comic, Ted Zeigler, and Chastity Bono (the couple's tot).

By 1973, however, the tabloids were rife with stories of wild scream fests, missed gigs (including one subbed by Johnny Carson) and reports of Cher trying with a black eye. When the show finished eighth in the 73-74 season, Sonny filed for divorce - and on the heels of the decree - the final episode of the 'Sonny & Cher' was taped.

In the aftermath, CBS signed Cher to star in her own variety series.

Not to be outdone by his ex, Sonny proceeded to sign a deal with ABC for his own shot on the airwaves backed by the same producers, writing staff, and regular players from the previous weekly variety show.

In a jab at Cher, Sonny joked,

"We'll have all the same players," then clucked, "We'll be missing one, actually".

Sonny’s shot at the big-time was a dismal failure, mostly due to the fact Cher - the cog that kept the wheels spinning - was out of the picture and unable to bolster his morale and the ratings. In sum, the writing was uneven and the guest stars were run-of-the-mill. In short order, Sonny's solo stretch limped into the sunset.

In contrast, the Cher show debuted on Sunday February 16, 1975 with popular guest-stars (and close buds)Elton John, Bette Midler and Flip Wilson.

"I'm scared to death,” Cher said at the time about her own humble offering.

"I'm so afraid of that first walk-out. Here I am alone, naked to the world (huh?). What do you think world? Do you forgive me?"

The series was produced by a long-time writer for "Laugh-In" - George Schlatter - and always started with Cher draped in a dark cape crooning inaudibly at a lone piano in a lackluster start-up.

Then, without warning, Cher suddenly threw off  the veil - and as the music thumped up tempo - the little whirlwind proceeded to strut onto the front of the stage revealing her latest navel-exposing Mackie gem.

The first-nighter was thrilling, but the show quickly slumped in the weeks that followed as the shtick failed to stick. At this juncture, Cher opted to go back to "square one” and team up with Sonny for a follow-up show.

But new problems surfaced in her life.

A quickie marriage to Greg Allman turned into a nightmarish fiasco.

What was the lady to do, with a bundle of joy on the way?

In view of the unusual events unfolding, the CBS censors were inclined to look closer at the new spot which was now slotted into the "family hour". With that foremost in their mind, the network complained to the star that her clothes and image were not appropriate for a recent divorcee.

"Suddenly I should start coming off like Julie Andrews?" Cher asked incredulously.

Over the next few weeks, the show's ratings fell steadily, as did the quality of the writing.

"Sonny and Cher" hovered near the bottom of the ratings for most of the second year before limping off the air without so much as a bang. In fact, Sonny and Cher were now a total write-off to the Network, and canceled for good after hosting four different variety series between them in just six years.


But, Cher hung in there!

One night I was at the Backlot in West Hollywood a number of years ago when she arrived with Elton John in tow. The idea is laughable now, but back then, the gossip-mongers wagged their tongues about a potential sizzlin' hot affair between the dynamic pop twosome. Well, maybe the clothes-horses talked about frocks and wigs into the wee hours of dawn.

Not much else was goin' down, I betcha.

Like the energizer rabbit, Cher has gone on and on and on.

There have been so many "final curtains under her belt", I can't count!

Her return to the Colosseum on Saturday should be a hoot.

Bob Mackie designed all her outfits, so that's worth the price of admission, 'fer sure!
Prior to the start-up of  her last gig at Caesar's a few months ago, it was revealed that Cher had a novelty "john" installed in her high-end dressing room.

Imagine that, a potty that actually opens its lid automatically and blows up a waft of fresh air into the nether - um - regions.

I've heard of bl**-jobs, but this is taking it to the max, don't 'ya think?

Did you know that Cher used to practice signing her signature for hours on end when she was a pimply-faced teenager because she knew she would be famous one day.
Amazing confidence, when you consider her humble beginnings.

Born in El Centro in California in 1946, Cher was a sad fatherless child. And, her mother was an eight-times-married failed show-biz performer who struggled by on occasional singing gigs and brief movie roles.

According to biographers, Cher delightfully watched her mother’s nervy career pursuits from the sidelines and pined to be in the spotlight, as well.

For personal reasons, the starry-eyed youth ended up dropping out to take acting lessons in Tinsel town.

She stumbled along her new path without a lot of to-do until she met an intriguing man - Sonny - who would change her life at the age of seventeen.

