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Saturday, February 28, 2009


The customer is not always right
But, it's good business practice to let him or her think she is!

Julian Ayrs
The Daily Planet
Collection of Poems

George Stephanopoulous...to lecture @ Aretmus W. Ham Concert Hall. Las Vegas March 3rd...

George Stephanopoulos, a Correspondent on the Washington D.C. political scene, is slated to give a lecture at Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall at the Nevada University on March 3rd (2009).

The talk - which commences at 7:30 p. m. - will focus on the following topic:

"Today's News and Future Predictions"

The public is invited to the free talk which is part of an annual lecture series.

Admission is by ticket only (obtained at the UNLV Performing Arts Center Box Office only) on a first-come first-serve basis.

So, scramble over to UNLV and snatch one up quick as a wink, since the event will undoubtedly be an entertaining foray into the world of politics on Capital Hill, among other things.

Info: 895-ARTS (2787)

The event is sponsored by the Edward Barrick Endowment Fund which was established at UNLV in 1980 and makes possible the Lecture Series and the Barrick Graduate Fellowships, Barrick Faculty Development and Travel Fund, and the Barrick Research Scholars Fund.

CVS...hats & sunglasses off! Are they kidding?

Management at CVS (at a Las Vegas outlet) must have a few screws loose if they expect consumers to abide by one of their new house rules.

Imagine that, when I strolled up to the automatic door at the front entrance, I spied a sign haphazardly tacked up with a bit of scotch tape, requesting that customers remove their hats and sunglasses before entering the store for security reasons.

What a bizarre notion!

If you're like me, when I don a cap and pull it down squarely over my face, it usually means I'm having a bad-hair day.

Until each luscious strand has been properly washed and shampooed and painstakingly coiffed - no matter what CVS says - my "do" is not going to be unveiled in the harsh light of day.

To avoid close scrutiny, women often hide their plain-Jane faces under a stylish swirl of hats and sunglasses, when they alight outside into the cold cruel world sans make-up to carry out mundane chores throughout the day.

Does CVS honestly think that a customer (in particular a high-profile celebrity hotly-pursued by the breathless paparazzi) will kow-tow to their ludicrous demands if a low-quality security camera is going to snap away in their already-pasty face?

Over our split-ends and dehydrated skin!

Prop 8...Californians Against Hate make headway in Utah with Mormons. Boycott with Garff Automotive ends...

A few weeks ago, Ken Karger and Californians Against Hate (a group Karger founded) called for a boycott of Ken Garff Automotive Group at a Salt Lake City news conference, based on a $100,000.00 donation the family matriarch - Katharine Garff - proffered in support of Proposition 8 (ban on gay marriage).

In a follow-up to that meeting - Mr. Karger contacted me on Friday to inform me that the boycott has been terminated - because of the remarkable headway that has been made with the CEO of the Automotive Group, John Garff.

"A reporter there asked me if I would be willing to meet with John Garff. A few hours later, I was in his office. We had a wide-ranging and very productive two-hour meeting," the gay activist noted in his communication to me.

In addition to that "healing" moment, Karger was elated to report that Garff and his father (Robert Garff) later met with National LGBT community leader, Bruce Bastian, as well.

Bastian is also a Utah philanthropist.

The purpose of the second meeting, according to Karger, was to share perspectives and to discuss a variety of issues in an effort to find mutual respect and understanding over the Proposition 8 issue.

Behind closed doors an actual agreement was made that satisfied Bastian.

Although terms of an actual agreement were not released, sources noted to me that Garff officials have agreed to adopt a nondiscrimination policy for gay, lesbian and transgender employees.

Mr. Karger was so pleased with the meeting of hearts & minds that occurred on that momentous occasion that he elected to immediately end the boycott against the Automotive Group immediately.

"Last Friday, I met with Robert and John Garff. I believe that both Robert and John left the meeting with a better understanding of my work, the LGBT community, and the emotional significance of the passing of Proposition 8 to our community. I believe the Garff family now fully understands how sensitive and important this issue is to our community and to their friends and neighbors."

Meanwhile, the Garff's were anxious to express their feelings on the issues on record, as well.

"In response to the Ken Garff Automotive Group boycott that was called for by Californians Against Hate, I met with Fred Karger, its founder. My father, Robert, and I subsequently met with Bruce Bastian, a national LGBT philanthropist with local ties to Utah. I believe we all came away from those meetings with a greater level of mutual respect and understanding."

Karger concluded his heartfelt message to me by noting that as Utah progresses towards an era of equality for all families, he is extremely grateful to the Garff family for listening to the community in which they reside and do business in.

"I look forward to working together towards a better future for all."

Now, If the rest of those much-married Mormons in Utah would hop on board - maybe the rest of the community that is inclined toward getting hitched with one special person - would also have a shot at marital bliss!

Big Lebowski...podcast up-and-running! The dude twitters...

