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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Steve Cooley...ASA fights politician on Facebook! Call for Action on Medical Marijuana!

High on Busting ass!

Americans for Safe Access are asking voters to help in their bold-faced efforts to prevent Steven Cooley from becoming Lieutenant Governor in the next election November 2 (2010).

According to ASA, once Stephen Cooley takes office, he will start up para-military-style raids on pot dispensaries once again - and use his political savvy and persuasive contacts in Law Enforcement circles and the Government - to ensure that the possession and use of medical marijuana (and pot for leisure activities) remains a criminal offense.

I reported on the raids and the subsequent protests in front of the downtown Headquarters for the DEA at the Tattler in past published posts.

Post:  02/12/08


"If elected California’s next Attorney General, Steve Cooley has vowed to “eradicate medical marijuana from CA”.  Cooley will overturn all of our hard work, and turn patients back into criminals."

"Defend yourself and your medicine on Tuesday, November 2 (2010) by voting against Cooley," advocates in support of the decriminalization of marijuana at ASA are urging.

Americans for Safe Access are also making a plea for the citizens to take action.

Learn How:


Post YouTube Videos on your Wall: 

1.  Not cooley on Medical Marijuana
2.  Not Cooley on Same Sex Marriage
3.  Not Cooley on Environment
4.  Friends don't let friends vote for Cooley

"Like" the Not Cooley Campaign videos:

1. Not Cooley on Medical Marijuana
2. Not Cooley on Same Sex Marriage
3. Not Cooley on Environment
4. Friend's don't let Friends Vote for Cooley



San Francisco Giants...held back by Rangers! Bush booed @ local pubs!

For a Saturday night, the downtown streets of San Francisco around midnight were pretty dismal, in spite of the fact a much-anticipated baseball match between the Texas Rangers and the Giants filled the local pubs to capacity with gung-ho fans earlier in the evening.

Though a few Halloween stragglers were still whooping it up at that witchy hour, a large percentage of the Giants backers packed it in early, limped home with glum faces and bats drooping between their legs.

In contrast, the night before - Union Square was packed with frenzied fans with stardust in their eyes - who partied up a storm after a stunning shut-out sports enthusiasts are still marvelling at a couple of days later.

A loss last night for the Giants narrowed a gap in the World Series bid (they lost 4 - 2) and now the Texas Rangers are breathing uncomfortably down the backs of the beards they once feared.

San Francisco's edge has been cut 2-1.

The fans were in quite a celebratory mood earlier in the afternoon when the day was ripe with promise, though.

When a camera panned in on Tim Lincecum, for instance, a squeal of enthusiastic delight rippled through the Castro District in response.

And, a handful of poignant - often upbeat shots (a teen-age boy dreamily eyeing the playing field, a bodacious babe trying to catch the eye of a studly ball player, front office staff sweating it out in the bleachers) inspired pub crawlers to reflect a bit, hoot - even holler - at the wide flat state-of-the-art screen charged with electricity on the memorabilia-filled walls corner-to-corner.

There were some choice hilarious moments, too.

When a network news team zoomed in close-up on George W. Bush - pulling for the Rangers in the bleachers - the rowdy bunch of Giants fans booed and hissed to beat the band.

"Guess the folks here are all Democrats," one by-stander quipped with a smirk on his face.

The struggle for supremacy on the field - unlike the shut-out the other evening - was hard fought.

But, once the Texas Rangers managed to get an edge, there was no looking back.

The Giants gave it the old college try - but when the fat lady sang later - there was no cigar for the little engine that once could (earlier in the series this past week).

Maybe the superstition about left-handed pitchers playing Arlington was true?

Even so, high-profile players - like Cody Ross - weren't going to be deterred from the task at hand.

His performance was pretty stellar at times, and thus, kept fans nail-biting on the edge of their hard bench seats in the stands.

Bad luck, though, when he hit a homer at a highpoint in the game.

The bases were empty, after all.

It was kind of like a shooting an empty load!

A surreal kind of baseball masturbation?

The Texas Rangers were in such top form, that it triggered the quote of the day, in the Lone Star State.

"Who needs the Cowboys when we have the Rangers?"

Mitch Moreland - in particular - was a stand out player last night.

With one easy swing, the bang-on hitter, sent a liner fast ball into the right field (as 3 players sat on bases)which resulted in a much-ballyhooed homer.

Talk about the roar of the crowd!

The response was deafening.


The Antler and the Claw were working their magic!

And, later today, what to expect?

Mitts off, for sure!

Go! Giants! Go!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

San Francisco Giants...spectacular shut-out! Super-star heroes rustle up curiosity!


How fitting!

From a perch at "Show Dogs " Pub on Market Street - I not only caught the top dawgs of Baseball crush the Texas Rangers, but  also - swagger into celebrated Sports History in the process.

In the 9th inning, the Giants - once a rag-tag band of cast-offs - pulled off a shut-out.

And, along the slippery slope to greatness, the motley baseball crew captured the imagination of a Nation, hungry for heroes!

Last night's game wasn't just a case of  "playing ball" - or working up a bit of sweat - to meet and surmount a challenge, though.

No Sir!

On occasion, in fact, there were a few stand-out magical moments that hinted that an invisible hand was guiding the ball, the players, and what-have-you.

