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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Meg Whitman...Maid's crocodile tears! Gloria Allred in role as boogie-man!

Allred all Hollywood!



Whenever there is a controversial scandal on the nightly news - and there is a gold-digging damsel in distress at the heart of it - Gloria Allred (top pit bull of this or any other Century) is tossing on her girdle and squeezing her tarted-up self into a tacky K-mart special - and hustling down to a press conference to sashay into the spotlight, extract her ounce of flesh, and snatch up her cut of the pimp action.

A case in point?

The Meg Whitman potboiler spilling ink in sensatonal headlines  running rampant in dailies all over the country.

If Ms. Allred (and I use the term Miss loosely) was so keen on Justice and fighting for immigrant rights, why did she wait until the 11th hour to take action?

Because her crusade is transparent and politically-motivated.

To quote a Beatle's lyric:

"I'm looking through you. Where did you go?"

Ms. Allred is a Jerry Brown supporter.

'Ya got it.

Meg Whitman has been giving Brown a run-for-his-money is a knock-down drag-'em-out-fight in a hotly-contested race for Governor.

It is also a matter of record that Allred has donated funds to the democratic machine in recent years.

In a moment of high-stakes drama, Allred boldly alleged that Whitman - not only knowingly hired an illegal alien - but enaged in a conspiracy to enslave and exploit a lowly immigrant worker in the process.

For effect - she trotted out the innocent lamb - replete with crocodile tears and wringing-hands.

It should have been obvious to any fool with an ounce of intelligence or insight, that Ms. Allred's alleged victim, was coached prior to the eve of her starring performance in front of the paparazzi and a frenzied media.


Through her legal mouthpiece, Diaz accused Whitman of hiring her on - in spite of her illegal status - with the specific aim of capitalizing on her good nature (and likewise) taking advantage of the fact she was caught between a rock-and-a-hard-place somewhere between the Mansion on-on-the hill and the heavily-guarded border to the south.

In response, Whitman recalled a scenario that was so much more believable than Diaz's tawdry soap-opera tale!

With a "cool" head - she noted in no uncertain terms - that the housekeeper-cum-nanny's documents - were checked in advance of employment to determine her legal status.

Later, when the Social Security Administration informed her that Diaz was using a fake identity, she summarily fired the day worker after citing specific grounds for the dismissal.

In defense, accusing fingers continued to point in Whitman's direction, to save face.

"She should have known the maid was illegal."

Not necessarily.

Here is where the dilemma may have arisen for Meg Whitman.

If she didn't accept the documents at face value, folks like Allred may have accused her of assuming the young woman was illegal, because of the color of her skin and due to the fact she hailed from Mexico.


Just because an individual is Latino, doesn't mean they are an illegal, after all.

Curiously, Ms. Allred appeared on Mark Levin's talk show on the radio, tonight.

Levin, a veteran of the Reagan Justice Department and President of the Landmark Legal Foundation, quizzed Ms. Allred about a few of the key issues.

In particular, he asked her why she willingly exposed her client to legal jeopardy.

Diaz is an  illegal immigrant, after all, who may have committed Social Security fraud (which is a federal felony).

Levin also dogged Allred about the origins of the legal fees that afforded representation.

"Was Diaz a pro bono case," he pointedly asked.

Allred, normally-forthcoming with her answers, refused to comment.

Meanwhile, Whitman's team came out of their corner of the ring, punching.

They outright accused that Gloria Allred has been working with Democratic nominee Jerry Brown to publicly embarrass and discredit Whitman.

"We love having Gloria Allred as a foil because people know she's everything they hate about the legal system," Mike Murphy, an adviser to Whitman, chortled to members of the press earlier today.

Although Gloria Allred denied she was working with Brown's campaign per se, I expect, that the once-formidable attorney has finally gotten her tit caught in a wringer.

News at 11!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Newsmax...novel Webcast online gimmick! Kicks off with Sarah Palin!

It wasn't labelled spam!

But, the screaming e-mail - inviting me to participate in an unprecedented series of web discussions and debates October 12th thru November 2nd - landed with a thud just shy of it.

In bold - red, white, and blue type (a sensational attention-grabber, don't 'ya think?) - Newsmax touted an exciting landmark political event - replete with a lineup of the Nation's most respected and powerful voices.

The "Queen of the Tea Party" circuit - for example - will kick off the campaign.


Sarah Palin is slated to take center stage on October 12th and run off at-the-mouth for the much-ballyhooed campaign:

"Make America Great Again"

According to the public relations folks at Newsmax, they have taken a cue from a Palin superhero of yesteryear.

Allegedly, the event is in honor of President Ronald Reagan’s immortal 1980 pledge to restore:

“The great confident roar of American progress and growth and optimism.”