The moment was a turning point for the shy teen.

Cher met her future husband at Aldo's Coffee Shop, the place where celebrities used to hang out. Since Cher was basically a nobody with fantasies about pop stardom - Sonny, a bit of a celebrity at the time - swept her off her feet.

In fact, shortly after their first encounter, Cher became attached to the homely - but engaging character - and moved in with him. In those early days, they both swore up-and-down that their relationship was platonic. In spite of the fact they shared an apartment, Cher alleged they slept in separate beds. (!)

Cher's mother tried to separate them, but to no avail.

Curiously, one day out-of-the-blue, they did an about-face and professed their love for each other!

In spite of their long drawn-out break-up years later, Cher noted in one biography - "The First Time" - that Bono was the ultimate love of her life and that the two remained amicable despite their personal differences and subsequent hardships.

Cher confessed in one intimate moment,

"What you saw on TV with Sonny and Cher was a good representation of our personal life, always laughing and having fun".

Perhaps the solid footing between the two is the reason why Sonny and Cher hit gold with their single - "I've got you Babe" - when it first hit the charts.

For some inexplicable reason, the song - and the curious couple - resonated in the hearts of teenagers and parents alike, around the nation in those innocent days.

"The Beat goes on" and "Baby Don't Go" followed, boosting their image in the industry somewhat, too.

Sonny's off-beat attire and Cher's far-out fashion schematics - featuring festive blousy pants that hugged the hip, skimpy tops, shaggy hair and fur vests - appealed greatly to the hipsters and fans who wanted to emulate them.

Life turned in a different direction after their daughter Chastity was born in 1969, though.

The intense spotlight caused problems; consequently, the home life of the winsome threesome became hectic and unstable.

On stage Cher was calm, but she noted to the press that - "backstage was turbulent" - and that she felt trapped.

Cher stated in her biography,

"The only way I could continue life happily was to split with Sonny and bring our show to a premature end." She continued, "This devastated our fans, as well as CBS executives, but it had to be done, I was simply, unhappy with my life."

In the end, stardom pulled Cher's marriage down; but, the media attention on Cher propelled her into the super stratosphere as she dated new beaus. Usually, quite young!

The brief marriage to Allman ended up in divorce due to the musician's addictions to booze and heroin.

When that sad scenario ended, it appeared that at 33 - the unemployed single mother was all washed-up - career-wise.

But then, as if by a miracle, Cher was cast in a movie called 'Silkwood', opposite film great Meryl Streep.

Cher recalls poignantly,

"I will never forget the time Silkwood premiered in New York. As soon as my name was mentioned, the audience laughed. I felt bad, but you can't argue with these things, it's just a natural organic response from the audience."

However, Cher had the last laugh when she was nominated for an Oscar!

In fact, by 1987, Cher was in such demand that she found herself in three important feature films at once, "The Witches of Eastwick", "Suspect" and "Moonstruck".

At 41, after twenty-five years in show biz, Cher was on top again.

To her surprise, she sauntered back into the music arena in a stupendous way with a surprise hit - "If I could turn back time" - in which she flaunted her sexy appeal - in an enticing risqué outfit as she wantonly pranced around on a ship full of young soldiers.

The result?

She garnered a big buzz in headlines around the globe, once again.

In the nineties, Cher re-invented her music persona, in fact.

But, as she was riding the crest of a wave of success, tragic news struck.

Sonny was killed in a skiing accident.

"I was in London in January 1998 when I heard the dreaded news. Chastity rang me and brought the news of Sonny's death. I dropped everything and fled to Heathrow Airport and the media watched my every move. Even though we'd been apart for 24 years I couldn't ignore the fact I spent a quarter of my life with this guy."

Full of remorse during her reconciliatory eulogy at his funeral, Cher praised the man who had been father, partner, friend, and foe - displaying a side of herself the world had never seen. Though hurt by endless criticism that her appearance at the funeral was an attention-seeking devise (they didn’t look like crocodile tears to me) Cher continued to mourn openly and pay tribute to Bono in a sentimental CBS documentary.

By March 1999 - looking as glamorous as ever - Cher was ruling the Top 40 charts and holding the number one spot four consecutive weeks with her new title song, "Believe".

How to define Cher?

