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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Barack Obama...the irony of his candidacy. Old guard thwarts plans for change...

Just a regular American who likes to play ball!

I laughed-out-loud yesterday when I stumbled on a post by a blogger who whined that a nod to Hillary Clinton in the important role of "Secretary of State" amounted to a renege on the Obama promise for "change".

Contrary to his campaign platform, the president-elect appears to be turning to a tired old regime for candidates that voters were anxious to be rid of in the new administration, was the gist of the disgruntled supporter's plaintive wail.

In reflecting on the issue, I recalled another irony, too.

When Barack was tustling with his opponent on the campaign trail, there were times when voters accused Hillary of playing the race card.

The whole can of worms squirmed around the country ad nauseam for a few weeks - at which point - it was stressed way-back-when (by voters, republicans and democrats alike, and the media) that Barack was not a "Black" candidate!

No Sir.

Mr. Obama was just another hopeful from the Democrat camp with an eye on the big brass ring.

Funny, that!

When John McCain tossed the towel in - and conceded to Obama that dark and moody night - the press reported in a news flash (that ziz-zagged around the world in about two seconds flat) that the young upstart from places hither-to-unknown had become the 1st Black President of the United States.

Ah, they slipped, didn't they?

If the media outlets truly believed back in the summer of 2008 that Barack was not a black candidate, as alleged, they would have reported without hesitation on the eve of November 4th - that Obama had won the election to become the "44th President" of the United States - not the 1st Black President.

Yes, the whole political scam was just a lot of smoke and mirrors, wasn't it?

Undoubtedly, there are a few surprises yet to unfold in the future.

As Bette Davis's character once hissed in "All About Eve":

"Fasten your seat belts, it's going to a bumpy night!"

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