But, I have an inkling that the launch is a well-orchestrated attempt to win over the madding crowd of voters, who traverse the Internet in search of political certainty.

"As you know, Governor Palin has been a passionate and much-needed voice in these times. She has helped organize a powerful grass-roots movement toward restoring sensibility, personal freedoms, and accountability in America," a copy-writer breathlessly gushed in the press release.

And, as I humbly key in this post, it appears that the organizers at Newsmax are endeavouring to accomplish so much more than that, though.

"We are reaching out to the very folks you turn to when you want the real story on matters that affect your family, your country, and your freedoms."


Newsmax has arranged for a series of exclusive online interviews with high-profile citizens which will broadcast October 12th thru November 2nd.

According to insiders, Dick Morris - a top political strategist and the man "Time" magazine referred to as “the most influential private citizen in America” - has agreed to participate in this important program.

Also on the roster?

A sit-down chat with Mike Reagan, best-selling author, syndicated columnist, and eldest son of President Ronald Reagan.

Although Mike's book ("New Reagan Revolution") won't hit the presses 'til next year, he'll share his thoughts on the subject during the the Newsmax presentation next month.


To fuel up Americans, so they will hopefully recognize the need to "take America back" now!

You go, girl!

Glee...favorite quote on Britney Spears episode!

On the much-ballyhooed episode of "Glee" this week - featuring the Pop Diva Britney Spears - there were quite a few one-line zingers that cracked me up!

My favorite?

After spying a school buddy kibitzing with a fellow female student, one of the characters lamented:

"How come gay guys get all the good-looking girls?"

Because they're light in the loafers, do 'ya think?

Howard Stern...bed bugs in limo carpet! OMG!

The onslought of bed bugs - a frenzied topic on the Nightly News this past summer when the infestations were at an all time high - is not over yet.

And, the pesky little devils have not limited their lofty climbs to couches and boudoirs around the country.


Just ask shock jock Howard Stern.

This past week when a canine warrior (trained in the art of ferreting out bugs) strayed near the DJ's luxury auto in downtown NYC, his tail began to wag furiously as he switched into sniffing mode.


The virulent bastards had taken up residence in the carpet of Mr. Stern's chauffeur-driven limousine.

Of course, the title of a classic film came to my mind!

The scenario adds a whole new dimension to the concept of  "Carpet Baggers", doesn't it?

Just betcha, Howard is itchin' to get back to his sumptuous digs for a hot soapy bath to scruinize his - um - infamous private parts!

Bottoms up!

And, how was your day?

Exposed & bug-eyed!


Neil Diamond...rock 'n roller or fluffy pop Icon?

A wave of indignation (and indigestion, too, I expect) sped at lightning speed around the Internet when it was revealed that - amidst a lot of pop pomp and musical circumstance - Rock & Roll aficionados nominated Neil Diamond for inclusion in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

On morning talk shows around the country at the crack-of-dawn, die-hard fans of Rock & Roll dialed in to radio stations to voice their disgust.

To most, two other potential inductees - LL Cool J and sexy front man Bon Jovi - were worthy of the hippest-of-hip honor.

But, Neil Diamond?

The Hall of Fame’s mission, according to a spokesman, is to recognize the contributions of those who have made a significant impact on the evolution, development and perpetuation of rock and roll.

The pop pap that Diamond spun out over the years failed to meet that criteria - in the estimation of music-lovers around the country - who quickly decried the quirky pick for hitting a sour note or two.

The uproar has matched the outrage a Nobel Peace Prize stirred up a few months ago when it was prematurely bestowed on President Barack Obama.

Is nothing sacred in this country, today?

Other 2011 nominees - that managed to pass passed muster with the gathering lynch mobs - included Alice Cooper, the Beastie Boys, Chic, Donovan, Dr. John, the J. Geils band, Darlene Love, Laura Nyro, Donna Summer, Joe Tex, Tom Waits and Chuck Willis.

The Hall of Fame is based in Cleveland and formally announces new inductees once the votes have been tabulated by a distinguished panel of judges plucked from the music industry.

In 2007, the Hall of Fame began inducting hip-hop acts such as Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.

To be considered for the coveted honor, a Hall of Fame nominee is required to have released material at least 25 years ago.

Record sales are allegedly not important, but in the case of Neil Diamond, inquiring musical minds have to wonder.

Will Neil Diamond make the cut?

News at 11!


The Hobbit...Actor's Unions boycott production! Scab labor...

Actors defiantly strike back!

AFTRA (American Federation of Television & Radio Artists) hastily e-mailed alerts out to the membership yesterday afternoon urging a boycott of "The Hobbit'.

The producers of the fantasy flick - slated to shoot next  year in New Zealand - have refused to enter into meaningful contract talks with performers or their representatives.

