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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Michael Phelps...getting pu**y galore! The dating game...

In addition to swimming laps, it appears from the dish zig-zagging at lightning speed around the Internet, that Michael Phelps is inclined to take a splashy romantic dive down south, too.

The Hollywood gossip site is reporting that Carrie Underwood and Stephanie Rice are in the running for the Olympic champ's chump change - but like insightful moi - have given kudos to Nicole Johnson for coming out on top - of Michael Phelps!

However, another blogger is reporting that Phelps has fallen hard for a stripper by the name of Caroline "Caz" Pal.

On that site, photos of Ms. Pal are pretty - um - in-your-face!

In fact, the blogger was forced to "black-out" her bare ti**ies.

A little too risque for couch potatoes around the country to digest?

Shots of "Caz" in-between two females - creating a human snatch (um) snack effect - leave little to the imagination, too.

Does Michael's gal "Pal" swing both ways???

Or, does the sizzling sexy siren just figure herself to be a water nymph ripe for riding by the ubiquitous water stud?

News at 11!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Margot Gerber...publicist threatens press! American Cinematheque employee a mentally disturbed loser!

Many people are under the impression that in Hollywood actors are the sole individuals with inflated egos and an overblown sense of self-importance!

However, in the underbelly of Tinsel Town, there are a handful of scurrilous individuals who take the cake in that regard.

Staffers in publicity departments - and press agents who represent major stars in Hollywood - are at the top of list!

Take Margot Gerber, for instance.

Ms. Gerber is employed in the publicity department at the Hollywood Office of the American Cinematheque.

Recently, Ms. Gerber e-mailed me a press release on the upcoming Samuel L. Jackson event slated for December 1st at the Beverly Hilton - at which point - I promptly penned a beautiful post to enlighten industry folks about the upcoming event.

Post: Samuel L. Jackson

However, when it came to acquiring a press pass for the event, I encountered a nightmare due to Ms. Gerber's incompetence, bizarre game-playing, and general lack of professionalism.

Normally, a publicity department invites the press to submit their credentials for approval to attend a specific event.

Usually, the process is prompt and conducted with a minimum amount of fuss.

But, from the get-go, it was obvious I was dealing with a loser with no legitimate background in the industry, who was under the mistaken impression that she was some kind of High-Priestess of Hollywood entitled to doll out insults, mistreat members of the press, and so forth and so on.

My suspicions were verified when I searched "Margo Gerber" on the Internet and managed to secure a handful of the most God-awful press releases she prepared (for so-called clients) which smacked of having been crafted by a ten-year old with no experience in the biz whatsoever.

In her initial press release for the Jackson affair, snobby Gerby came across as crass, abusive, and demonstrated a lack of good manners.

Her lack of respect for others was distinctly obvious, too.

In her instructions to the media, for example, she put specific words in CAPS - as if to SHOUT at the recipients - of her e-mails.

In addition, Ms. Gerber treated industry-members like they were misbehaved children - and she the strict parent on-the-ready to spank 'em - if called for.

For example, she threatened that if the rules laid down in the release weren't strictly adhered to, no credentials would be forthcoming.

And, in another segment of her misguided missive, she snidely remarked that a press pass would not necessarily guarantee entrance to the event.

"Don't contact us," she snarled. "We won't call you back." (!)

Yeah, all the top media dogs in the local arena are supposed to twiddle their thumbs, until this nasty little Princess with the foul aura gets off her high horse?

There were other glaring irregularities, too.

Ms. Gerber requested that the media "fax" requests for press passes.

Generally, though, Film Festivals and the coordinators for special screening events, conduct their press bookings via e-mail.

Consequently, many reporters don't have their own personal fax machines.

Are media types supposed to go to Kinkos, pay for a fax, then hunker down for days until she gets off her butt and responds back?

Ms. Gerber expects that, yes.

When a number of individuals I am associated with received a notice back "denying" their request for a pass, Ms. Gerber actually had the audacity to instruct them to continue to cover American Cinematheque events in the future.

Was she daft?

I, for one, will never give her, the Aero, or American Cinematheque any press coverage in the future.

Maybe, a jab or two, for the insult!

When I advised Ms. Gerber in an e-mail that I found her notions ludicrous under the circumstances, she responded with an implied threat.

"Are you sure you want to make an enemy of me?"