For the past year, I have been reporting on the frenzied phenomenon of the Coen Brother cult classic, the Big Lebowski.

In fact, a post I penned on a wild midnight screening I attended at the Insomniac Cinema - at the Regency in West Hollywood - has been one of the highest ranked at the blog site.

Post: 11/05/07


Fans just can't seem to gobble up enough juicy tidbits about the dude and his off-beat motley crew!

But, now there is a plethora of things lebowski at the Dude's web site, sure to satiate any die-hard fan!

Just a few weeks ago, for instance, two of the webmasters who actually maintain the "Dude's" homepage (Jeff Bridges) got in touch and informed me a Lebowski podcast was in the works.


Time to light up a doobie and celebrate, eh?

Especially now that a sweet-smelling updated "Lebowski" news flash just floated into my mailbox!

The Big Lebowski podcast site is up-and-running!

And, guess what?

The dudes are also following my own posts (& what have you) on the Lebowski "goings-on".

Yeah, the dude twitters!

Who knows, maybe I'll just take up bowling, and try to beat Jesus at his own game!

Lebowski podcast site:


Friday, February 27, 2009

Dirty Dancing...dance lessons & a free screening of Patrick Swayze film at Grove! Feb. 28th

If you're pining to be a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars" - and want to learn how get down 'n dirty on the dance floor - here's your chance!

The Grove is sponsoring a celebration of "Dirty Dancing" on February 28th.

The adventurous just have to show up at 5:30 @ the Grove and be ready to participate in a dance workshop where they'll learn energy-boosting steps inspired by the show.

Enthusiasts will also have a shot at a handful of prizes and free tickets to the upcoming musical - Dirty Dancing - which has been adapted from the wide-screen version which starred heart-throb Patrick Swazye.

Later, at 7:30 pm, there will be a free screening of the romantic feature under the stars in the park at the Grove.

You'll have the time of your life.

See 'ya there!

NASCAR...roars into Las Vegas this weekend! Signature ops with Al Unser Jr. & Tony Stewart...

King of Speed

Race car enthusiasts are flocking into the Las Vegas area and cruising on out to the Speedway for an exciting weekend at the annual Nascar event.

For those fans who are inclined to collect a signature or two from their favorite drivers, there are a couple of opportunities to land a coveted John Henry from two top-notch race pros who will be on hand tomorrow in Sin City for a sort-of meet and greet.

Al Unser Jr. - Two-Time Indy 500 Winner and Two-Time CART-Indy Car Champion - will be at the Red Rock Casino Race & Sports Book between 5 pm - 7 pm tomorrow.
(Feb. 28th)

The King of Speed - Tony Stewart - will be mingling with fans at the Sportsbook Bar & Grill at the Palazzo at 5 pm. (Feb. 28th)

You'll have to tear up the pavement a bit, though, to nab a coveted signature from Stewart.

Only the first 325 guests to arrive at the Sportsbook at 3 pm will get a wristband that guarantees an official Tony Stewart autograph.

See 'ya there!

Al Unser Jr.


Wayne Newton...rare appearance in Vegas! Feb. 28th - March 4th...

When the name Wayne Newton falls upon my ears, an image of the pop crooner springs to mind, from the lazy days of my innocent youth.

If I am not mistaken, the shy entertainer came to International prominence when he first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, and warbled his pop hit "Danke Schoen".

In those heady days, he was a bit-of-a girlish-looking hunk of a boy, who captivated middle America with his wholesome looks and aw-shucks persona.

Over time, Newton's image transformed dramatically, however.

A slicked-back greasy "do", pencil-thin moustache, flashy jewellery, and expensive designer suits, appeared to relegate him into the ranks of a minor underworld mob boss in Sin City.

A sprawling ranch, and a couple of prize horses out to stud, elevated the aging pop star to a lofty status, difficult for his contemporaries to match.

On Saturday, February 28th, Wayne Newton will step into the glare of the spotlight once again, when he rings up the curtain on a 5-day stint at the Hollywood Theatre at MGM in Las Vegas.

A host of celebs will probably be in tow to catch the legendary singer's opening night.

But, just betcha, there will be quite a few blue-haired ladies swooning in the audience, too, flashing back (and having hot flashes) to halcyon glory days when Newton was a pop heart-throb to reckon with.

*Did I fool 'ya?
Photo of Newton at top of page is actually that of an Impersonator!


Barack Obama...gay? Confidential e-mail says...

This past week, I penned a post on a speech Governor Jindal telecast to the American people - in which I hinted - that the Republican may be a closet-case (a member of the Velvet Mafia on Capital Hill, perhaps?) .


On the heels of that feature, a private e-mail alighted in my mailbox from a gentleman identifying himself as Mike Trevino.

What a revelation!

After noting for the record he couldn't comment on Jindal's sexuality, Trevino was inclined to assert that our newly-installed PREZ may be a "Queen"!