Although FIA (International Federation of Artists) negotiators have been patient - and persisted in their good-faith efforts to reach an amicable agreement that is equitable to both parties (actors & producers) - the filmmakers have continued to dig in their heels and thumb their noses at the Entertainment Unions.

For this reason, the FIA has recommended an immediate call to action.
In response, AFTRA has issued a directive that members of - Actors Equity Association (AEA), the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), Canadian Actors Equity, Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Equity UK, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) and the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) - turn down gainful employment on the non-union production.

To cover their bases, AFTRA also notified Talent Agents that - pursuant to AFTRA Regulations that govern Talent Agents and performer representation - they are barred from engaging in talks for talent services in respect to work on "The Hobbit".

Tattler readers are probably keen to the fact that I am a Union "man" all the way - with memberships in AFTRA and SAG - and that I wholeheartedly back the proposed boycott of "The Hobbit" project.

About FIA

The International Federation of Actors (FIA) represents performer unions in 100 countries around the world and includes participation by the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), American Actors Equity, the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA), Canadian Actors Equity, Equity UK and the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), and the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).

Brass at Studio given the heave-ho!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Barack Obama...speech ignores impact of Super-stores! Bull sh** prevails!

Wal-Mart retail fortress!

Can you get these togas @ Wal-Mart?

During the course of a speech yesterday - on the subject of the role of small independent businesses in Anywhere USA - the President uttered up a comment that caused me to sit bolt upright in my comfy armchair shaking my head in disbelief.

As usual, Barack Obama's well-crafted ramblings were succinct and to-the-point - at times, even eloquent - but when it got right down to the nitty-gritty his strident notions were not always based on truth (or in reality, for  that matter).

For example, at one juncture, the President asserted that "small businesses" were the anchors that held down Main Streets around the country.

What a load of Bullsh**!

Is Mr. Obama totally clueless to one stinging reality?

Shortly after super-store giants like Wal-Mart bull-doze their way into towns around middle America, most Mom & Pop shops go belly-up!

Subsequently, the American dream turns into a greed-inspired nightmare.

Barack, it's time you woke up, and smelled the coffee!

Blog Action Day..."Water" theme! Participate on October 15th!

Today, organizers for Block Action Day - not only launched their web site - but also unveiled the topic for discussion this year on October 15th.


"You don't have to be a water expert to participate," underscored a spokesperson in a press release that was ceremoniously e-mailed out early this afternoon.

You just have to be interested in joining thousands of  bloggers collectively to raise the consciousness about one of the most important issues facing the global community in recent years.

Clean water is essential for survival.

Unfortunately, thousands of North Americans take the resource for granted, and are unaware of its scarcity in impoverished regions of the world.

In fact,  nearly one billion people don't have access to clean water.

Sadly, 42,000 people die each week from water-borne diseases, as well.

And, the lack of water negatively impacts facets of modern-day society - from the environment to women's rights - to technology and fashion.

Bloggers who are stumped for ideas are encouraged to check out the Blog Action web site for inspiration.

Last year, voices from all stratas of society particpated, including former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

To get the momentum flowing, register today!


Katherine Heigl...charms pants off Letterman before cigarette closure!

That old dawg Dave has eye for ladies!

Katherine Heigl revealed on Letterman last night that she sure is a stylish woman of the horsey set.

And, capable of charming the pants off a man - Dave Letterman's - at least.

When the conversation turned to "kickin' the habit", the effervescent blond slid a cigarette out of her clutch purse wwithout batting a pretty eye-lid, and proceeded to gaily puff away as the toothy talk show host gazed on with a puppy-dog-look on his dazed face.

In fact, within minutes - the budding philanthropist (a few days ago Heigl coughed up $1 million for a charity with a mission close to her heart) - also the articulate bombshell of the hour (sounds like an incongruity of terms, doesn't it?) was casting a spell over the known ladies man that was difficult to shake.

If he wanted to, that is.

In one captive moment - when Heigl handed the smoke over to Dave - he eagerly snatched it up for a puff or two without hesitation.

I was flabbergasted.

Dave didn't appear to have any concerns about the potential dangers of passing saliva.


That was the tip-off.

Dave must be an old joint-smoker from way back!

Of course, Heigl and Dave weren't taking a drag on just any ordinary tobacco cigarette.

Heigl's stash - known as an "e-cigarette" - is a product that was designed to allow the smoker to inhale nicotine and puff out harmless water vapor.

"You blow out water vapor so you're not harming anyone around you and you're not harming yourself," Heigl confidently explained to Dave and his rapt audience.

"I'm essentially humidifying the space."

The "smoking stick" minimizes the craving for real nicotine cigarettes.

When quizzed further, Heigl giggled in the affirmative that the user may become addicted to the device.