At this juncture, it was obvious that Ms. Gerber was in dire need of therapy, fast!

After all, any sane person - who wasn't on a power trip - would have attempted to sort out the problem professionally.

Ms. Gerber, on the other hand, inferred by her inappropriate comments, that she was an individual I would not be wise to cross!

There's nothing worse than a lady (I use the term very loosely) who thinks she has a pair of balls, eh?

In a couple of follow-up e-mails - which were desperate and out-of-line - it became obvious to me that Ms. Gerber was suffering from a mental disorder of some kind.

Ms. Gerber, get psychiatric help.

Notwithstanding, you're also a detriment to the Aero Theatre and the formerly prestigious American Cinematheque!

When I finally noted I was going forward with my story, she sent a nasty e-mail informing me she was pulling me off her e-mail lists.

Of course, her action was an attempt to slap me in the face.

But, since she was already noticed previously there would not be any coverage in the future for Aero and American Cinematheque events, why the heck do I care if I am on their e-mail lists?


Ms. Gerber is too stupid to figure that one out.

Bill Cosby once said:

"A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need the advice."

Proposition 8...Mormon Church probed by California Fair Elections Commission!

More trouble may be brewing on the horizon for the Mormon Church!

Fred Karger - the founder of "Californians Against Hate" - has filed a complaint with the California Fair Elections Commission in which he contends that the Mormon Church provided significant funds to the pro-Proposition 8 campaign but failed to report the contributions as required by State Law.

After consideration, the Fair Political Practices Commission has decided to move forward on the juicy complaint issues.

For starters, the agency plans to investigate funding for a handful of commercials, out-of-state phone banks, and a Web site hosted by the Mormons.

Based on the facts uncovered to date, sources close to the investigation assert that the California regulatory agency is compelled to look into whether the church broke State laws by failing to report campaign-related expenditures.

For those of you who may have been in a vacuum for the past few month or so, it is important to note that Proposition 8 - which California voters passed on November 4 - overturned a prior ruling by the California Supreme Court to lift a ban on "gay marriage".

Some argue that in doing so, the organizers for Proposition 8 rewrote the California State Constitution to allow for unjust discrimination against a group of citizens; namely, "gays" seeking equality in marriage, among other things.

Mormons were a major political (religious?) force behind the ballot measure.

Individual church-goers not only donated millions of their own savings to the cause, but also, took it upon themselves to canvass the streets door-to-door to raise additional funds.

If the commission determines through its probe that the Church of Latter Day Saints (?) violated California State reporting laws, the agency could levy penalties of $5,000.00 per violation against the Mormons.

The Church's exempt tax status may be thrown into jeopardy as well.

In response, Church Officials have denied any wrong-doing, of course.

News at 11!

Brazil...hello! Welcome to my blog, eh?

This morning when I flicked on the old PC and logged in, as usual, I checked the blog stats.

Whoa, nellie!

Overnight, there was a big surge in web surfers from Brazil!

What caused the sudden interest in my blog overnight in that exotic far-away land?

Did the Hugh Jackman photo montage arouse some erotic fantasies?

Or, maybe the revelation about Prince William's nude royal phallus caused a few hearts to pound a little faster?

Then again, it may have been the feature on Twilight heart-throb - Robert Pattinson - that revved up their engines.

For those of you unfamiliar with the breathtaking country, I've put together a kaleidescope of images to entice you to the land of romance and adventure!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hugh Jackman...sexiest man alive! Star photo montage...

Twilight...heart-throb Robert Pattinson gets squeals from fans!

I don't recall the last time I was in a movie theatre - and the fans let out squeals of delight - when the object of their desire sauntered onto the screen!

But, that's what happened last night at the Grove.

When Robert Pattinson (the romantic lead star of "Twilight") strode into the landscape, filmgoers reacted as if he was making a grand entrance on the theatrical stage.

I'd hazzard a guess there were a few wet panties in the darkened Theatre below the floodlights, too!

When the film opened at midnight recently at Universal Studios in the Valley, teenage girls dragged their reluctant boyfriends (or best buds) to share in the emotional thrill.

For the most part, the dudes just tagged along and sheepishly shrugged.

What was a boy to do?

I can attest to Mr. Pattinson's appeal in the flesh.

A couple of weeks ago, the screen Vampire strolled within inches of me at a red carpet event.

