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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

HSBC BANK...Nigerian scam artists luring victims with false promise of big bucks!!!

Nigerian scam artists impersonating FBI Director

A few months ago, I reported that Nigerian scam artists were zipping off e-mails to web residents on the false premise that the communications were from FBI Director Robert Mueller in Washington, D.C.

Bottom line, the highly fraudulent - and somewhat idiotic (!) scheme - was a not-so-clever ruse to extort monies from innocent American citizens around the country.

Fortunately, few were taken by the ball*y bold-faced rip-off attempt, but it still staggers the sensibilities when one considers the lengths these scum-bags will go to launch a ploy that may eventually end up a big-bucks-bonanaza in a convoluted end-scenario.

Post: 11/03/08


Today, the Nigerians are at it once again, with another daring escapade designed to rob you of your hard-earned bucks, if you're foolish (or greedy enough) to fall for it.

Under the alleged auspices of HSBC Bank, a gentleman who identified himself as Manager James Ballard (clever 'cause he's hiding behind an American-sounding name) at the Lagos-Nigeria branch of the giant financial institution, duly informed moi that I just inherited the princely sum of four million six hundred thousand pounds in the intent of the deceased.

Ah, if you are too stupid to fathom out the obvious scam from the get-go, the improper English phrasing - "in the intent" of the deceased - should tip you off.

Subtle misuses of the English language are generally a glaring indication that the scam being perpetuated is the handi-work of a Nigerian mispeller - um - scam artist.

Although the notice has not asked for any money in the event I choose to collect on my unexpected windfall (golly, the Beverly Hillbillies have nothing on me, Dudes) I expect that if I am stupid enough to respond a carrot will be dangled in front of me to heighten the stakes.

"Just pay the court costs, and a few miniscule bank fees (up front), Mr. Ayrs."


And, how was YOUR intriguing day?

Nigerian Scam E-Mail (see below)


This is for your attention,

From: FROM HSBC BANK Add to Contacts

To: julbobash@lycos.com; juliabud@juno.com; julian@access4u.net; julianayrs@yahoo.com; julie.miller_6@charter.net; julie@juliejordan.com; juliec@csbusiness.com; juliekwebb@yahoo.com; julielonggarman@yahoo.com; juliet6924@boltagain.ning.com; julietra425@yahoo.com; julio25880@yahoo.com... more


This is for your attention,

We wish to notify you again that you were listed as a beneficiary to the total sum of 4,600,000.00 GBP (Four million Six hundred thousand british pounds) in the intent of the deceased .

We contacted you because you bear the surname identity and therefore can present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance since there is no written will. Our legal services aim to provide our private clients with a complete service. We are happy to set-up all Modalities and administer Trusts,carry out the administration of estates.

All the papers will be processed in your acceptance. In your acceptance of this deal,we request that you kindly forward to us your current telephone and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary documents at our high court probate division for the release of this sum of money.

Claims Requirements:

1.Full Name:


3.Marital Status:





8.Country Of Residence:

9.Telephone Number:

10.Fax Number:

11.Email Address:

Yours faithfully

James Ballard.


Preply to this address below


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