But, what a chic way to go!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Budweiser's National Happy Hour Day...free brewskies! Obama's beer garden!

In spite of the fact Budweiser's thirst-quencher (once boasting a de rigeur manly image) rode a foamy wave of popularity with robust beer-lovers over the years - the big brass at the bad-a** brewery - have been wringing their sweaty palms over a slump in sales this past year.

Have die-hard loyalists simply switched brands (an ominous thought) - or just foresaken the lightweight brewskie for a stiffer cocktail - sure to ease the pain in these tough economic times?

I wonder what President Obama's thoughts are on the subject of self-medication?

Maybe there's more to that "beer garden" at the White House than the Prez divulged to inquiring minds in the beginning.

Needless to say,  in a bold-faced effort to boost its image and sales, Anheuser-Busch drummed up a promotion sure to keep the barrels rolling (on Wednesday, at least).

Free beer!

In fact, Budweiser honchos have declared Wednesday "National Happy Hour Day".

At 5 p.m. on that momentous occasion, barkeeps will throw open the spiggots, and a river of the suds will flow out across the country (albeit in 6 to 12 ounce-size samples depending on local liquor laws in effect).

In addition, Budweiser will be teaming up with "The  Social Network" for those who like to get
"Sh** Face".

Just kidding!

Actually, a deal was struck to provide free brewskies to Facebook members on their celebrated "B-days" (though older dudes would prefer to forget the numbers racking up).

Just maybe, the under-thirty crowd will refrain from referring to a pick-me-up - that according to one executive - is often jokingly labelled:

"The Beer that Dad drinks"

Unless the trendier brand runs out, of course!

To quote Gertrude Stein:

"A beer is a beer is a beer."

Anheuser-Busch President - Dave Peacock (!) - was a harsher critic.

"Bud's not cool anymore," he sobbed to all within earshot in recent days.

But, if push comes to shove, maybe a truckload of slick advertising will cause fists to rise up once again in unison.


Los Angeles...sizzlin' heat wave record-breaker! Stay cool, dudes!

Los Angelinos seek relief from sizzle!


To call it a sizzler would be putting it mildly.

A scorcher?

You betcha!

At high noon today, the mercury bubbled up to a staggering 113 degrees in thermometers all around the City of Angels.

Needless to say, the locals headed for cover.

But, even in the shade of the spreading arms of a stately old oak tree, folks tended to sweat profusely.

Consequently, local news anchors issued dire health warnings and tips on how to stay hydrated.

Also, firefighters remained on alert in high-risk areas around the Los Angeles.

According to weather specialists at the National Weather Service, the previous record high was set on June 26th in 1990.

Trivia buffs may be interested to learn that record-keeping first started-up way back in 1877.

Southwest Airlines...cheap flights a myth? Discount flyer to buy out AirTran!

For the past couple of years, I've been out-of-the-loop - when it comes to sophisticated high-speed travel - at least.

On trips to Vegas, I usually drive at a leisurely pace, for instance.

For longer stints that would normally require a night over, I often treat myself to a "sleeper" on Amtrak, savoring every "old-world" aspect of the trip.

But, for some inexplicable reason, I got the urge out-of-the-blue to take flight this week, not unlike a bird that flutters up and wings south without rhyme or reason.

So, I hopped on the Internet to check out the offerings.

With the tap of a key, I was confronted with a glut of snazzy ads, promising me this 'n that.

"$49.00 to Vegas" - one eye-catching pop-up screamed out - as it floated across the laptop screen aimlessly.

But, when I inputted the data to my dream get-away-spot, the low-priced airfares were as elusive as Joaquin Phoenix on a slow talk show night on CBS.

For the most part, the tickets topped out (after surcharges and applicable taxes were tacked on) at over twice that.

A quick investigation determined that this - or any other fly boy, for that matter - would have to book "no frills", well-in-advance, and at an unGodly hour - to take advantage of the heavenly deals the airlines were allegedly offering up.

In fact, as I scoured the Internet for reasonable rates, I got the distinct impression that all the major carriers were engaged in an outright conspiracy, with the ultimate aim of maintaining a stranglehold on prices geared to meet the bottom line.

For example, when I proceeded to compare the cost of a handful of flights with the same specific set of criteria - such as time, location, and date - in every instance but one (out of the ten selected) the ticket price was exactly the same!

Should I tempt fate?

I closed my eyes - jabbed my finger at the screen - and landed on Southwest Airlines.

Peanuts, anyone?

The flight on the "little airline that could" intrigued me for a myriad of reasons from the get-go.

For starters, computer-savvy travellers were invited to participate in the process, by simply keying in a few bites of data.

From the comfort of home, I was able to print out a boarding pass, and avoid a line snaking along the crowded concourse at the terminal gate.