Up-close, he boasts alabaster skin, luscious strands of jet-black hair (in preparation for a role perhaps?) that free-flowed from a prominent brow, and wide mischievous eyes brimming with an intriguing light beaming out from behind 'em.

Definitely studly hearth-throb material!

Onscreen, though, his brooding face looked as if it had been swathed in a ubiquitious (and unflattering) thin white paste.

And, his lips were almost laughable, so pretty a shade of lipstick red were they.

Dramatic, yes. Natural, no.

His acting style was a little stilted in Twilight, too.

Although the opening scenes called for awkward moments between his character and that of Ms. Kirsten Stewart (Bella), his on-camera mannerisms tended to be stiff, unconvincing, and forced.

In contrast, Stewart was at ease; each and every moment on the silver screen resonated with a breath of truth.

I expect that once Mr. Pattinson settles into the role (judging by the closing scenes, there will be a sequel or two, by the way) he'll become more believable in the daunting role.

Til then, I expect his pubescent fans will have a word or two for me.

"Frankly, we don't give a damn."

The eye candy is enough to snack on for now, 'til something meatier comes along.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Prince William...naked manhood gets nod! Prefer un-cut version?

A couple of days ago, I was cruising the net when I spied a link screaming about risque nude shots of the "Royal" phallus.

Apparently, due to an overzealous photographer, Will's willy was caught on film - in all its delicious bang-on glory - when the Princely stud was taking an innocent whiz out-of-doors.

Like thousands of other frenzied bloodhounds online, I scrambled to get a glimpse of the future King's manhood.

But, my hopes were quickly dashed.

Every link I excitedly pounced on didn't pan out.

For example, video clips that signaled the way, faded to black when I hit the play button.

On at least two occasions, the computer screen simply went kaput when I clicked on a link.

The scrumptious shots were either a complete fallacy - or - the Royals simply got to the naughty snaps first and snatched 'em up from public view.

Or, so I thought.

Sources informed me last night that the nude stills of the Prince's "Johnson" are available on pay-per-view web sites.

That's right, if you're prepared to cough up a few coins of the realm, you'll be able to get up-close and personal with the Royal Jewels.

One spy gushed that the handsome young stud's pen** is graced with a large mushroom head.

Another, uttered in astonishment, that the handsome bachelor was circumcised!

Apparently, Lady Di spared the lads the unkindest cut of all, when the boys were babes in arms.

However, after the Princess of Wales passed away, William allegedly succumbed to the knife.

The heart-throb underwent a delicate operation to snip the outer skin from his - um - blue blood member.

At the urging of the Queen, I expect.

No, silly.

Elizabeth the 2nd!

Since he was a teen at the time of the ritual (I say, ordeal!) I can only utter up one insightful comment.


I trust that after the Doc performed the nasty deed, young William avoided young ladies (or dudes) with buck teeth - or braces on 'em - at least!

I wonder, is it easier slipping on a condom now?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bloggers...thank you for your support! And, have a Happy Thanksgiving...

Since I hooked up with wordpress, I have been able to keep better track of my blog stats - and subsequently - determine what kind of activity is going on in respect to my daily posts.

Frankly, it has been quite heartening to discover these past few weeks that numerous bloggers have either "quoted" my comments on their sites or installed direct links to posts they have been keen on.

Not unlike me, many bloggers painstakingly struggle over their message - with a keen eye to the turn-of-a-phrase - before posting.

Then, after the little gem is published, most wonder to themselves.

Is anyone ever going to stumble on this post - and just maybe - read the material I slaved over?

Fortunately, when I step out the door, I get an immediate reaction to my musings!

When I waltz into a restaurant, or stroll down the street - even step into a crowded Hollywood nightclub - all eyes turn toward me.

"That's him," they whisper, "The famous blogger."

Nonetheless, the support I have received over the past few months, has been quite heartening.

Daily, I receive private e-mail messages about some novel or thought-provoking idea or two, bloggers pine to pass on.

Many are inclined to post a comment on the blog sites, too.

Since I started up my first blog over a year ago on the Fox Network TV Website ("On the Lot") my first-hand experience in the blogosphere has been about ninety-five percent positive!

Occasionally, I do get some wacko spouting off at the mouth, but rarely.

Also, through a glass darkly, I have had the chance to get a glimpse into the psyche of a handful of twisted individuals around the country.