"Is God a Giants fan?" many must have wondered at home and in the bleachers.

For instance, during the unpredictable course of one zany play, the ball - with millions of hairy eye-balls scoping it from near-and-far - didn't just "fall" to the turf after it rudely smacked the wall.


It nicked the top of the fence gracefully, bounced off gently, then fell back into the ball park without penalty.

Talk about horseshoes up the ass, eh?

The fans went wild!

In fact, the chant was so deafening, that strains of the Mantra could be heard emanating from flat-screen Television screens above the noisy din of trendy watering holes packed to the rafters with ecstatic fans, tourists, and locals alike.

The riot of orange and black also signalled the unwavering loyalty of a slew of the team's devoted admirers.

The effervescent crowds sported jaunty caps, t-shirts in ubiquitous team colors, and sported fake beards in jest.

On the busy downtown streets, drivers excitedly honked their horns when they spied memorabilia gracing the bods of sports enthusiasts, or when they caught sight of a posse of folks scutinizing the plays alfresco at any number of the crowded cafes along the electrically-charged bustling streets in downtown Frisco.

Pedestrians were inclined to dash up and quiz total strangers sitting ringside.

"What's the score?"

Pandemonium is the best way to describe the knee-jerk reaction that erupted everywhere around me when an outfielder snatched the final ball and ended the match in the Ninth.

Or, should I say, when the Giants "closed it"?

At a time when folks who normally don't follow the sport are jumping on the bandwagon - I've noticed that "terminology" (being able to give a run-down on the plays in ball "lingo") - has become a stickling point to fussy fanatics of the sport.

Baseball "speak" - and the ability to cite stats at the drop of a bat - separate the men from the boys!

For the truly picky, the uncanny ability to dredge up obscure feats, is something to boast about.

But, a trifle unsettling, to some.

For instance, when it was announced that the next game would be played in Arlington (Texas), one sports reporter quickly blurted out that no left-handed pitcher had won a World Series Game in a couple of decades.

"And, the Giants have two left-handed pitchers," he groaned hesitantly, to a fellow newsies.

A young female fan wasn't going to let any superstitions rain on her parade, though.

"That's just speculation," she retorted, smugly.

The same ballsy dame sighed a bit when I touted the evening match, to all within earshot.

"But," she interrupted rudely, "there wasn't any challenge. Boring!"

When she put it that way, I was inclined to agree.

The Giants won 9 - 0.  

A shut-out!

A piece of cake.

And, the icing?

All the hoopla, surrounding the team, right now.

The next day, for instance, the paparazzi camped outside the stadium to catch candid shots of the players as they boarded the bus bound for the Airport.

Shots of star players with diaper bags and babies in tow were the editor's order of the day.

The Manager of the team noted that families (and quite a few workers in the front office) would be flying out to attend the game in Arlington.

"This is a moment you want to share with family and friends," he emphasized to one reporter.

The stadium in Arlington is an American League Park, so rules under that banner, will be followed.

The Texas ball park is set on 270 acres, while the AT & T diamond is situated on a mere 13.

The teams will be playing to a slightly higher gang of ticket-holders (49,000).

This afternoon, the President and owner of the Texas Rangers was slated to toss out the 1st ball.

The two former "Bushes" - George H. & George W. - have been invited to do the honors at Sunday's game.

No political pitches, please!

Play ball!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jet Blue...$119.00 sale! Fly frigid skies with Sarah Palin!

Jet Blue officials have announced they'll be ceremoniously launching flights into Sarah Palin's frigid skies - auspicious by Hollywood standards - starting May 26th (2011).

As Ms. Palin throws-open her scandalous folksy back-woods-door to white trailer trash around the country - by virtue of a reality TV vehicle fathomed up by demon meister Mark Burnett - Jet Blue has opted to jump into the eye-of-the-icy-storm - too - with its bid to schedule routes to the great White North.

Now, Palin fans - hooked on the tawdry low-brow soap that is her scripted scatter-brained life - will probably venture forth on a tour under the Northern Lights (even plunk down some cash to go ice fishing, perhaps).

To rustle up interest in the spring thaw, Jet Blue is having a seat sale featuring one-way flights, for a paltry $119.00 a pop.

The limited offer takes off tomorrow/

I expect passengers will be sipping on tea tea - in flight - to keep their innards warm (though hot toddies sound pretty awesome to moi).

Ironically,  the Jet Blue birds jets out of Long Beach (where the Queen Mary Royally rests in harbour now) to Alaska where another Queen (of the Tea Party variety) holds court in the land of the Eskimo and big game hunting!

Although adventurers may have to pay through the nose, die-hard fans of the political upstart, will probably cough up the dough pronto.

You only live once, eh? 

I expect there will be tours of the middle school she romanced the1st stud at, an up-close peak at the stage where she grabbed for the brass ring at an annual Beauty Pageant, in addition to action-packed sled treks through the winter wonderland.

To use one of her own best phrases, you betcha!



San Francisco...thugs mug pedestrian for laptop! Crime alert!

Looks like the picturesque enclave by the Bay is coming of age - and suffering the blues - because of it.