A tip worth paying heed to?

Double-check the settings on the printer to ensure that frames are included - otherwise - the page will be spit out with a lot of gobbly-gook on its face.

In that event, start over!

Or, head straight for the snotty airline clerk at check-in when you arrive at the airport, to snatch up a proper one that passes muster with security.

The idea of "herding" has been taken to a new level at Southwest, too.

Under the guise of being a device to speed up boarding, management has elected to facilitate the "open seat" plan.


No "assigned seats".


In plain old English?

Get ready for a free-for-all at the gate.

Once the cabin attendant calls out a section, passengers dig in their heels - and stampede forward - as they scoure the interior terrain for a comfy bucket seat without kiddie-pooh smellin' up the place.


Fly the unruly skies at Southwest!

Moreso, when a planned merger with another big-time discount carrier (AirTran) is sealed on the tarmac later this year.

By the way - did I mention that over at the United Airlines website - bookers were attempting to lure well-heeled jet-setters (with cash and time to burn) their way with promise of extra space?

"Blue dots" on the diagrams for cabin seating, for instance, denote seats with more space.

Yes, Sir!

For ten bucks extra, the penny-pinching air carrier will book 'ya a seat up-front, with extra leg room to accommodate excess baggage.

 God forbid, Southwest picks up on the thrift trend.

Passengers will be munching on half a peanut and sipping on water melted fresh off-the-wing, as they dangle their legs outside the window, out of sight of Jet Blue's wings.

What next?

Stand-up seats for short flights?

"Ya heard it here first, folks.

Amtrak sleeper car!

Lindsay Lohan...back to rehab! Charlie Sheen & "Mean Girl" confound media hounds!

Lindsay on the move!

One minute, Lindsay Lohan was being hand-cuffed and hauled off to jail without mercy - in the next - the troubled starlet was being spirited away out a back door into a waiting limousine into the dead-of-night.

What the heck gives?

Media hounds were being run ragged and shaking their heads in frustration over the unexpected turn-of-events.

One thing was certain, though.

By the tail end of last week, the mind-boggling events surrounding the high-profile star, were starting to mirror the bad boy theatrics of Charlie Sheen which went down in Colorado just a scant few weeks ago.

For instance - on the heels of an insider tip that Charlie was about to cop a plea - a pack of overzealous paparazzi packed up their lenses and dashed off to the courthouse to catch the big scoop on celluloid.

Suddenly, without warning, it was a "no go".

No Sheen. No deal.

Back to square one!

Over the weekend, a similar fiasco unfolded on network TV, when two tabloid news shows rushed to report out-of-breath that Lindsay was in "jail" - and - denied bail.

In fact, she was not!

No, Sir!

Shortly after the entertainment reporters put their segments to bed - and the sensational news alerts flooded the airwaves - Lindsay had flown the coop!

Needless to say - the embarrassed gossip mongers (and media outlets that took a cue and followed suit) - ended up with recalled egg on the face.

But, not moi!

That's the beauty of being a blogger, after all.

With a flick of a finger - it's a snap to edit - and update the news!.

Though mainstream media types are prone to put down Internet writers - for lacking a background in journalism and what-have-you - at least bloggers can boast that their tripe is up-to-date and fresh out of the mouths of gossips!

No cigar for TV tabloid news!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lone Star Film Society...to honor T Bone Burnett! Gala Black Tie event!

The Lone Star Film Society will be honoring 10-time Grammy-Award winner T Bone Burnett at a glittering Gala on November 12th in tandem with the opening night celebrations for the annual Lone Star Film Festival in Fort Worth (Texas).

T Bone was lauded in recent months for his work on the feature film - "Crazy Heart" - which starred Jeff Bridges (who won a coveted Oscar for his remarkable performance as a down 'n out Country & Western singer).

I reported on a screening of "Crazy Heart" I attended a few months ago which was sponsored by "Envelope" at the Los Angeles Times.

Post: 12/02/09


Singer/Songwriter Ryan Bingham will take the Texas stage alongside T Bone at the "Lone Star Film Festival Ball" and perform a couple of songs from the soundtrack of the feature film - "Crazy Heart" - a collaborative effort which earned the musical two-some an Academy Award for the "Best Original Song" (The Weary Kind).

The public is welcome to attend the event at the Bass Performance Hall’s McDavid Studio in Sundance Square in Fort Worth.

In addition to the concert, there will be a black tie dinner event to seat 250 guests.

At a live auction, fans will have the opportunity to snap up travel packages, movie memorabilia and other film industry-related prizes.

“This is the can’t-miss event of a lifetime for fans of film and music,” said Alec Jhangiani, artistic director of the LSFS.

“The caliber of talent joining us at this year’s gala reflects our commitment to deliver a world-class film festival to North Texas that attracts entertainment’s best and brightest."