For instance, one day I penned a post after a red carpet premiere in Hollywood, in which I noted that Jeff Goldblum was very kind on the eve of the screening.

Shortly after that, I stumbled across a screwball comment, that some Goldblum fan made on their blog.

The individual, who acted like they owned Mr. Goldblum, referenced my article in which I underscored the actor's good manners.

Rather than just link the story, or say thanks, he proceeded to make a negative remark.

"I LOL! We already knew that. It's too late."

Too late?

Since when is it too late to compliment a person on their exemplary conduct?

Notwithstanding, people do change over time.

Personalities (especially in the spotlight) are often in flux.

A few years ago, an actor may have been a mean scoundrel who spit in the face of the press; but today, they may be meek as a lamb.

Also, new fans are always coming into the fold every day.

For their sake, isn't it a good idea to mention how approachable the object of their admiration is?

Oftentimes, I run into twisted people with no common sense whatsoever, either.

For instance, recently I wrote up a post on an e-mail I received which was a satire on Obama's speech patterns.

However, when I originally penned the post, no credit had been attributed to the original writer in the e-mail I secured the hilarious material from.

One day I was cruising the net when I located the article with a credit to the original author.

Instead of just "lifting" the name of the individual, I actually spent a few moments to thank the blogger for including the author's name, so I could give the comedian professional credit in my own post.

Wasn't that the appropriate professional action to take under the circumstances?

The blogger in question proceeded to read the post - and due to an obvious lack of intelligence or abililty to read and comprehend English - summarily twisted and distorted my intentions in such a convoluted way that it boggled the mind!

The lady (who posts anonymously and uses a photo of Raquel Welch to represent herself online) proceeded to post a negative comment about me!

In contrast, any intelligent sensible person would have recognized my obvious thoughtfulness and professionalism.

Talk about wacko!

More recently, a couple of individuals attempted to post negative comments on my blog in response to my expose on Richard Raddon in recent days.

Since the posts were written anonymously - and were traced back to the LA Film Festival site - it was obvious to me that a person in support of Raddon was involved in some all-out skulduggery on his behalf!

Needless to say, I zapped their comments into oblivion.

What am I thankful for this turkey day?

To be blessed with the precious good fortune of having readers at my blog sites who are like-minded, sound in intelligence, and of good heart.

Happy Thanksgiving, eh?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Richard Raddon...resigns elitist post at the Los Angeles Film Festival. He hurt people so good riddance!

News has just filtered out that Richard Raddon has resigned his post as Director of the annual Los Angeles Film Festival.

Management at the Festival site issued a release in which they confirmed that Mr. Raddon - who was at the center of a controversy since it was revealed that he contributed $1,500 to the Proposition 8 campaign to ban gay marriage in California - resigned his post on November 25th (2008).

"I'm personally saddened by the outcome," said a Film Independent Board member - Bill Condon - writer-director of the hit "Dreamgirls."

"Someone has lost his job and possibly his livelihood because of privately held religious beliefs. I think the organization was ready to tough this out, but Rich ultimately decided it wasn't worth the cost. I'm not sure he was right."

On the contrary, it was right that Mr. Raddon resigned.

Notwithstanding his donation to the "Proposition 8" cause - Raddon also mistreated myself and others in recent months - in spite of the fact there was no conduct on our part that deserved such outrageous insults.

For example, I penned a post a few weeks ago in which I reported on improper conduct Mr. Raddon engaged in, in respect to access to festival events.

Mr. Raddon not only levelled strange abusive conduct at me in the month of June earlier this year, but also denied my entitlement (and right) to cover the Los Angeles Film Festival as a member of the press for no good reason.

In fact, in a perverse whim - last minute - odd-ball Raddon chose to deny me access to the Festival circuit in Westwood - and ultimately - discriminated against me in the process.

Post: 06/10/08


In view of the foregoing, I - for one - have no sympathy for Raddon's plight today.

In fact, Mr. Condon's arguments in support of Mr. Raddon, fall on deaf ears.

Deservedly so!

I say good riddance to a bad seed!

The creative community - and the film and gay community - will be better off without him in our midst.

Milk Trailer

Josh Rosenthal...passionate painterly style on exhibit at Lurie Gallery. Beverly Hills.

I was strolling up little Santa Monica Boulevard Saturday night after the fireworks display in Beverly Hills when I spied a reception underway for a group of artists at the Lurie Gallery.