Last night, at approximately 11:15 p.m., a pedestrian was strolling down Church Street just off Market when a trio of thugs appeared from behind, snatched a laptop from his hand, and darted off down a side street into the dank dark night!

For a moment, the startled tourist was tempted to chase after the culprits (a heavyset thief in a light grey hoodie in league with two wiry ne'er do wells in black jeans, t-shirts, and windbreakers) but common sense got the best of the victim.

Down the poorly-lit alley, maybe the hoods would be laying in wait, to jump out of the shadows and tussle him for his wallet?

Personally, I was shocked by the turn-of-events j- which took place out-of-the-blue - on the edge of the Castro District across from the well-travelled path to the Safeway Grocery store.

In recent days, the morning daily has reported that there has been an increase in thefts and break-in's around the middle-class neighborhood in San Francisco.

However, the incidents seem so distant,  when the callous crimes are coldly published in black-and-white.

I was also amazed that the muggers chose the target they did - an able-bodied man about six feet tall - who could obviously fend for himself.

An old lady with a purse, caught off-guard, appears a more-likely candidate for this kind of ambush.

Which stresses how desperate these criminals are in these tough economic times!

For this reason, I have penned this post, to alert residents and tourists alike about the dangers of going out at night in San Francisco.

Ironically, it should be noted that the Toshiba PC had a security code.  So, the rotten bullies won't be able to gain from the fruits of their ill-gotten labors!


San Francisco Giants...crush Texas Rangers! Make History with 6 scores in 1 inning!


A writer at the Herald Examiner got it right when he captioned the news report - "Orange Crusher" - in today's edition of the daily because the mighty Giants were just that last night in the 1st play-off game of the World Series.

From every nook and cranny of the picturesque city by the bay - loud and proud Friscans tuned in - by land, by sea (boat class @ McCovey Cove) - and even surreptitiously through a knot-hole in the stadium wall - to catch the much-hyped much-anticipated match with the Texas Rangers.

I actually spied a sports enthusiastic crouched over a radio in a cafeteria - looking-for-all-the-world - like he was listening in on one of the last great sports broadcasts from a nostalgic by-gone era.

What a powerhouse the once rag-tag band of cast-offs have become in the lofty glare of the heady sports arena and the legendary World Series

In view of the stellar performance on the field, it is no wonder, that the upstart baseball team has captured the imagination of the Nation.

For good reason.

For example, early on in evening the game was tied (and dragging) - until the fifth - when the Giants suddenly thundered forward (leaving the Texas Rangers in the proverbial dust behind).

Who knew they had it in 'em?

In the first few momentous minutes of the game, the misfits - joined at the hip out-of-the-blue a scant few months ago - did the unthinkable.


The underdogs scored 6 runs in 1 inning, in contrast to the days when they were forced to break a lot of sweat over several innings, to accomplish the same.

Even still, Lincecum was ticked off at himself for a dribble- and the subsequent consequence that reared its ugly head later - when one got away.

"It was a brain fart," he joked, which signaled - in the final analysis - that the kid is basically a down-to-earth athlete's athlete able to poke fun of himself.

In spite of his willingness to eat humble pie, Lincecum managed to rustle up a thunderous standing ovation in the 6th for his ballsy efforts - causing many to conjure of images of the great golden boys before him to compare to.

Sanchez was in top form, too.

He landed four of the one-and-a-half dozen hits or so that struck home last night - and in the process -earned the distinction of being the first ball-player ever in the history of the World Series to pull down six doubles in his first three bats.

Meanwhile, the President and co-owner of the Texas Rangers sat stone-faced in the stands.


You betcha!

The fans weren't heckling - Rookie - out loud (at this juncture, anyway) but, they must have been thinking it.

4 big snafus humbled them, for sure.

I thought it ironic that Tony Bennett belted out- "I left my Heart in San Francisco" - in view of what was going down last night under the canopy of stars at the AT & T stadium.

The Rangers left their pride in San Francisco, obviously,

After the dust settled in the Texas Ranger's end of the tarnished diamond, they'd obviously left their gumption, too.

Going into the game, many sports analysts speculated that the game would be a toughie for both dug-outs.

The excellent pitching potential of the Giants was sure to lock horns with the batting ability of the Rangers, many arm-chair critics theorized at home.

Fears never materialized for the Giants, at least, as the out-of-towners fell down and went boom instead.

Tonight, the tensions mount, as fans prepare for the big one in San Francisco.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dr. Ning Tang...incompetent unprofessional MD! Threat to patients & medical community!

There's nothing worse than a silly barely wet behind-the-ears (thirty-something) incompetent female doctor - with an ugly misplaced ego - acting like she has a big swinging dick between her legs as she traipses around hospital environs dispensing medical advice sure to cause irreparable harm to her patients.

Such is the case with a loser by the name of Ning Tang (M.D.) - a demented general practitioner - who is under the wild delusion that she is God's gift to the medical profession.

For starters, Ms. Tang has a lousy bedside manner.

Frigid is, as frigid does, but - in her instant case - an ice Queen demeanour is a detriment to the well-being of  individuals in her precarious charge.

If it weren't for misguided referrals from staff at the  UCSF Emergency department, it is doubtful she'd have a practice.

On the contrary,  she'd be wrapped in a straight jacket  in an insane asylum.