Special guests include Scott Cooper (director/“Crazy Heart”), Judy Cairo, (producer/“Crazy Heart”), Callie Khouri (screenwriter/ “Thelma and Louise”), Bobbie Wygant, (award-winning film critic &  television personality).

“The Lone Star International Film Festival has evolved into an event in which the entire community can be proud,” beamed Johnny Langdon, Chairman of the LSFS board of directors.

“It has blossomed since its launch in 2007 in terms of both size and reputation. Last year’s record-setting audience and our expanding repertoire of groundbreaking international and domestic films position us for an unprecedented 2010."

The Lone Star International Film Festival (LSIFF) is a presentation of the Lone Star Film Society (LSFS) and represents the culmination of the society’s year round series of film screenings and events.

LSIFF features an impressive slate of narrative and documentary features and short films from around the world, educational panels, red carpet entrances, filmmakers, celebrity guests, and nightly parties featuring celebrated musical acts.

According to the organizers, the fall festival is quickly becoming a marquee cultural event in the Fort Worth/Dallas region.


www.lonestarfilmsociety.com or www.lsiff.com

The Lone Star Film Society

The Lone Star Film Society (LSFS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to raise the level of film appreciation within Fort Worth to that of the other arts.

After three years of successfully presenting the internationally recognized Lone Star International Film Festival in Sundance Square, the Lone Star Film Society has taken a major step forward in its evolution by developing a year round series of programs that include more than 50 screenings, lectures, master classes and social events in various partnerships with Fort Worth’s other major cultural and educational institutions.

The ID Film Festival..."The Fog" and "Air Doll" to premiere! Oct. 8th thru Oct. 11th!

The ID Film Fest - a unique cultural experience - will launch next week with Los Angeles premieres of three critically-acclaimed films -"Fog" by Kit Hui (starring Terrence Yin and Eugenia Wan), Hirokazu Koreeda's much-ballyhooed art masterpiece "AIR DOLL", and Ian McGruder's "THE THINGS WE CARRY" (closing night).

The festival circuit-pleaser - an eclectic mix of films presented by the Japanese National Museum - is slated to complete its full run  at the Los Angeles National Center for the Preservation of Democracy (Little Tokyo) October 8th thru October 10th.

In essence, the founders - Quentin Lee and Koji Steven Sakai (both filmmakers in their own right) - envisioned a sparkling venue (a mini-fest, of sorts) where promising Asian/American celluloid pieces could be showcased and singled out before high-profile centerpiece projects (with big budgets) blew into town and snatched up all the media attention.

In its third year, the ID Film Fest continues to build steam and garner attention.

To the credit of the organizers, the film community views the annual event as a festival "by and for" filmmakers, who have created a compelling forum for Asian-American content and/or those of Asian descent.

"Los Angeles is a postmodern collage of cultures and identity," underscored founder/filmmaker Quentin Lee.

"The ID Film Fest is proud to present contemporary works that examine, explore or celebrate the identity crisis in our diverse global Asian community," beamed Lee, an articulate artist I first met this past year at the Asian Pacific Film Festival Director's Guild screening of his film - "The People I've Slept With."

"Everyone's struggle with identity is totally unique, but at the same time there are many commonalities," added co-founder/filmmaker Koji Sakai,

"What Am I? Am I Japanese American? Am I Asian American? Am I American?" - he wondered aloud at a recent press junket in town.

"ID Film Fest is meant to explore those similarities and differences; and through both, my hope is that everyone will be able to answer the basic question: 'What are you?'"

Previous filmmakers and artists who have participated at the ID Film Fest include Justin Lin, Michael Aki, Eric Nakamura, Margaret Rhee, Tony Huang, Ann Kaneko, Chris Chan Lee, Tad Nakamura, Jason Tobin, Rea Tajiri and Ming Lai.

This year's ID Film Fest boasts the appearances of high-calibre talents such as PJ Raval, Jessica Sanders, Brent Anbe, William Lu, Feodor Chin, James Huang, Kerwin Berk, Hirokazu Koreeda, Kit Hui, Ming Lai, Eugenia Wan and Terrence Yin.

Undoubtedly, two of the main highlights will be screenings of:


In the latter, filmmakers will get a chance to participate in a live screenwriting pitch session with industry execs, while finalists for the "API PILOT SHOOT OUT" will be invited to screen trailers of their work in competition.

The Centerpiece film - "AIR DOLL" (from Hirokazu Koreeda) - is based on the popular manga series Kuuki Nigyo.

The wild plot-line revolves around a middle-aged man whose closest friend is a life-sized doll.

The doll is played by multi-talented Bae Donna ("The Host").

Shades of "Lars and the Real Girl"?

Take in the flick and find out for yourself!