Here's what Mr. Trevino had to say verbatim:

"I found your blog's URL on Ancient Star-Song, decided to check it out, and found your paragraphs on Jindal. I don't know much about the man and I didn't watch more than a few minutes of his speech, so I can't say if I agree with you or not about the man's sexual preference."

"But do you really think that Obama isn't a queen? Have you not read the information online about his deep, dark homo secrets?"

"Do you know how to use Google? Check it out, dude."

"Obama is the swish you want to talk about!"


Well, I'd better - um - google that man right away!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Access Hollywood..slams Octa-Mom coverage! Kudos...

Access Hollywood

The other evening I was settling in for some post-Oscar red carpet coverage on - The Insider - when a swirl of exquisite couture fashions was rudely interrupted with a promo for an upcoming interview with the deranged mother of the octuplets.

How rude!

In recent days, there has been so much excessive coverage dominating the airwaves.

Did the bombastic baby plopper plot to hatch the eight eggs?

Was moolah the money-grubbing wackos motive?

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Then, the news flash cut to a highly-emotionally-charged on-camera cat fight with her estranged mother.

In a sizzling segment (!) at another network entertainment-format show, a probing interviewer barraged the gainfully-employed baby-maker with tasteless questions about plastic surgery, an obvious obsession (and desperate psychological need) to be in the spotlight at any ugly cost.

I scrambled for the remote and blasted her off the TV screen.

Have people gone mad?

Why are they fanning the flames of this bizarre tale right out of the Twilight Zone?

Last night at the tail end of Access Hollywood, Billy Bush - one of the entertainment hosts on that popular night-time show - informed the viewing audience that Access Hollywood would not be party to the Octa-Mom controversy which they categorized as "gross".

"If there is a reality show produced, or other legitimate news in the near future, we'll inform you about it," he stressed for the record in an almost angry tone of voice.

"We'll report it, but we won't reward it."


Hippocrates said it best:

"Everything in excess is opposed to nature."

Governor Bobby Jindal...a Republican swish?

The hands are a give-away, Bobby!

After Barack Obama wrapped up his stirring speech the other night - amid a raucous round of applause from an enthusiastic audience - I was about to switch the dial when a news flash announced that Governor Bobby Jindal would respond to the President's address on behalf of the Republican party.

Since Mr. Jindal was being hailed as a rising star on the political landscape - and I was quite unfamiliar with his background or take on things - I dashed to the kitchen to snatch up a brewskie and returned in the nick of time to catch the speech in its entirety.

When Jindal stepped into frame at the right of the screen and proceeded to sashay down the hall of the stately mansion, I cracked up!

The Gov is a swish!

I expect part of the problem was due to the sharp contrast between the two men.

Of course, Obama was also at an advantage.

For starters, the Prez was fortunate to be standing at a podium with two feet squarely planted on the stage beneath him. From a psychological (and subliminal) point of view, the image was a strong manly one that smacked of leadership qualities.

But, the fact he was orating in a packed house had its benefits, too.

In order to reach out and be heard in all the recesses of the historic building, Barack was forced to project; consequently, he came across as confident, straight-forward, and sure of himself.

Unfortunately, Mr. Jindal's lone appearance in a hushed room, negatively impacted.

Notwithstanding the gookey-walk which undermined his "image" from the get-go, the decision to have the Republican speak to the American people in an almost confidential aside, worked against him as well.

At times, he came across as an upscale gay man gossiping about this 'n that at a cocktail party.

Perhaps, he offended the director when they arrived on the set to capture him on film - who knows - just maybe an insider planned an act of sabotage all along for whatever reason.

God knows, the direction and setting were all wrong.

Were I in charge, my approach would have been entirely different.

In view of the fact Mr. Jindal is obviously a bit fey, and his mannerisms a tad effeminate, I would have take precautions to minimize those flaws on-camera.

For example, I would have placed him in a masculine wing-back chair in front of a desk - in dark mahogany - for instance.

No crushed velvet, or decorative detailing on the furniture, please.

In fact, I would have set the camera at eye-level, and shot up-close to also avoid extraneous distractions in the background as well.

I started to pen this post yesterday - and as I was drafting it - half-wondered if I was being too harsh.

Since I am on vacation, I chose to save the draft and finish up today.

At that juncture, I headed out to the pool to catch a few rays.

Of course, during the course of the evening, the response to Mr. Jindal's wimpy appearance was swift and none-too-flattering.

Yup, I was "right on", in my original assessment yesterday at the crack of dawn!

One pundit shook his head in disgust.


What an understatement!

Jindal's speech was characterized as sing-song.

"It smacked of a valedictory speech," another groaned.

A poorly-written one, I might add.

As to the content, well, the barbs were more stinging.

A columnist for the New York Times reported that the message was stale and promoted an insane notion that the GOP had become too moderate.

A senior editor at American Spectator, Quin Hillyer, sprang to the Governor's defense, though.

"What Jindal lacked in presence he made up for with transparent believability."