When a doctor - over the best interests of their client, lashes out in self-defense (and acts cruelly and deceitfully with the specific aim of gaining the upperhand to compensate for their insecurity) - it's time the State Medical Board issued a slap on the wrist and revoked the medical license to practice.

Or, have the professional standards sunk that low in recent days, as Obamacare looms on the horizon?

In the instance of Ms. Tang, obviously management at UCSF was desperate, and was forced to scrape the barrel to meet their quota.

Ms.Tang wasn't hired on because of skill, intelligence, or a keen ability to smooth over troubled waters with her patients in their darkest hour of need.

If there is plague to avoid in the community, it is the one with a plaque on the flimsy hospital door which reads:

Ning Tang M.D.

M.D. stands for malpractising dimwit (a threat to civilized society).


Singers of the Street...sing for Justice & Joy! San Francisco troupe uplifts spirits!

On this past trip to San Francisco, I was delighted to stumble on a patio area- scattered with a handful of table and chairs - that has been constructed at the corner of 17th & Castro (where the quaint old European Street cars turn-a-bout to head back downtown).

For years, this corner was quite an eyesore, and amounted to a wasted desolate space.

Now, the busy corner is populated by an effervescent cross-section of locals and tourists alike - who stop and mingle - with the ultimate aim of taking a brief respite from the hectic bustling streets.

As I plunked myself down in the lazy afternoon sun, I spied one gentleman toss of his shirt, to catch a few rays in a bold-faced hedonistic attempt to perfect a  golden tan.

For me, it was a great perch to take notes on the San Francisco scene, as the world - full of life and vitality - passed by.

At one point, my spirits were lifted considerably, when a rag-tag band of street minstels strode up.

The street performers - who referred to themselves as S.O.S. (Singers of the Street) - proceeded to hand out flyers about their entertaining venture - as they coaxed by-standers to join in and sing for Justice and Joy.

Every Wednesday, S.O.S. meets between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to spread  their unique brand of comfort to the down-and-out in need of boot-strappiing up in these troubling economic times.

The generous motley crew is a San Francisco-based community choir that provides a voice, a face, and a place for seeking justice, healing, and joy for those living on the margins of society (especially folks who are homeless) according to their mission statement.

In addition to the opportunity to spread joy, participants enjoy  other perks, too.

A free lunch is provided to the dedicated few who attend rehearsals, for starters!

If you're ready to take to the streets, and find a mission in life, contact the group.

Metropolitan Community Church
150 Eureka Street
San Francisco, CA


Instruments needed, too!

San Francisco Giants...Ka-ching! Baseball frenzy! Free Mohawk cuts!

As Hotel Managers scan their reservations with glee, and souvenir shops re-stock the shelves of their retail outlets as quickly as the precious pricey keepsakes fly out the door, a posse of city officials around the country are sitting up and taking notice.

If any self-respecting city or town was clueless about the financial windfalls involved - once a coveted slot in a World Series play-off had been snared - this week was a rude wake-up call.

Just betcha there won't be any resistance or fall-out in the future when local politicians or savvy land developers make a costly bid for a sports team or a snazzy state-of-the-art stadium - with the ultimate aim of courting great athletes and the riches they are capable of rustling up.

Of course, the influences are far more reaching than that.

Today, for instance, the newspapers were awash with features on style, that just may trigger a fashion trend or two before the top dawgs in baseball have finished duking it out.

If dudes are inclined to copy-cat their sports heroes - and follow thru with a moratorium on shaving - just betcha they'll be willing to shell out a bit of hard cash for a stylish trim at a minimum.

Two salons (barbers, if 'ya want to be butch about it) quick on the uptake in Frisco - jumped on the frenzied bandwagon already - and started offering up "drive-by" Mohawks or fauxhawks in Union Square.


Nearly slipped my foggy brain!

Devil-may-care die-had fans are trotting down to Union Square today - before Game 1 of the World Series kicks off - for a quick scalp cut.

The brave-at-heart will be between 12 noon and 2 p.m this afternoon.

And, there is an extra added treat thrown into the mix, too.

The owner of Sweet Creme Brulee will be offering up a flaming house favorite gratis for those with the ba**s to follow thru.

Scraggly fuzz on the mug, just won't do!

Giant fans - of the sultry shapely female persuasion - won't be left out of the dugout either.

Braidhawks are available, too!

See 'ya there!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Marijuana Legalized...City Council discusses tax on killer weed! Oct. 27th!

The Rules and Election Committee for the Los Angeles City Council will receive a report from the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) on the taxing of medical and non-medical cannabis at a hearing tomorrow (October 27th).

The CLA is recommending that the City Council place a tax on the March 15, 2011 city ballot that would establish taxes in the sum of (1) $500 per plant cultivated for medical cannabis patients’ collectives, and (2) 10% of gross receipts for non-medical cannabis sales if Proposition 19 is adopted.

Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is concerned about the proposed tax on medical cannabis plants as it will increase the cost of medicine for legitimate patients.

Interested California residents may  read the proposal @


Staff at Americans for Safe Access are urging concerned citizens in support of the legalization of marijuana in the State of California to attend the hearing and get vocal!

See 'ya there!