I waltzed in the door behind a bevy of young beauties, plucked up an inviting glass of champagne, and cruised around the gallery to take a gander at the artworks on display.

The ground floor of the Lurie Gallery is an intimate space where guests tend to bunch up and chat about the art.

The second level, however, is a sort-of open mezzanine level which provides art-lovers an opportunity to take a sweeping view of the gallery to advantage.

A series of landscapes hanging just inside the front door didn't break any new ground and were undistinguished.

Frankly, I didn't sense much potential in the artist, whose cool detached paintings were mediocre, if anything.

In contrast, when I proceeded up the stairs to second floor, I was greatly impacted by the passion inherent in a series of bold dynamic paintings in an abstract-expressionist vein, by handsome young artist Josh Rosenthal.

His colors were vibrant and alive and totally devoid of muddiness.

Images - that would have fallen flat in less-experienced hands - resonated with a certainty that indicated the artist was (and is) fully in control of his artistic prowess.

I was delighted to hear that he often sprang out of bed in the wee hours of dawn, to capture an idea on canvas he woke up to, instead of just turning over and slipping back into the dream state with nary a thought about the curious workings of the creative process.

Mr. Rosenthal was born in Australia and attended the Victorian College of Arts,

Although he's shown in just a couple of exhibition spaces to date - in Washington (DC) for instance - collectors have already begun to snap up his stand-out one-of-a-kind original canvases.

At this stage of his artistic career, it appears that the prices are based on size as opposed to quality, though.

A smaller high-quality piece (which signals a new direction in his painterly style, according to Josh) was on the chopping block for a mere $600.00.

Meanwhile, larger canvases were selling in the price range of $1,000 to $4,000.

In a side room downstairs, a handful of guests were fooled by some clever gimmicky by another less-talented artist.

Although the soft female nudes etched on polished metal showed promise, their potential was not fully realized. This was - in part due - to poor execution and a lack of vision on the part of the inexperienced painter.

Years ago, a photographer snapped some still photos of me dancing in Toronto, and etched the images on metal in the same artistic vein.

However, his dynamic renderings were bold, striking, and memorable.

No wonder - Shin Sugino (the photographer who clicked the portraits) - is a celebrated creative force in the Canadian Art Scene today.

I was quite intrigued by a handful of well-crafted sculptures by Dalit Tayer, a female artist from Israel.

From a distance, her pieces appeared to be small box-like objects, with simple crevices carved out on the front and sides.

However, when the curious drew closer, beautifully-crafted male and female figures tucked away inside came into view.

Tayer's sculptures were probably the most symbolic, fascinating works, exhibited at the gallery.

For those interested in investing in art just now, I would highly recommend a purchase of a canvas or sculpture by Josh Rosenthal or Dalit Tayer.

Art is a smart investment in troubled financial times, after all.

Just ask the Russians who have been snapping up blue chip art in recent days in a frenzy at heart-pounding prices, overseas.

Artist James Tyler represented by Lurie Gallery

Monday, November 24, 2008

Kenny Chesney...finds true love! Mrs. Right?

Lay Lady Lay...

One of my sources whispered in my ear that Kenny Chesney's heart is all a-flutter because he has a new gal pal waiting in the wings!

Apparently, the young beauty is from VA.

According to eye-witness reports, Chesney slipped into DC for a romantic sleepover in recent days incognito.

And, she'll tit-for-tat, by jetting down to Knoxville for Turkey day.

"She could be the right one for him," my spy gushes.

News at 11!

Talk of the Castro...Buy a charity cocktail to celebrate Harvey Milk premiere. $1 goes to glaad...

SKYY Vodka is chipping in to celebrate the release of the Harvey Milk biography directed by Gus Van Sant. (Nov 26th)

Order a "Talk of Castro" Charity Cocktail at a participating bar in the Los Angeles area and SKYY Vodka will donate $1 to glaad.

Talk of the Castro is an inspired blend of SKYY Vodka, raspberry, liquer, orange juice, lime and mint, and is an exotic chic cocktail that may be sipped at any one of the locations listed below.

Fubar, Hugo's, Mother Lode, O Bar, Trunks, La Boheme, Hamburger Marys, St Felix, and the Boulevard Lounge (West Hollywood)

Margaret Cho...Ballad of Gay closeted Mormons!