Then, Hillyer when into attack mode in respect to the President.

According to the smarmy journalist, Obama's speech offered up socialistic policies wrapped in well-disguised Orwellian tricks of language.

That's quite a mouthful!

Supporters have taken a stand in the aftermath of the fall-out.

"A politician can come back from "disaster," they stridently argued.

Well, if Louisiana can, why not it's Governor?

Thumbs up to Obama!


Asians...begging! Sign of the times?

You know things are tough when you spy an Asian man or woman
begging in the streets of America

Julian Ayrs

Collection of Poems

The Daily Planet

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Aid for AIDS...Go eat Los Angeles! Charitable fundraiser February 26th...

Dine at an elegant restaurant and - at the same time - raise funds for the homeless and individuals and families impoverished by HIV/AIDS!

The annual event is - GO EAT Los Angeles - and kicks off tomorrow on February 26th.

This is how it works.

Chow down at a Los Angeles restaurant and the proprietors will donate 20% or more of their day's receipts to Aid the AIDS-inflicted.

According to the organizers, this is an easy way to support the HIV/AIDS community.

You have to eat, right?

So, when you hop in the car - and head out to squelch that hunger pang in your stomach (during the breakfast, lunch, or dinner hour) - select an eatery from the "Go Eat Los Angeles" list of participating restaurants.

No excuses!

'Cause there are plenty of participating establishments serving up delectable meals in West Hollywood, Silverlake, Hollywood, Long Beach, Pasadena, West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and the Valley (you go, girl!).

Info: http://www.GoEatLA.org

The Oscars...Hugh Jackman danced his little butt off! The new James Bond???

As usual, critics grumbled and moaned about the quality (or lack thereof) of the 81st Annual Oscar Celebration in Tinsel town.

"Too long," many chided below the klieg lights at the Kodak.

One too many misguided cerebral moments, in my estimation.

In fact, the on-going proliferation of mind-boggling altruistic speeches from teary-eyed guests was enough to make me throw up, at one point!


But, Hugh Jackman scored an A+ for giving it the old college try.

The Aussie showman danced and sang his little heart out (to a captivated audience) and has the tight butt cheeks to prove it!

See 'ya next year, Hugh!

Unless the Academy chooses to go in a fresh direction - i.e. - with the new flavor of the month.

That's show biz!

Jackman, the new Bond?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire...AFI foresaw potential success for Oscar-winning feature!

A few months ago, the American Film Institute premiered "Slumdog Millionaire" at a splashy red carpet event at the Arclight Theatre in Hollywood.

Back then, Slumdog was an unknown commodity.

After all, the film wasn't released yet around the country.

In addition, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences had yet to single out the feature as a potential Oscar-winner.

Needless to say, when the cast breezed down the carpet that starry night, few in the press corps were familiar with the actors inhabiting the roles on the silver screen - or even the subject matter of the now-celebrated feature.

In view of this - the paparazzi and film critics alike - were inclined to glom onto Danny Boyle and Simon Beaufoy for quotes.

Then, shortly after the film was released - and it began to receive a multitude of accolades across the board - some criticized Boyle for focusing on an impoverished aspect of India that wasn't too flattering.

Many people in Mumbai, for instance, protested about the gritty portrayal of India - and in particular - the title.

Poor residents in the region of Mumbai perceived "Slumdog" as a derogatory term which demeaned them.

In retrospect - a question I put to Mr. Boyd (an affable down-to-earth man) that glittering night - appears to have been appropriate.

"The script came to me," he noted, when I asked how he came to choose the project.

"I was knocked out by the material when I read it," he beamed.

The opportunity to shoot the feature on location in India was a big plus for Mr. Boyle, too.

When Simon Beaufoy strolled up - all charm and wit - I was inclined to note right off-the-bat that I was a big fan of "Full Monty".

I was the picture of diplomacy; after all, I hadn't screened "Slumdog" yet, and was at loss to discuss slumdog particulars!

I put forth the notion that the titillating scene casting the spotlight on the studly - um - attributes of the rough-around-the-edges dudes as they stripped buck-naked in "Monty" was a ploy to rustle up some controversy - and likewise - sell a few theatre tickets.

"It was a metaphor," he stated matter-of-fact.

"It was all about humiliation."

The out-of-work men featured in the off-beat English film, if you recall, put on a strip-show to raise much-needed funds to make ends meet.

Frankly, I thought the scene was liberating, not humbling at all.

One of the character actors in Slumdog on hand at the Arclight (who is firmly established as a lead actor in the "Bollywood" film industry) stopped to chat.

I learned, at this juncture, that he has played opposite - Aishwarya Rai - an actress many tout as the most beautiful woman in the world.

"My readers would probably like to know what it was like to work with Ms. Rai. Did you have any intimate love scenes with her?"

He smiled.

"No, unfortunately," he laughed.