Tickets & Info


Justin Beiber...caught tonguing pretty chanteuse!

Hormones were raging for one young horn dog the other evening, according to handlers on the edge of  his inner sanctum.


Pop sensation - Justin Bieber - was spied passionately locking lips with the  pretty young singer who usually opens his sold-out gigs each night.

The eager beaver's pre-show theatrics give a whole new meaning to the term "warm-up" act.

Hang in there, dude!

This cradle rocks!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brian Williams...staid image transformed on late night talk!

Did your jaw drop?

In a "top-ten" comedy sketch on a Late Night entertainment show last night - normally-staid NBC News Anchor - Brian Williams - shattered both his pristine public persona and squeaky-clean image in one fell swoop.

"It doesn't matter how big your business is," he uttered up with a straight face, seconds before the punch line.

"It's how you use it."

Girth is important, too, Brian!


Brian landed on my "Best Dressed" list twice!

Lindsay Lohan..."Get out of Jail" card costly! Judge Fox eats crow!

Lindsay Lohan snagged another "Get out of Jail" card last night just before the witching hour.

But, the price tag was a pretty hefty one.

Earlier in the day, when Ms. Lohan appeared in court to answer to charges that she failed a drug test last week, Judge Elden Fox pulled the rug out from under the starlet when he denied bail and ordered a Sheriff to hand-cuff  the startled defendant and haul her back to the slammer until a probation Violation hearing on October 22nd..

But, the ruling was struck down later in the afternoon just shy of 6  p.m , when Lohan's lawyer filed a "motion" with the court, lamenting that denial of "bail" was illegal in the instant scenario since Lindsay had committed a couple of misdemeanors (not felonies).

An assistant supervising Judge found there was merit to lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley's argument, and subsequently, overturned the stiff penalty imposed earlier by Judge Fox.

However, the stakes got higher for Ms. Lohan.

The court granted her release with the provision that her legal team post $300,000.00 bail.

In addition, the strong-willed actress was placed on a tighter leash.

Until the hearing in late October rolls around, Lohan is required to sport an ankle bracelet once again, to monitor her every move.

The trendy watering holes the par-ta girl frequents - that primarily flog alcohol - are off-limits, too.

Individuals in rehab treatment programs often refer to social setting such as these as "triggers" because of temptations that lurk everywhere in those sleazy environs.

On October 22nd, the disgruntled Jurist will render a finding as to whether or not Lindsay violated her probation last week when she failed a mandatory court-ordered drug test.

Lindsay herself has admitted that shaking her drug habit has been a daily challenge.

"Substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn't go away over night," Lohan fessed up a few days ago on Twitter, on the heels of admitting she relapsed and that her test came back dirty.

When Judge Fox initially granted Lohan's release, he mapped out a 67-day course of action for the pretty starlet to follow which included drug testing, counseling, and substance abuse meetings.

At Friday's court proceeding, probation officers were asked to report back on the extent of Lindsay's compliance, how faithful she's been to the court's directive, and so-forth and-so-on.

With reliable facts in hand, it is anticipated the Judge will be capable of rendering a decision that is equitable under the circumstances, with the specific aim of settling a case that has gotten old and grey and (yawn!) begging for closure.

I echo Mr. Lohan's sentiments.

The talented thespian is in dire need of therapy.

Stints behind bars just frustrate and hinder the healing process on all levels.

Dueling Lohans!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Contacts at DNA Magazine in Australia invited me to - SPLASH! - a venue party at Sydney's Ivy Pool Bar hosted by Hautes Vacances.

Darn, I'm languishing hundreds of miles away on the West Coast of Calfornia, and unable to take the plunge.

But, Aussie bums - down under - should mark the calendar!

DJs Adam Love and Jason Barry flap the platters for what is expected to be an afternoon of sexy boisterous fun in the lazy  mid-day sun.

Against the sizzling sensual Splash! backdrop, DNA intends to unveil this year's much-anticipated swimwear edition


Studly male models will be flexing their stuff amidst a wild sea of hot 'n horny dudes yahooing on the sidelines poolside and at the bar where exotic cocktails and trendy ales are expected to flow throughout the high-energy event.

Kick one (or two) back for me, eh?

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Lindsay Lohan...motion granted for release! Starlet must rustle up $300,000.00 bail...


A few minutes ago, there was good news - bad news, too - for Lindsay Lohan.

This afternoon - when Judge Elden Fox ordered Lindsay Lohan back to the slammer for failing a drug test (and sent her reeling in shock) - the disgruntled Jurist also denied her legal eagle's  request for bail.

Consequently, the Sheriff was instructed to hand-cuff Ms. Lohan - at which point - she was hauled off to a secure facility for female prisoners in Lynwood, California.

End of story?