If you can't locate Cho's - "Ballad of Gay Closeted Mormons" - which was released on Queer TV a few hours ago - here is the link.



Was Mormon Leader Smith a gay blade?

Bernard K. Passman...exquisite black coral sculptures! Dazzling pieces a stand-out in Beverly Hills...

After the lighting ceremony on Rodeo Drive the other evening, I was invited into the sumptuous Bernard K. Passman gallery for a glass of champagne to toast in the Yuletide Season.

As I wafted through the artfully-crafted display cases, I was dazzled by the exquisite one-of-a-kind pieces designed by Mr. Passman.

His particular forte is Black Coral jewellery, coveted by the tony elite, with widespread evocative appeal.

Passman began his career as an artist in World War II.

Over the years, he nurtured a growing client base, which kept the artisan busy in his studio crafting the priceless gems.

Eventually, his unique renderings caught the eye of the high and mighty, too.

For instance, he created a twenty-one foot art piece for a president in the White House.

Passman's eye-catching sculpture was the first-ever to be created for the Republican and Democratic Conventions.

His idea for flowing light sculptures was so innovative in concept that he acquired a US Patent for the method which is recognized as the sole invention of a genius mind.

At 90, Passman continues to create and design sculptures for dignitaries, world leaders, celebrities, you name it.

A number of discerning collectors have snapped up his work, in addition to savvy museum curators who have prominently housed the artworks in historical collections, as well.

His success is undoubtedly rooted in and attributed to his basic artistic approach.

"Beauty is simplicity with a dash of the daring."

Michael Phelps...nookie & Nicole Johnson! Gal pal for keeps?

The big buzz in gossip circles is that Michael Phelps is getting some nookie in Vegas!

The big whale - um - Gold Medal Swimmer (& sexy spokesperson for the Breakfast of Champions) has been spied arm 'n arm 'round the romantic desert oasis with sexy gal pal, Nicole Johnson.

Johnson is a former beauty Queen!
(Miss California 2007 second runner-up)

A thousand hearts must be crushed as the news streaks around the globe!

Is the love tryst just a fall fling or is Michael about to set up a cozy little love nest with Nicole in the winter months ahead?

News at 11!

Harvey Milk Day...Nov. 26th! Win prizes at the Milk shop...

Starting bright and early at 8:00 a.m. on November 26th, the Milk Shop will celebrate Harvey Milk Day.

There will be an enter-to-win box for MILK prize packs, a chance to win passes for the "run" of the film engagement locally, and special Harvey Milk Apple Pie Shakes for sale.

Take in a milk "ticket stub" and you'll receive a free scoop of ice cream.

Promotion: November 26th thru November 30th.

The Milk Shop
7290 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
323.939.MILK (6455)

Post: Harvey Milk (Gus Van Sant screen bio) 01/22/08

Info: The Milk Shop

Owner Bret Thompson was born and raised in Los Angeles and is a gifted chef with natural culinary talents.

Recognizing his passion for food at 15, after graduation, he enrolled in the culinary program at the California Culinary Academy in the San Francisco Bay area, while working for Aqua Restaurant.

Thompson was employed with the Patina Group for ten years - during which time - he opened and managed many Patina Group Restaurants.

Thompson was named Orange County Chef of the Year in 2002 at Catal Restaurant in Downtown Disney (Anaheim).

On the heels of this accomplishment, Thompson jetted off to Europe to train under Michelin starred chefs such as Martin Beresetegui of his eponymous restaurant in Lasarte (Spain) , Alain Passard of L'Arpege in Paris (France) and Bernard Loiseau in Saulieu, (France) .

Bret left the Patina group to pursue his dream of opening his own business.

At the - MILK Café Ice Cream Parlor and Bakeshop - the exacting Thompson has displayed a keen eye towards quality of food product, uncompromised service, and a well-trained high-energy staff.

Since the opening of MILK in February 2007 - Thompson has won the hearts of Angelinos and critics alike with his innovative approach to homemade cooking - including simple seasonal cuisine, ice creams and baked goods.

MILK’s accolades include 4 Medals for ice cream at the (2008) Summer Los Angeles International Dairy Competition (2008), praises from the LA Times, Business Week, Town and Country, and recipes featured prominently in Bon Appetite magazine.

Most recently Thompson and MILK collaborated with the GOT MILK? team and provided recipes for the GOT MILK? 2008 summer and 2008 holiday marketing campaign.