"She is a lovely woman and very professional," he added

When I asked if it was difficult to break into acting in Bollywood, he confessed that it was just as tough making it overseas in India in the medium, as it is for any young hopeful beating the pavement in Hollywood trying to land an acting job.

At first glance, Dev Patel (an an actor in Slumdog) was innocent-looking.

Tall - and suprisingly poised for his age - he was eager to discuss his role with the press.

But, it was evident from the get-go, that all the supporting players were a little overwhelmed by the glitzy red carpet experience.

And, the magic doesn't appear to have faded in the least in recent days

Slumdog has snatched up so many Oscars, you have to wonder, what next?

A sequel?

An adaptation for Television?

News at 11!

Las Vegas...Disc Jockeys @ KSNE 106.5 provide job opportunities!

How refreshing!

One of the local radio stations - Sunny 106.5 (KSNE) - has conjured up a novel way to nudge the unemployed seeking jobs back into the work force.

Listeners are invited to call in and give a 60-second run-down of their job history and the type of post they are seeking.

The resume will be posted on the radio station's web site (KSNE.COM) with the applicant's consent.

Potential employers will peruse the site with the ultimate aim of locating suitable candidates for upcoming job openings.

In view of all the fluff that is on the radio today, kudos go to management & owners at KSNE - and their DJ's - for reaching out to the community with a constructive project that is a worthwhile endeavour in an hour of need!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscars...red carpet coverage tastier than the main entree!

Last week, industry insiders were speculating that red carpet arrivals would be relatively low-key this year -and inclined to tone down the glitz and the glamour - because of the troubled economy.

The theory?

Since common folks around the country have been struggling to make ends meet, many thought it might be prudent for Hollywwood's elite to refrain from traipsing down the red carpet in a vulgar display of jewels and expensive couture gowns, while the rest of the country was hurting.

But, when the carpet was rolled out at the Kodak, and sleek limos purred up to the curb, it was obvious the celebration would be big and splashy.

At this juncture, the experts did an about-face.

"This is what people want to see. The glitz and glamour of Hollywood," chirped Randolph Duke, a fashionista reporting from the wings.

Personally, I found the red carpet coverage more entertaining than the main event.

Stars fluttered in front of the camera for a second or two, offered up a few insightful comments, then moved on.

The Oscar show needed more of that!

The overly-long boring telecast amounted to nothing but talk! talk! talk!

In spite of the fact producers tried to keep the names of presenters and performers under wraps, one anonymous insider revealed that actor - Robert Pattinson - would be doing the honors.

The Vampire heart-throb laughed when it was pointed out that he was the only one who got special advance warning.

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing," he chuckled in a sexy accent.

Mickey Rourke, who many were pulling for to win the little gold statutette (Wrestler), had a poignant moment or two.

"I'm happy to be invited back to the dance."

After the interviewer threw some comments his way about his wardrobe choices (last night he sauntered down the the carpet in a white dinner jacket with matching dress slacks and a flourish of black underneath) he insightfully noted that Rourke tended to do things his own way.

Quick on the uptake, Rourke quipped:
"You pay a price when you do things your way."

Valentino - the celebrated fashion designer who has dressed the great beauties of the world (in fact, over the years many Oscar-winners have dashed up to the podium in one of his delicious couture pieces which flatter the female form) - was also trotted out.

He is retired now, and looks a bit mumified, but still has irons in the fire.

As usual, there were many fashion disasters.

On a morning radio show, one woman joked that Myley Cyrus appeared to be wearing a tacky chandelier.

What grated on my nerves was that high-pitched squeaky speaking voice of hers.

She should be playing cartoon characters on Saturday morning kid shows.

Robert Downey Junior was calm and in control as his pretty wife stood by his side.

"Your wife produced your next movie, Sherlock Holmes," noted the entertainment host.

"How was that?"

"It has its fine points," he smirked.

Anne Hathaway looked stunning in an elegant gown which accented her lithe pretty figure.

"Are you wearing anything that is yours," the interviewer probed.

"I can't tell you," she giggled.

I didnt' see any VPL (Visible Panty Line) so I have to wonder if she ran the gauntlet sans panties.

Viola Davis, who played opposite Meryl Streep in "Doubt", was asked how it was working with the seasoned pro.

"I had to take stress tabs," she laughed.

She seemed to double-think that comment for a moment, then hastily added - "homeopathic" - as she spoke directly into the camera.

Queen Latifa was a fashion disaster!

She struck me as ceremonial barge floating down the carpet.

Mr. Duke was a tad critical of Melissa Tomei's - um - gown.

"It looks like a bunch of serviettes tacked on here and there," he snidely remarked.

"A napkin should be in your lap at the dinner table," he noted with an acid tongue.


There was odd moments, too.

When Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (who looked stunning) stopped to chat with George Pedacio from ABC TV, Pitt gave the entertainment reporter strange furtive looks.

Surely, in view of the fact Brad is an actor, he is keenly aware that a thought transmits openly across the face.

