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Friday, February 13, 2009

Bill Clinton...wishy-washy & lacks integrity! Former Prez ignores Prop 8 protests slated for San Diego

Another testy moment for slick Willy!

In spite of the fact Bill Clinton has stated for the record that he opposes Proposition 8, the former President has refused to cancel a speaking engagement ($$$) at a San Diego Hotel on Sunday - owned and operated by businessman David Manchester - who contributed $125,000.00 in support of the anti-gay marriage initiative in California.

Opponents to Proposition 8 have been boycotting the Hotel - in a vocal strident action - which has allegedly resulted in a revenue loss of over $2 million to the smug Hotelier.

Although reputable organizations such as the American Association of Law Schools, the California Nurses Association, and the International Foundation of Employee Benefits have honored the boycott in the recent past by foregoing on following through on events booked at the Manchester, the California State Bar - who have invited slick Willy to elucidate his thoughts on the holiday weekend - won't budge.

A Clinton lackey informed Associated Press that while Clinton's views have not changed on the issue, he intends to honor his commitment to speak.

Of course, this is from the man who has always been wishy-washy to begin with.

Slick Willy was the ingenuous dude who admitted to smoking marijuana - but, not before asserting first - that he did not "inhale".

The former PREZ with the active libido also conjured up a curious slogan for the military when the issue of Homosexuality reared its ugly - um - head.

"Don't ask. Don't tell."

I guess the Lewinski affair inspired that one - at least from Hillary's point of view - I'd speculate.

And, if I am not mistaken, the flim-flam man also also had the audacity to stoop quite low and split hairs when it came time to fess up about his infidelities.

"It depends on what "is" is," he conjectured, with an awkward "caught with his di** in the wringer" sort-of expression on his naughty little school-boy face!

If Mr. Clinton took a defiant stand, instead of sitting on the picket fence once again, he might effect some positive change instead of the same old tripe.

In fact, I just betcha that if Clinton backed out of the commitment this late in the game, while the spotlight is so intense on the issues, his sponsors just might re-think their stance on Proposition 8, don't 'ya think?

But, since the man has no integrity?

Won't happen.

He'll just slink away with his di** hanging limply between his legs, as usual.

"You don't have any ba**s either, Bill."

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