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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Americans...are they constipated? Unhealthy diet to blame...

Lately, wherever I go, it seems that a whole brigade of frustrated dudes are camping out in the stalls of men's rooms - at the local library, truck stops off-highway, and at McDonald's take-out - just about everywhere.

From within the tiny confines of the crapper stall - as I straddle the urinal to take a whiz - I hear a lot of serious grunting and groaning going on.

Almost everyone gets constipated at some time during his or her life.

Lately, there appears to be an epidemic underway, judging from what I have witnessed in recent days.

The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person.

According to experts in the field, some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week. Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long, most agree.

After three days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass.

Uh-huh, I hear 'ya!

You're considered to be constipated if you strain during a bowel movement more than twenty-five percent of the time, if there are two or less bowel movements in a week, and you experience rock-hard stools more than twenty-five percent of the time, too.

What causes constipation?

The troubling condition is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function rather than a structural problem.

Common causes of constipation include: insufficient water intake, inadequate fiber in the diet, a disruption of regular diet or routine, a lot of travel, lack of activity or physical exercise and/or immobility, and stress.

Ah, so when you consider these factors, it is easy to fathom why men are hunkering down in the "johns" of fast-food joints all around America, straining to get a little movement in their frustrated lives.

For the most part, an on-the-go Joe is not getting enough fiber in his diet, tends to drink too much coffee (as opposed to fresh water), and is not getting enough exercise.

Listen up dudes, 'ya gotta get those pipes in working order, pronto!

After all, proper digestion requires balance, and proper ebb and flow within.

Healthy habits can alleviate the problem.

For example, schedule a bowel movement daily.

And, don’t ignore urges "to go" when the occasion arises while you're on the go.

In fact - the longer a person delays going to the bathroom after the urge first surfaces - the more water may be absorbed from the stool.

Since water helps make stool soft - and easier to pass - delaying the inevitable will only make matters worse!

So, to promote healthy bowel movements, select a specific time each day to trundle off to the bathroom to take one.

After eating is best because you have the opportunity to take advantage of the body’s own natural method of moving food through your system.

The vital bodily process is known as peristalsis.

Specialists note that the "movement" is like a wave moving through the muscles of the digestive system - which narrows first - then propels the food and fluid along without complications.

Because these wavelike movements occur twenty to thirty minutes after a meal - ultimatley - is capable of establishing some predictability and eventual body control over the function.

Notwithstanding, a change in diet may be important, too.

Fruits, grains, protein - that sort of thing - promote good health and encourage healthy bowel movements, by the way.

So, next time I head into the "john", I trust you'll have it down pat.

Bottom line?

Sh**, or get off the pot!

*Natural remedies like Flaxseed oil are preferable
*Shiatsu masseurs focus on pressure points to heal the ailment

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