In this instant case, I got the impression the studly star thought George was a silly goose!

Or, just maybe, George gazed too deeply into Pitt's baby blue eyes, and it was a turn off for the Oscar-nominated star?

By the way, did anyone see Jerry Lewis on the red carpet?

I understand that he was keeping a low profile (gee, I wonder why).

After he received the Jean Hersholt Award, he slunk back stage and wouldn't talk to reporters.

After his little stunt last night - not addressing the big "issue" that has been in the news of late - I am inclined to take the position that Mr. Lewis did not deserve the award.

Maybe that's why his appearance on stage was so awkward when he accepted the trinket.

Mr. Lewis was probably painfully aware of that!

Albert Schweitzer said it best:

"Humanitarianism consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose."


Saturday, February 21, 2009

San Diego...Fat Tuesday & Mardi Gras Street Party! Feb. 24th...

A few years ago, West Hollywood used to toss a festive Mardi Gras celebration in the alley next to the post office off San Vicente Boulevard.

Usually, sensual riffs wafted through the starry night, as bejewelled party-goers sipped on exotic cocktails, nibbled on Cajun cuisine, and jockeyed for beads tossed from the upper levels of balconies and back stoops.

But, the celebration fizzled away into oblivion, and the locals are now left to fend for themselves in nightclubs & house parties 'round town.

On Tuesday, February 24th - if you're inclined to hop on AMTRAK or take a quick jaunt down the highway to San Diego, you'll be able to catch the New Orleans spirit at the Hillcrest Community Mardi Gras Street Party!

According to organizers, it's going to be a scintillating night of glitz, glamour, and gluttony!

There will be a bevy of magical street performers, tons of food, and enough shiny-colored beads to satiate any glittering bauble Queen.


Swinging jazz & blues vocals by Candye Kayne.
Drag extraordaire by Tootie & the Lip Girls.
Acrobatic thrils by Il Circo.

All Proceeds go to community improvement through the Hillcrest Association & GSBDA Foundation.

So, kick up your heels, eh?



I find it ironic that the person who created the "face" book
Doesn't have much of one himself!

Julian Ayrs
Pop Culture Insights

Vioxx Settlement...a fraud perpetrated on the American people!

After a few skirmishes in the courts with litigants over allegations that the intake of VIOXX resulted in life-threatening ailments, the manufacturer - Merck - agreed to a settlement with the claimants.

In the wake of that landmark announcement last year, the pharmaceutical giant proceeded to rehabilitate its image, claimants scrambled to sign the paperwork, and attorneys rubbed their hands with glee over the spoils to come.

In recent days, there have been grumblings from claimants that Merck has not been following through on their promise.

Moreover, as the accountants get ready to divvy up the pie, it appears that - as usual - the sharks (lawyers) will gobble up the lion's share of the settlement money, while needy claimants end up with a few crumbs or - in some cases - nothing at all.

Claimants started to get nervous late in the summer when checks were not forthcoming.

After all, a few months earlier they signed off on the agreement with the understanding that payments would make their way into their hands in August (2008).

Today, some are still twiddling their thumbs, waiting for their checks to arrive.

Are they in the mail?

Heck, no!

Now there is a new twist to the ongoing deception.

Some claimants have received confusing notices from claims administrators (Mr. Brown at BrownGreer with offices back East) and high-powered law firms handling the litigation in the local courts (Khorrami Pollard Abir LLP; Kabateck Brown Kellner) advising them that there is a "deficiency" in their paperwork which must be cured, otherwise their claim(s) will be in jeopardy.

The legally-binding document is deceptive on its face because it is not meant to resolve any deficiency at all, but rather, to trick the claimant into signing a "dismissal" of their lawsuit pending in the U.S. Courts.

A couple of wise old owls figured that one out and have informed Brown (claims office) that they don't intend to dismiss the suit until he produces two things: a release and - the obvious - a draft the sum agreed to.

But, the scurrilous conduct of the lawyers handling the settlements extends further.

Victims of the VIOXX fiasco have also been mailed "lien" documents.

A cover letter urges the addressee (claimant) to sign the paperwork to ensure that no problems arise (or delays occur) in the final stages of the settlement process.

In reality, signing the "lien" documents, guarantees that doctors and/or medical facilities - and lawyers who handled the litigation and subsequent claims - receive their fees upfront before the claimant receives their settlement check!

If anything is left, that is.

Claimants I have spoken to are suspicious and holding back on those signatures.

Frankly, I don't blame them.

Complaints directed to the Judge presiding over the case in Los Angeles (Victoria Chaney) have not triggered any investigation, or appropriate action, whatsoever.

Is it possible that the female Jurist is taking money from Merck under the "bargaining" table or does she have a cushy pact with the heavyweight law firms involved that guarantees her a cut to keep her yap shut?

News at 11!


Friday, February 20, 2009

Barack Obama...touches down in my "homeland". Anti-American sentiment once real...

