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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sarah Palin...reluctant to pass judgment on "gays". Gibson interview on ABC confirms it!

In these parts, it causes some to shake their heads, when they end up in an argument with another gay person about their curious decision to vote Republican this fall.

After all - to many in the homosexual community - being gay and a republican is a bit of a misnomer!

The reason?

Many feel that the republicans have unjustly voted nay on pro-gay issues in the past.

But - some have a convoluted notion that they can change the party from the "inside" - given half the chance.

Maybe they have something there, if Palin's conduct of late is any indication.

Although the VP hopeful is on the record as being anti-gay - in respect to gay marriage and benefits for partners - she appeared to be a bit reticent about expressing those views (or any negative comments about gays) during her interview with Charles Gibson the other night on ABC News.

In fact, when Palin was asked outright about one gay issue, she stumbled for words.

"I don't know," she responded hesitantly.

Gee, I wonder if Palin ran smack dab into a handful of those smart well-heeled homosexuals firmly ensconced in the Republican Log Cabin on Capitol Hill - and after mixing and mingling a smidgen - is inclined to have some doubts?

After all - once you've met a few upscale Queens, Sarah, you'll find they aren't half-bad.

Or just maybe, the VP hopeful is inclined to follow the dictates of an old adage, now that she is rubbing shoulders with a gaggle of rainbow republicans in Washington, D.C.?

It goes something like this.

Don't sh** where you sleep!

One for the gay republicans on the "hill".

Todd, that's his beard 'ya know...

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