At the hearing this afternoon, the lawyer representing the "Mean Girls" star, vowed to file a motion with the court, replete with arguments outlining the merits of re-instating bail and a quick release for Lindsay.

True to form, the aggressive attorney quickly drafted the requirement paperwork, and the brief was summarily submitted to the court's clerk for a proper legal review.


Ms. Lohan's highly-paid arm-twister must be a legal whiz because the "motion" was granted by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg.

Who's out-foxing who?

Unfortunately for the actress, her release hinges on her legal team's ability to rustle up a startling $300,000.00 in bail - in what amounts to fool's gold at this point - backed by appropriate security (such as bonds, stocks, and/or property).

In addition, Lohan must get fitted for a trendy ankle bracelet once again, so that her activities may be monitored up-close-and-personal each waking-and-sleeping moment until a hearing on the issues (slated for October 22nd) determines Lohan's fate.

I expect the paparazzi will not only be camped out-front of the big house, but may be inclined to position a scout out-back, in the event the sly par-tay girl attempts to slip out the backdoor once again.

I'm pulling for 'ya, girl!

No-nonesense Judy Judy may be good medicine for starlet!

Lindsay Lohan...hand-cuffed & jailed! No bail for screw-up!

Lindsay Lohan was in for a rude awakening when she sashayed into court today to answer to charges that she was  in Violation of probation for failing a mandatory drug test last week.

The Judge's reaction was swift and severe.

Throw her in the slammer!

A few minutes earlier, Lindsay roared up to the courthouse - stylisly outfitted in a dark blazer and peering out from behind dark shades with her mother in tow - half-expecting the proceeding was just a formality.

But, the troubled addict was in for a jolt when the disgruntled Jurist - Eden Fox - instructed the Sheriff to hand-cuff the pretty starlet and take her into custody.

After denying bail, a hearing was set for October 22nd, at which point the "Mean Girls" star was whisked way to the country jail where she is expected to don an orange jumpsuit and suffer a loss of privileges once again.


Those weren't crocodile tears Ms. Lohan shed when she was placed inside an unmarked police car and hauled away to women's facility in Lynwood, California, to be incarcerated once again.

On the sideliness, gossip-mongers tittered.

To paraphrase a quote from the musical "Chicago":

"She had it coming!"

In spite of the fact the high-profile celeb  was released early from Jail last month - and give leniency - Ms. Lohan neglected to count her blessings.

A mandatory drug test which came back "dirty" signaled to the court that the social gadfly was defiantly thumbing her nose at the justicial system.

According to one Sheriff, Lohan is being kept away from the general population at the slammer "for the safety and security of the entire jail system."

Lohan, 24, is to be held in an 8-by-12 foot cell on lone stints that may stretch out twenty-three hours or so without contact with other inmates.

Not a charmed existence, by any stretch of the imagination.

Meditation may be a usetool right now for Lindsay to facilitate self-reflection.

Good luck, Ms. Lohan!

San Francisco...trigger-happy security guards upset residents!

Recently, some San Francisco residents have been up-in-arms over hired security guards who patrol the downtown streets - sporting a uniform similar to one worn by the San Francisco Police Department - and packing a gun.

Because the cocky cop look-a-likes have no police training - or formal knowledge of the law (especially in respect to Civil Rights) - concerned individuals have been rallying to end their rein of cowboy-style justice in the Bay area.

Though some local shop-keepers have supported their presence in the neighborhood - after all, SF Police Officers are not capable of taking on the task of copper-on-the spot 24/7 in the mean streets of the downtown city core - others lament that without proper training they are a disaster waiting to happen.

Indeed, in recent weeks, one resident was fatally shot by a security guard who many thought was trigger happy and out-of-line.

Personally, I have found that rent-a-cops - and security guards - are not qualified to carry a gun or function in a capacity as citizen protectors.

In fact, I have written articles in the past on security guards at - Safeway, Pavilions, and Ralph’s - underscoring their lack of judgment, tendency to bully individuals and overstep their authority, and so-forth-and-so on.

When you consider that the large percentage of these guards are uneducated and lack the intelligence to act responsibly in the setting they’ve been hired to inhabit as local super hero, it’s obvious that the public at large is at risk.

Indeed, many of the guards are flunkies.

They couldn’t pass the police exam, or land a post as a Sheriff, so they took the job that was the next best thing.
If the truth be known, many of these losers probably have psychological problems to boot.

For example, they may have been pushed around when they were kids.

Or, a handful of them may be impotent.

So, a - uniform, badge and gun - are used to bolster their manhood.

That is a dangerous proposition from the get-go.

I agree that the cop wannabees should hang up their monkey suits and turn in their guns.

Until they do, no Citizen will be safe or free of harassment on the streets of  San Francisco.