Barack Obama flew into Ottawa to meet with the Prime Minister - and according to news reports - was given a hearty welcome by a posse of high-spirited Canucks!

One reveller manipulated the wording on a tag from a well-known Beer Commercial popular above the border to get a message across.

"Yes we CANada!"

By the way, our Canadian ale packs a bigger wallop than those pi**y American brands.

Hope you chug-a-lugged one, Barack!

A local bakery one-upped, though, by serving commemorative "Obama Tails" - a version of the beaver-tail fried-dough pastry - topped with a maple-syrup flavored frosting in the shape of an Obama "O".

There was time when my fellow countrymen may have shaken their fists - or given the "finger" to a U.S. President - on the heels of which they may have angrily shouted:

"Yankee Go Home!"

Having been raised in the great white north - in the suburbs of Toronto - I have always been keenly aware of the anti-American sentiments that run deep in the Canadian psyche.

Years ago, Canadians felt that the U.S. was gobbling up the country.

In fact, I recall a joke from my youth, that said it all:

"America drinks Canada Dry."

Many Canadians didn't much like living in the shadow of a major super power, either.

On occasion, when disputes arose over fishing territory, the price of lumber, or an outbreak of mad cow disease on a wild outreach at a cattle farm in Calgary, it was fists across than border.

When I was a kid, I recall that adults were particularly put off - by what they perceived - as a vulgar respect for the almighty dollar in America.

Why, the U.S. mint even etched a handful of sacred symbols on the greenback - an all-seeing eye in a pyramid, the awesome image of an eagle, even mystical symbols - then crowned 'em with an uplifting spiritual message.

In God We Trust."

Even so, Canadians were ever wary of their neighbors to the south.

At one point, the Canadian Government became troubled by the fact that the airwaves over Canadian space, were being dominated by broadcasts of trite sitcoms and fluffy action-adventure dramas from below the border.

To shore up the Canadian identity (ha!) the CRTC implemented stringent requirements that a portion of shows broadcast daily must contain Canadian Content.

In Vancouver, CKVU circumvented that little hurdle by broadcasting a two-hour live show - packed with local celebrities, National News, and endless dog & pony shows - to meet their staggering quota.

Local on air personalities like Pia Shandel (who later married into the wealthy Southam Family), and Laurier La Pierre (who?), saw their stars rise in Hollywood North!

And, don't get me started about run-a-way production and greedy producers in Tinsel Town struggling to keep a stranglehold on the whole pie!

Shortly after landing on Canuck turf, Obama thanked supporters who trekked stateside during the elections last fall to work on his campaign.

I expect the folks he was referring to - in part consisted of a handful of "snowbirds" - retirees who migrate south each year to escape the bitter-cold winters.

After all, for half-of-the-year, this sector of Canadian Society is inclined to be mindful of the way Uncle Sam is running things during the duration of their cozy stay at their properties in Florida and other states in that region of the country.

Of course, Barack was probably singling out a number of draft dodgers, no doubt, who took flight to escape the draft during the Vietnam War and tricky Dick's rein of terror.

Most, have since become legal residents of Canada since.

The Government sponsored an amnesty program a couple of decades ago - much like the one the U.S. Government implemented in 1986 - to resolve the long-standing issue of illegal aliens within Canadian borders.

As to the current war?

Although I was residing in the U.S. when the Iraq War broke out, I felt very proud of my countrymen - and Government - when the decision was made not to go full-throttle and get involved in the "Imperialist Occupation" of that Nation.

Likewise, I gave my full support when Canada refused to become part of the "Star Wars" fiasco many years ago.

To some, Barack is probably a bit of an oddity.

Yes, Prime Minister Trudeau opened the "immigration" door wide a couple of decades ago.

And, today - because of it - Canada is a multi-cultural Nation.

But, when I was a boy, things were quite different north of the border.

I was raised in an all-white neighborhood, and attended district schools that were - likewise - entirely Caucasian in make-up.

The balance of race wasn't planned that way - truth of the matter is - there weren't many blacks residing in Canada during that era.

In fact, it wasn't until I attended Humberside High in the West End of Toronto as a teen, that I came into contact with a multitude of students with multi-cultural backgrounds.

In fact, one of my first new friends at Humberside - Shaheen - was a lively boy with dancing eyes - who hailed from India!

For the most part, Canadians are a generous kind-hearted people.

But, if you're an American visiting one of the major cities - Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver - you'll probably notice right-off-the-bat that Canucks are bit reserved and that they mind their own business.

Years ago, when I first moved to New York City, I always withdrew like a shrinking violet when strangers on the street - and die-hard New Yorkers in general - would get right up in-my-face.

And, ask frank questions, that would be considered rude in Canada.

Questions like - "How much rent do you pay" - are strictly verboten.

I guess it's a carry-over from the English Empire.

Politeness, giving people space, respecting privacy - yup - all Canadian traits.