What: Rules and Elections Committee Hearing

City Hall
Room 340
200 N. Spring Street
 Los Angeles, CA

Time:3 p.m.

October 27th (2010)



San Francisco Giants...Lady Antebellum to sing star-spangled banner! World Series!

Fan fever reached a heightened pitch today when it was announced that super-hot  music chart-toppers - Lady Antebellum - will  be performing the "Star Spangled Banner" at the World Series baseball game between San Francisco Giants and the Texas Rangers this week.

Go! Giants! Go!


Charlie Sheen...drunk or suffering adverse drug reaction? Hotel trashed!

Charlie in less-complicated days!

Depending on which news report you catch on the wire or over the Internet, Charlie Sheen was hospitalized earlier today in New York City, due to either an unfortunate adverse drug reaction - or, dramatic drum roll, please - due to excessive binge drinking that left the TV comedy star incoherent.

As tawdry details about the shocking incident filtered out from the Plaza Hotel, and the local Police, tabloid shows and gossips alike were inclined to titter that Sheen fell down and went boom in a big way in the big apple.

New York newsies reported Sheen was spied with an unidentified woman and found drunk and naked in a trashed hotel room after a night of wild partying.

Though rowdy, the sexy romp remained violence-free throughout the festive night at the Plaza Hotel,, until Mr. Sheen allegedly discovered that his wallet was missing.

At this point, all hell broke out.

When Police responded to a call from hotel staff - the  "Two and a Half Men" star - was intoxicated and incoherent.

According to the men-in-blue, Sheen voluntarily agreed to go to the hospital without resistance.

Sheen's publicist - Stan Rosenfield - asserted in a terse prepared statement earlier today that the actor had simply reacted badly to an unspecified medication.

"What we are able to determine is that Charlie had an adverse allergic reaction to some medication and was taken to the hospital, where he is expected to be released tomorrow," Rosenfield summed  up on a positive note.

No arrests were made and no criminal charges are expected.

News at 11!


Glee...a crush inspires Rocky Horror Picture Show theme! Happy Halloween!

Tonight - two regular weekly entertainmnet shows on Fox - are apt to prime viewers for ghoulish Halloween celebrations about to rage around the country this upcoming  weekend.

GLEE enthusiasts will probably be tuning  in for the sexy high-spirited dress rehearsals for an ever-popular cult classi

 "The Rocky Horror Piicture Show"

In the over-the-top heart-fluttering episode - lovestruck fast-thinking Will whips up a stage rendition of the outrageous "midnight" classic - after learning that a bodacious babe he has the hots for is a big fan of the kooky (now spookily-inspired) stage hit of yesteryear.

The Glee clubs triple-threats dance up a storm to "The Time Warp" and "Damn It, Janet."

On the heels (literally) of the Rocky extravaganza, Raising Hope airs an episode on a trick-or-treat theme, for fans of the witch's big night, too lazy to switch the channel.

Break a broom, eh kids?


Asian Art Museum...Ghosts & Golden Clouds Exhibition in San Francisco! Win free tickets!

This Thursday, the Asian Art Museum is tossing a spooky celebration,  sure to send a shiver up-and-down the spine.

Without doubt - the intriguing exhibit - Ghosts and Golden Clouds - also promises to be a stimulating cultural experience as well.

Master storyteller Brenda Wong Aoki, award-winning contemporary jazz composer Mark Izu, and an ensemble of percussion, saxophone, koto, shakuhachi, and taiko drums will perform dramatic, haunting tales about restless ghosts,  things that go bump in the night, and eerie reminders of the consequences of the remains of the day.
At this final MATCHA presentation of the year, guests may participate in a timely art activity (creative individuals are invited to craft a Noh Mask), take a docent tour, or marvel at a dazzling collection of exquisite Japanese screens which span over five centuries.

At the - Beyond Golden Clouds exhibit - art-lovers will also have the opportunity to win a gallery membership.

A membership opens the door to 6500 years of history across seven major regions of Asia by way of ongoing presentations in a handful of exhibition halls at the Museum , for starters, and is an exciting prize to win.



Monday, October 25, 2010

The Taqwacores...Muslim punks! Win tickets to attend screening!


Earlier this year, I caught the screening of the "Taqwacores" at  the Asian Pacific Film Festival.

There was such a buzz about the film, that the artistic director was unable to accommodate all the fillm buffs who turned out at the Director's Guild to catch it.

The visually-stunning flick sold out!

Readers at the Tattler may recall the glowing movie review it received at this site.

Post:  05/07/10


Now, filmgoers have a golden opportunity to win a ticket for an upcoming screening in Beverly Hills on Nov. 7th.

Ticket Contest

Mail an e-mail with your name and contact info to:


The vastly entertaining film is an intriguing foray into the realm of Muslim punks.

Screening Venue

Screen Actors Guild
James Cagney Screening Room
5757 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA

See 'ya there!


Sabrina...the cat! Life's longing for itself...

Cats, like women, usually pick the man.

Moreover, whenever a pet of the feline persuasion (wide-eyed, fluffy, and playful) saunters through the front door to take up residency, I’m hooked.

Occasionally, they literally drop out of trees.

For example, one fine morning I was exiting my apartment building in downtown Toronto, when a ball of fur bounced off a leafy green branch of a spreading oak and landed with a thud and a yowl at my feet.

