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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin...tried to fire librarian and ban books! Sordid past surfaces...

Save me from Sarah, please...

When a reporter asked a McCain spokesperson if Sarah Palin would be tossed aside as a candidate for the Vice Presidency in view of all the negative press in recent days, he was taken aback.

"Over a seventeen-year-old's pregnancy?" he asked incredulously.

The McCain handler has either not been paying attention to the news - or, in the alternative - republicans are just a stupid lot.

It's not a question of a teen being impregnated out-of-wedlock!

In recent days, vigorous efforts on the part of journalists around the country, have turned up a handful of startling - and unsettling - Sarah Palin scandals.

For instance, she allegedly tried to have a librarian fired for not banning books she was inclined to strike from the catalogues.

One must have been a tome on "Pork Funding"; after all, it probably struck too close to home.

Another, must have been a manual whipped up by professionals on the subject of sex education.

Yes, Palin prefers the great white north to be populated with unwed teenagers with babies in tow.

At least it will keep 'em out of trouble at home in their igloos on dark wintry nights.

Then, there are the reports that Palin was actually involved with an ultra-aggressive anti-American organization that sought Alaska's secession from the United States.

Funny that.

This past week McCain's handlers were noting that Palin was a prime choice for the VP ticket.


Because Alaska was a scant three miles from Russia - and hence - the 44-year old mother of five was keen on security issues.

If that's the case - did she ever ponder what the threat would have been - had Alaska broken off from the United States and been set adrift?

When you view her record - what there is of it - it's also evident that Palin has flip-flopped all over an environment that she now seeks to plunder with intrusive oil drilling in sensitive wild-life habitats.

Yeah, the cuddly Polar Bear is in her targets, next!

Her extremist views on abortion, prejudices against gays, and screwy ideas about teaching creationism in schools add to the lunacy.

Notwithstanding, it should be noted that contrary to what McCain alleges, insiders have confessed that Palin was a last-minute un-thought-out choice.

I half-expect the other hopefuls passed over are laughing behind his back.

"Serves you right, soldier boy."

Yeah, the election battle has been lost.

The Dems are a shoe-in now.

Oil rigs threaten fragile environment...

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