Gosh, in view of that, I can't help but wonder.

How well did Barack and Harper get along?

Obama, if there were tense moments, don't blame yourself!

Harper is quite a conservative - an old-stuffed shirt - if you ask me.

Yes, time we had some young blood in politics in Ottawa.

Justin Trudeau, are you interested in carrying the torch?


2nd Annual Tattoo Convention & Music Festival...top-notch tat artists, music, seminars & more! Feb. 20th - 22nd....

Starting today, the 2nd Annual Musink Tattoo and Music Convention Festival revs up at the Orange County Fair & Event Center.

Last year's event attracted more than 15,000 attendees.

Also, over 200 tattoo artists participated, including legendary tattooers Juan Puente, Jack Rudy, Nikko Hurtada, Kari Barba, Rick Walters, Clay Decker, and many others.

The Used, Tiger Army, and Steel Panther - three renowned bands, also performed live!

This year, bands slated to tear up the stage, include The Rocketz, Danzig, Winds of Plague, Atreyu, Manic Hispanic, Far, Story of the Year, Rev. Horton Heat, and Throwdown.

A highlight of the pop culture extravaganza, will be a handful of seminars focusing on the art of "Tattooing".

Here is a sampling:

How one dollar can change your life forever (Seth Ciferri)

In this Seminar, learn tips and tricks to tune and trouble-shoot your problem machines, from long time Tattooer and Machine Builder Seth Ciferri.
After a 9-year hiatus from seminars Seth returns to share his experience and vast know-how involving the tools of our trade.

You will need to bring one or two machines that run poorly, and materials for taking notes.

Saturday February 21st
11 am - 1:30 pm
Ticket: $301.00

Prima Color Theory (John Montgomery)

John Montgomery will be discussing color theory and techniques of what he calls "Alla Prima" style tattooing. Color blending in the skin and in the tube to achieve all the tones and effects so sought out in newer tattoo styles. John will cover machine set ups, supplies and reference.

This will be a very open and honest discussion of today's tattooing & techniques.

Saturday February 21st
2 pm - 4:30 pm
Ticket: $50.00

Black and Grey Seminar (Big Gus)

One of the "Masters of Black & Grey" tattooing, Big Gus let's you inside his head.

Find out what it takes to learn the techniques in perfecting your application to get the best black and grey possible. Be sure to bring 3 of your best tattoo pictures from your portfolio for Big Gus to constructively critique to learn tips that will take your tattoos to the next level. Learn the difference in the material you use from inks to needles!

Sunday February 22nd
1 pm - 3:30 pm
Tickets: $100 (includes guide book)


Tattoo Convention & Music Festival
OC Fair & Event Center
88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa map

Tickets: $25 (daily) $65 (weekend pass)


See 'ya there!

Tiger Woods...ready to hit the green! Arizona bound...

The word out of the Tiger Woods camp is that the sports giant is ready to hit a few balls down the green again.

The news perked up an otherwise dismal week for many on courses around the country.

Since Woods has been laid-up recovering from an injury, Golf matches have suffered a noticeable slump in attendance.

Now, Sports enthusiasts are jumping for joy.

"Tiger is the most charismatic golfer. And, the best golfer ever," one seasoned pro stated matter-of-fact to upbeat newsies scrambling for tid-bits to report on in upcoming sports page features.

Tiger is slated to appear at the PGA Tour next week in Arizona where he will compete in the World Golf Championships-Accenture Match Play Championship.

Already, the upcoming Tiger Woods matches are being much-ballyhooed and considered must-attend Golf events.

On ESPN this morning, Woods noted the time-off during the healing process was quite enjoyable.

"I've enjoyed my time at home with the family and appreciate everyone's support and kind wishes."

The proud father beamed when asked about his kids.

"Elin and our new son Charlie are doing great."

The tournament will be his first event to compete in since winning the US Open last June at Torrey Pines.

Shortly after the US Open, Tiger underwent surgery to reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee - which, ultimately - ended the season for him.

Woods also had stress fractures in his left tibia, injuries that undoubtedly affected him during the challenging US Open win.

PGA Tour Commissioner, Tim Finchem, jumped on the green-light from Woods.

"We received confirmation today that Tiger Woods has committed to play in next week's Accenture Match Play Championship in Tucson, Ariz."

Woods will be included in the 64-player field which begins play February 25 at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club course in Marana, Arizona.

"We are delighted that Tiger is returning to competition and look forward to watching him compete next week."

Woods is not unfamiliar with the territory.

The affable golfer has won the Accenture Match Play Championship three times.

Last year, in fact, he beat Stewart Cink 8 and 7 in the 36-hole championship match.

Tiger has seven top 10's of his nine starts at the Accenture Match Play Championship.

Woods is scheduled to face Brendan Jones in the opening round on Wednesday unless a golfer steps forward and withdraws from the event.

Go get 'em, Tiger!