Within seconds, the long-haired kitten was crouched up in a ball, in a state of shock.

What the?

I cautiously crept up close to the animal, and immediately spied blotches of blood on her matted fur coat.

Obviously the frightened kitty was still dazed from the impact of the fall - otherwise there may have been a fight when I scooped the adorable animal into my arms.

At this juncture, I dashed off to a phone booth, to search the yellow pages for the nearest Veterinarian.

A clinic on Davenport appeared to be the best bet, so I scrambled into my old gas guzzler, and headed off to get some professional help.

At the Vet’s, the staff was able to determine there weren’t any broken bones, just handful of abrasions that accounted for the blood splatters.

On the way home, I picked up a few cans of cat food and a box of kitty litter, in the event  I was unable to locate the owner right away.

If fact, I pretty much made up my mind to adopt, if there weren’t any responses to notices I posted around the apartment complex.

I started to have my doubts the next day, though.

On every occasion that I tried to play with her (the vet confirmed the animal’s sex and approximate age) she’d cower a bit - and then - slink into the closet as quickly as possible.

Gosh, I thought to myself, having a pet that lacks the ability to be affectionate (and hides in the dark) isn’t going to be much fun (or very comforting).

Each day thereafter, I had to literally lift Sabrina up and set her down in the kitty litter box in the bathroom, to ensure her house training started up as quickly as possible in spite of the disorienting bump on the head.

Meanwhile, there weren’t any responses to the lost cat notice, I posted around the apartment complex.

But, one woman informed me that a few days earlier, she spotted a young child on the 19th or 20th floor of the building playing with a cat on the balcony.

Who knows, maybe the nasty kid tossed her over the side!

If that was the case, I would be reluctant to give up Sabrina (pretty name for a Calico with green eyes, eh?)

Meanwhile, there were a couple of developments on the kitty trail that looked encouraging.

One evening I was reclined on the bed watching TV when the cat stumbled out of the closet and made a shaky beeline for me.

I quickly scooped her up.

And. within moments, she was snuggled up to me purring!

After that, some of her unusual habits, fascinated me.

When I returned home and she heard the key turn in the lock - for instance - she'd dash over to the door to greet me like a dog would with their adored master.

And, she quickly got over traveling up North with me in a motor vehicle, much to the amazement of my friends.

Shortly after we were heading up the busy freeway, she would curl up in the back windshield to strecth out in the sun's lazy rays beating down from above.

Or, creep into my lap for a nap, as I maneuvered the vehicle in-and-out of traffic.

In contrast, when we arrrived at my small cottage property an hour or so later, she was inclined to scurry under the car and hug the front tire, as she stared wide-eyed at the unfamiliar terrain all around us in the country setting.

It wasn't long before she became accustomed to out-of-doors, though.

Within hours, Sabrina  was chasing after birds and squirrels, and acting like she was the queen of the jungle.

At the crack of dawn one fine morning, I was pleasantly surprised to spy her making friends with a kitten born just a few weeks earlier on my neighbour's property next door.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck one day, though.

In addition to Sabrina, I  was also the proud owner of a Husky.

As I toiled on the property each morning, I usually kept King at bay on a heavy-duty chain that gave him a wide birth to roam and play in without coming into contact with the cat.

In fact - over time - Sabrina pretty much fathomed on her own how close she could stroll by his territory without suffering any harm.

The clever feline!

One day, I was cleaning out the shed, when odd throaty growl rose up from the direction of the garden.

When I dashed outside to visually determine the source of the commotion, I was shocked to catch sight of the kitten trapped inside the jaws of the Husky, who was flailing her back and forth like a tiny rag doll.

As I scrambled towards the dog, I screamed out - "Stop" - at the top of my lungs.

King paid me no mind, so I was forced to grab his jaws, and try to pry the helpless kitten loose.

The powerful dog's grip was almost impossible to break.

After I succeeded in rescuing the kitty, I wrapped her in a towel, and jumped in my truck.

Within minutes, I was barrelling down the street in search of a telephone booth and phone directory.

By the time I happened across a stand-alone booth, it was obvious by the convulsions raging through the little pet's body that medical care was too late an option.

A few seconds later, the adorable kitten died in my hands, as I cradled her next to my warm body.

It may sound horrid, but - at this upsettiing juncture - I made the decision to bury the animal at a local cemetery.

And, though emotionally upsetting, I made a pact with myself not to disclose the death of the adorable pet to its owners.

Ultimately, I felt I was saving them from having to live with the horrific images, after-the-fact.

My heart just about broke when I heard the woman next door calling out from her  porch later that morning:

"Kitty!  Here, kitty kitty."

No, the animal would not be bounding up the steps in response to the call.

Did I do the right thing?

Meanwhile, gold and crimson leaves started to flutter down in the next week or so, as fall set in.

Ah, time to pack up, and shut down the property for the winter.

When I revved up the truck to head into town to carry out some chores, Sabrina hung back, much to my frustration.

So, I opted to go down to Main Street on my own, and return later to pick up Sabrina for the trek back home.

By the time I got back to the lot, light flurries were obscuring my visibility.

So, I hopped out of the vehicle, with the hope of quickly scooping up Sabrina.