Well - she's a survivor - first and foremost. Then, a pop singer, TV Star, Academy Award-Winning Actress, Disco Diva, home decorator, fleeting expletive tosser at Awards Shows, and a fashion icon.

Although Cher's been written off countless times in the past, she just springs back and conquers anew each year, each decade.

For an original ugly duckling, you've come a long way, Babe!

Now, for more glorious moments in the sun in Las Vegas.

See 'ya there!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wayne Newton...return resident engagement in Vegas! Fans overjoyed...

Happier Days @ the Flamingo!

The scuttlebutt around the strip at the crack of dawn?

Wayne Newton has agreed to sign on as a resident "long-term" stage performer at the Tropicana Hotel.

According to the rumors, along with a spanking-new contract, there will be a Wayne Newton "make-over" in the wings, too.

Gosh, I recall the days when Wayne appeared all fresh-faced (and innocent) on the Ed Sullivan show - softly blushing and gloriously belting out - Danke Schoen - with precise distinctive phrasing.

So, what's next?

Expect a "theatrical extravaganza", according to his handlers and insiders at the glitzy Tropicana.

Critics like Mike Weatherford, at the Las Vegas Review Journal, read beteen the notes and hazard a guess that this is a sure sign that Mr. Newton's pipes have bitten the proverbial dust.

Do rust & diamonds sell?

Inquiring minds want to know.

News at 11!

A really big shoo!

Falun Gong...Art Exhibit (Truthfulness/Compassion/Tolerance) @ Clark County Library District...

Well, if there there was a need for truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, it was over the past week when misunderstandings clouded (and complicated) issues, the tempers of Americans raged, and - quite frankly - man's inhumanity to man soared to new levels around the country in a host of forums.

Today, I stumbled across an Art exhibit at the Clark County Library (@ Flamingo & Maryland Parkway) which was creatively (and spiritually) inspired by the ancient traditional Chinese mind/body practice that seeks to cultivate one's heart and mind through study of universal practices based on Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.

The two-dozen or so paintings on display are not only beautifully executed, but have a calming effect when contemplated quiety in a meditative state.

In some cases, a handful of the canvasses trigger deeper emotions, because they focus on violent images of soldiers in China, punishing those who practice the tradition long-rooted in the Chinese culture.

According to a pamphlet handed out at the gallery, Falun Gong is not in accord with the communist ideology.

For this reason, the Chinese government has been arresting practioners in a concerted effort to curb the spiritual practice - with the ultimate aim - of snuffing out the spiritual practice.

In the process, many have been beaten, tortured, even killed.

According to informed sources, 2,300 have died from torture, 200,000 have been sent to Labor camps without trial, and 1,000 have been abused in Mental hospitals.

"We are calling on the Chinese Government to stop mass arrests, arbitrary detentions, torture, unfair trails, and other human rights violations resulting from its official campaign against Falun Gong."

Amnesty International

How You can Help

*Call on your Congresspeson to take action
*Appeal to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate
*Write President  Barack Obama


Las Vegas...Omelet House a dining disaster (Plaza Hotel)! Cold tasteless food! Incompetent Staff! Bad service!

There wasn't any cream for the coffee, the waiter was a dishevelled loser, and the food was stone cold and tasteless.


Instead of sauntering into the Omelet House at the Plaza Hotel, I should have strolled over to McDonald's for a tasty sausage biscuit and a mouth-watering McCafe Moca java.

Or, in the alternative, at least high-tailed it over to ever-popular Dunkin' Doughnuts.

Maybe then - as Jagger would say - I would have gotten some satisfaction (digestive at least)

I obviously fell prey to the ubiquitous signs plastered all over the Freemont Strip in Las Vegas which touted the breakfast offerings at the Omelet House (Plaza Hotel) as something "extra-special".

The truth of the matter?

Breakfast at the off-kilter screwball "Omelet House" was a total wash-out (a cuisine diaster).

From the get-go,  it was obvious things were amiss when I first sashayed into the foyer of the eatery (at the Plaza Hotel) which appeared to be frequented mostly by tourists (or the occasional gambler) in town for a day or two without any ties to the local community.

For starters, there was a haphazard line that snaked halfway out the door, that didn't appear to be getting any shorter in spite of the long wait.

Talk about a lack of organization!

After waiting for about five minutes, a waitress with all the personality of a cold fish, approached me with a menu in hand.

