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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin...Poll shows women smarter than men!

In a recent poll, 49% of the men surveyed thought that Sarah Palin was ready to take office in the White House.

Meanwhile, 41% of the women polled thought the up-start from the Alaskan sticks was short on the skills necessary to run the country.

I was surprised!

After all, I thought that men were the smarter sex.

'Ya know, quick on the uptake.

Looks like the buzz about Palin's unethical conduct and lack of experience - demonstrated by her tendency to flip-flop and fudge on the facts - zoomed over their foggy noggins.

Maybe the dizzying image of a fleshy rack threw 'em off base.

After all, men tend to be a visual lot.

But, it some respects, the outcome of the vote count was not surprising to moi.

After all, men base their decision-making process on available information.

Meanwhile - the female of the sex has the advantage - because they are capable of sensing what is in the wind without a mountain of proof.

Yes, women have a tendency to go with their intuition.

A hint of a perfume on an item of cast-off clothing - a smudge on a pair of boxers - will often trigger the sixth sense and - dude, when that happens - boy does it kick in!

I expect that since McCain goes by his "gut" feelings - a few women may be inclined to admire that ability to gamble - and vote his way.

Unfortunately, the wrinkly old dude's instincts about Palin were way off the mark, judging by recent news reports.

Many women have chirped that McCain's pick - offered up to appeal to satisfy suburban housewives - doesn't fool 'em one bit.

In fact, some are downright irritated by the nervy notion.

"I am offended that he thinks because I have the same kind of sex organs as Palin, that I will vote for her!"


Another lamented, "She's no Hillary Clinton."

Had he done his homework, he may have been steered in the right direction.

But, now that the republicans have to languish on the gangplank with his boffo mistake, crafty wranglers are bent on forcing the ubiquitous Palin down the voters' proverbial throats.

Some say, by dishonest, deceitful, and dubious means.

Doesn't look like many will buy the big sell, though.

To many, Palin is just a national joke, about to track a messy trail of Caribou dung into the White House!

My instincts tell me, I'd better keep an eye on that bodacious bimbo brunette!

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