Unfortunately, my beautiful cat was nowhere in sight.

Although, I searched high and low, I could not locate her in the usual places.

About an hour later, I was forced to consider the possibility that a driver happening by - spied Sabrina, thought she was lost or abandoned - and snatched her up for adoption.

No strings attached!

Needless to say, I was heartbroken for weeks afterward, when she failed to turn up in the neighborhood.

The unfortunate incident dredged up memories of my days at Rochdale College, for good reason.

When a student posted a notice in the elevator that their cat was "missing", an anonymous person scribbled an intriguing note on the flyer.

"The cat is not your cat. It is life's longing for itself." (Kahil Gibran)

Understandably, on that day, my ideas about pet ownership were transformed.

For good reason.


Giants...the "Knot Hole" gang on top of game! Frisco in a fan frenzy!

Lincecum goes Hollywood in wake of super-star status

In the wake of sky-rocketting to hero status - and after the Giants cinched an edge-of-the-seat nail-biter against the rival Philadelphia basefull team - die-hard fans (and residents of San Franciso) are scrambling to deal with a big dilemma that looms on the horizon now.

How to snap up coveted tickets on the cheap for arguably the biggest sports event of the year at AT & T stadium on Wednesday afternoon?

On local news flashes all morning, reporters  are wailing that no-frills stand-up tickets are being scooped up at $450 a pop at a minimum.

Meanwhile, mediocre seats - out in the boondocks - are being snapped up for thousands  of dollars online - from scalpers in the streets - you name it.

Imagine the flourishing business revving up in Las Vegas as the much-anticipated play-off game approaches.

Some baseball fans are foregoing on hefty ticket prices for the Giant’s game, and electing to stand in line, to catch a ringside view of the diamond action from a little-known perch for free.

In an arched opening in the right field wall - known as the “Knot hole” - a posse of rag-tag fans will jockey for a position in a stand up space where the cost is zilch.

Before winning the match on the weekend, the locals - familiar with the "knot hole" - were predicting that there would be a frenzied gang of regulars - newbies, too - hot-footing it over to (what may become) the hottest non-ticketted ticket in town tomorrow.

I expect there will be a few strained necks and flared tempers as the crawl space starts brimming to capacity.

Pushy newcomers - who may have caught wind of the city's best-kept secret - may be put in their place with a quick rebuke by the regulars.

“We be here, first!”

So watch your toes - and backs - dudes!

The curious sports phenomenon didn't happen by chance, by the way.

The section of exposed playing field I am referring to - was part of an  original design built "in" - to  allow passers-by a golden opportunity to a catch a glimpse of the games from the street ( with the ultimate aim of getting more of the locals into the stands at premium prices).

In sum, the "peak hole" was fathomed up as a promotional tool.

To the club managers, the official name for the opening,  is the viewing portal.

Sunds kinky, doesn't it?

Or, is it just my dirty mind?

By the way, knot-holes (fans who frequent the hole-in-the-wall perch) are requied to follow a few practical rules - set down and enforded by Stadium Officials - so ensure  overzealous clods don't spoil the novel ball park experience for others.

Golden Knot-Hole Rules

*No drinking
*No dogs
*No folding chairs
*No cutting in line
*No hats (that block the view)

To ensure fans get an honest shot at a thrilling gander from the sidelines, a security moves along the sports enthusiasts every 3 innings.

The house employees note that it is not a problem nudging folks along, after all, the rag-tag band of Giants fans are keen on policing themselves anyhow to maintain the equilibrium.

A regular may direct a selfish knot-hole hog  to the back of the line without any hard feelings.

When polled, all knot-holers universally agreed it boils down to etiquette.

In this way, each individual is summarily treated with dignity and respect.

By following the golden rules, a patient fan may find themselves standing "this-close" to star athlete Cody Ross as he is trots by actively engaged in a history-making play on the field.

From this unique vantage point, emotional fans also are able to heckle a player, when the stakes get high.

Rattling the nerves of rivals may be a surefire way to gain a much-needed edge over the unsuspecting competition.

Apparently, the Guards can be sweet-talked, too.

Bribes - free coke, mouth-watering hotdogs, and even chips - may buy the ingratiating  fan another three innings because of their "thoughtfulness".

Finally, a bit of advice for the fan caught up in the heady moment.

Watch out for falling debris, eh?

Rowdy fans - with a few ales under their belt - may carelessly (or deliberately) fire cans over the sides of the stadium walls to cause a ruckus.

Also, keep a watchful eye out on street, mindful of  characters out to pick a fight.

Once tourists get wind of the  novel offbeat way to savor  the great american past-time in a romantic no-frills way, , they'll be screeching up to the curb by the busload.

Essentially the fun-filled experience is one for the have-nots, as one Wall Street Journal reporter quipped astutely.

And,  for the romantic few who don't mind roughing it, while saving a buck, too.

Play ball!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Berlin & Beyond Film Festival...San Francisco!

Berlin & Beyond - a highly touted film festival featuring flicks from - Germany, Austria, and Switzerland - is currently underway over the next 7 days at the Castro Street Theatre.

The annual event is presented by the Goethe-Institut San Francisco and has been serving as a gateway for the American public to experience the diversity, history and progression of the German-speaking countries in Europe.