After giving me a sidewise glance, the little Asian spitfire motioned for me to follow her to a table, where she sniffed that a waiter would be with me shortly.

Fat chance!

I should have bet on those odds, eh?

About five or six minutes later a befuddled-looking male waiter dashed up slightly out-of-breath to determine if  I was interested in a cup of coffee or tea.

After nodding in the affirmative, I opened up the menu and perused it for a moment or two.

When the dough-boy returned with the java, I noticed there wasn't any cream in hand, in spite of the fact the staff neglected to stock each two-seater table in advance of the morning rush.

In response to my request for some "moo" juice, he promised to return with it in a flash.

When a few minutes passed, and he was a no-show, I got up from my seat and strode over to the counter (near the kitchen) and asked a couple of the waitresses if they could oblige me.

They stared at me dumbfounded for a second, then proceeded to ignore me!

A male waiter from another busy section of the restaurant gazing on piped up.

"Creamers are on the table."

"Not on mine," I responded without batting-an-eye.

My original waiter returned, overheard the conversation, and promised to deliver up the coveted cream.

A few minutes later, he stormed into the room with a cardboard box, he was busy trying to pry the top off of.

When he managed to flip open one flap, a dozen or so creamers flew out of the box every which way, but none my direction (go figure!).

He scooped up a couple, dropped them on my table, then asked if he could take my order for breakfast.

As this juncture, I thought it wise to order something simple (and easy) to prepare.

Scrambled eggs, wheat toast, and bacon should be a snap to rustle up, eh?

After I placed the order, I began to busy myself with a bit of paperwork that I needed to catch up on.

When the food did not arrive in about ten minutes, though, I got a bit antsy.

How long does it take to scramble an egg or butter two slices of toast?

When I peered around the room, I couldn't help but notice that a few tourists - who obviously did not speak English - were facilitating hand gestures (!)  to get the attention of the on-duty staff.

At this point, a couple of frustrated patrons actually pointed to photographs on the menu to underscore the breakfast orders they were waiting on, but to no avail.

The waiter or waitress - whichever the case might be - would simply nod in the affirmative and dash off exasperated.

I finally motioned to my own waiter - when I caught sight of him - to come over to my table.

From across the room he hollered:

"Yes. One oment, Sir."

True to his word, he did stride over alright, with my bill in his hand!

"I haven't been served my breakfast," I lamented in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

"You haven't?"  he asked increduously.

So, he turned on his worn-down heels, and hurried off to ask the Chef to conjure up something fast, I expect.

When he returned a few minutes later, and slapped the plate down on the table, I quickly sampled a few morsels right away.

Stone cold!

How long had this food been sitting in the kitchen?

It certainly wasn't cooked "fresh" within the past few moments (not even tossed in a microwave!).

I stood, informed the waiter the food was cold, and stormed out.


My stomach growled!

I was so upset, I could have wrung that waiter's neck for spoiling my morning, for starters.

Then, I recalled a memorable quote from George Kaufman.

"Epitaph for a dead waiter - God finally caught his eye.”


He'll get his just desserts one fine day.


Kid Cudi...Official Record Release Party @ Tao in Vegas! September 19th...

On Saturday, Kid Cudi will launch an official release party at TAO in Las Vegas for his new record:

"Man on the Moon: The End of Day"

Kid Cudi has surged ahead in recent months - and, some say - roared right past one of his main contemporaries (and  mentor) Kanye West.

Yes, Kanye's persona is in the dumper this week (could it have been the fault of Satan?), but the reason for the quick musical turn-about for Kudi is obviously due to the artist's awesome creative output.

Actually, Kid Cudi was featured on Kanye West's 2008 album.

The multi-talented charismatic Kid sang alongside West on the track "Welcome to Heartbreak", for instance.

Kanye &udi also shared songwriting credits for the two scintillating singles"Heartless" & "Paranoid".

"Welcome to Heartbreak" hit the Pop 100 charts at No. 87 faster than a bullet!

Cudi's first television appearance was at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards.

There have been well-documented appearances on Snoop Dogg's MTV talk show, Spring Break specials, and the night-time talk-show hit - "Last Call" - hosted by Carson Daily.

Maximum exposure?

You bet!

Catch him at TAO on the 19th before he streaks into the musical stratosphere out-of-reach!