In the last 14 years, over 500 films have been presented to over 100,000 filmgoers and enthusiasts - of the film genre - as well as inspiring hundreds of guest artists in the celebrated duration.

For the 15th Anniversary, the eclectic program is unveiling 24 captivating feature films from seasoned masters - up-and-coming innovators - and six short films from bright new talents.

The impressive roster of luminaries includes - Michael Verhoeven, Benjamin Heisenberg, Feo Aladag, Florian David Fitz, and Donna Woolfolk Cross - who will appear on stage in lively Q & A interchanges with audiences.

Featured Films

*A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation
*Animals United 3D (Die Konferenz der Tiere)
*Autumn Gold (Herbstgold)
*Draft Dodgers (Réfractraire)
*Home from Home (Endstation der Sehnsüchte)
*Human Failure (Menschliches Versagen)
*In the Shadows (Im Schatten)
*It's Me, Helmut (Ich bin's, Helmut)
*Julia’s Disappearance (Giulias Verschwinden)
*Krauts, Doubts & Rock ’n‘ Roll (Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
*Men in the City (Männerherzen)
*Pope Joan (Die Päpstin)
*Rock Hudson: Dar  and Handsome Stranger
*Run if You Can (Renn, wenn Du kannst
*Same, Same But Different
*Side by Side (Nebeneinander)
*Silver Girls (Frauenzimmer)
*Soul Kitchen
*The Last Giants - Oceans in Danger (Wenn das Meer stirbt
*The Last Wheel (Das letzte Rad)
*The Robber (Der Räuber)
*The Silence (Das letzte Schweigen)
*Vincent Wants to Sea (Vincent will Meer)
*Wedding Fever in Campobello (Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht)
*The Welfare Worker (Der Fürsorger)
*When We Leave (Die Fremde)
*Will you marry us (Die Standesbeamtin)
*The Woman with the 5 Elephants (Die Frau mit den 5 Elefanten)

See 'ya there!


Pee Wee Herman...Broadway show opens in N.Y.

Paul Rubens is expected to make a big splash on Broadway next week when a stage production featuring a character he created hits the boards at the Stephen Sondheim Theatre.

The Pee Wee Herman Show was based on Paul Ruben's alter-ego and was an award-winning children's series that ran on CBS from 1986 -1991.

Rubins also met with theatrical success with the feature film release of " Pee Wee's Big Adventure "and the sequel "Big Top Pee Wee" .

The Pee Wee Herman show is based on the popular Television show "Pee Wee’s Playhouse" of yesteryear.

Understandably, a cast of familiar characters will take the stage, in the  new incaration on the stage in Tin Pan Alley.

Audiences will be cracking up over the wild shenanigans of - Mailman Mike, Cowboy Curtis, Ms. Yvonne, and Jambi - for starters.

The comic actually “tested” the  material - slated for its Broadway run - in what amounted to out-of-town previews.

Before Rubins  landed the backing for the New York stage show, he performed a version of his new project in Hollywood to sold out audiences.

In fact, if I recall correctly, the production was extended to accommodate the demand for tickets.

When Pee Wee appeared on Jimmy Fallon the other night, it was obvious the zany comic's timing is as impecable as ever.

Mr. Rubens is witty, insightful, and a unique talent in the final analysis.

Break a leg, Pee Wee!

Info & Tickets



Saturday, October 23, 2010

Love & Romance...is it ever to late?


It’s been a while since a potential suitor tried to put a few smooth moves on me.

So, when a cashier at a local shop started to openly make a play for me tonight, I pooh-poohed the notion of a romance.

Curiously, I confessed to an acquaintance in San Francisco just this morning, that I was relieved when animal passions - and a persistent state of horniness - dropped off in recent years.

“I used to be led around by the end of my cock,” I chuckled.

And, ‘ya know what they say.

A stiff dick has no conscience!

Fortunately, I was blessed with a constant flow of potential suitors, anxious to satisfy all my sexual urges.

In fact, everywhere I turned, potential lovers were always popping out-of-the-workwork proposing marriage.

When I first sauntered into Los Angeles to pursue an acting career, the mere suggestion of an ongoing relationship was out-of-the-question.

I was “married” to my career and content to play the field.

In retrospect?

I was obviously spoiled.

When I get nostalgic, and reflect on my love life, a couple of lovers loom large in my memory.

In one instance, it has dawned on me lately - that one relentless pursuer I was particularly fond of - would have been a great soul mate.

A corny sentiment, I know!

At a time when I fantasize about being in love again, the local clerk’s unexpected advances are encouraging.

To be called “sexy” at this juncture in my life is a sure-fire indication that I am not all washed up when it comes to “hooking up”.

Unfortunately, when you’re older and wiser, practicality factors in.

Mature individuals are  inclined to do a reality check - before jumping in - and making a big splash.

Personally, I seize on all the reasons why I shouldn’t pursue a relationship, to avoid potential heart-break.

But, now and then, throwing caution to the wind is like a breath of fresh air.


I am hopeless romantic who still fantasizes about riding off into the sunset with Prince Charming.

Is it ever to late to fall head-over-heels in love?

A person can dream, can't they?



My heart line looks a little complicated!