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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Proposition 8...LA TIMES writer called bigot by readers!

I was just preparing to pen a post in response to a column a writer at the Los Angeles Times wrote a couple of days ago in respect to the El Coyote boycott - (which caused a lot of stress, anxiety, and financial fall-out to the owners and staff alike in the aftermath) - when a second article was published in today's daily.

In today's column, the journalist - Steve Lopez - was flabbergasted that readers of the first article responded in a hateful fashion and hurled the "bigot" label his way.

So, I am inclined to take all issues to task, for good reason.

In the initial report, Mr. Lopez noted that he took a jaunt over to the El Coyote to have a chat with Marjorie Christoffersen (who contributed $100.00 to the Proposition 8 anti-gay marriage cause) in the wake of the boycott that followed on its heels.

Christoffersen was teary-eyed over the fact business had dropped to an all-time low - and wailed to the reporter that (as a result) staff members may be laid off.

Since the business was patronized by many "gays" in the community - the disclosure of the restaurant manager's contribution to the Proposition 8 initiative - clearly incensed many who sprang into action and spoke out in protest by virtue of their pocketbooks.

I was irked by the fact - and prompted to respond to the piece because of it - that Christoffersen noted for the record that she used to walk between the tables and chat with the gay customers during the course of her twenty-or-so years of employment at the Mexican restaurant.

It staggered my sensibilities, therefore, that Ms. Christoffersen found it difficult to fathom how it was that her "innocent" actions came to be construed as a "stab" in the back by her long-time customers.

Notwithstanding, Ms. Christoffersen appeared to have little remorse over her actions.

Yes, she felt badly about the fact her contribution caused business to drop off.

In light of that admission, would the devout Mormon do it again?

Well, it was noted in the article that when she met with "gays" in the community to allegedly apologize for her offensive act - and organizers pressed her for a contribution to the anti-Proposition 8 movement - that she broke down in tears and balked at the suggestion.

But, you know what?

Many are missing the point.

In his article, Mr. Lopez noted that Ms. Christoffersen elected to give the $100.00 donation to the Proposition 8 cause because gay marriage was against the doctrines of her Mormon Church.

And, the columnist further argued, that Christoffersen should not be tar-and-feathered for the position she took pursuant to her right to free speech and religious freedom.

Likewise, the same argument was put forth by supporters of Richard Raddon, who were appalled at the way he was treated in the wake of his contribution of $1500.00 to the Mormon effort.

I agree, a person has a right to give to a cause based on their personal, political, and/or religious practices.

However, citizens around the country not only have the right to disagree with that position, but also are entitled to disassociate themselves with those who do not support their beliefs.

That's human nature.

Bottom line?

Gays have every right to boycott El Coyote - and shun Marjorie Christoffersen - if they so please.

Notwithstanding, I am of the opinion that the gays who recently wrote in to the LOS ANGELES TIMES - and labelled Mr. Lopez a "bigot" - were way out-of-line.

Mr. Lopez was simply reporting on the issues.

In fact, his article was balanced and well-reasoned and no cause for alarm.

He's not a bigot by any stretch of the imagination.

On the heels of this latest incident of misguided hate, I have to caution the gay community.

The scenario is kind of like the boy who cried "wolf", I guess.

If individuals are attacked here and there - without provocation or due cause around the political, social, and religious landscape - society as a whole will turn a deaf ear.

I urge the gay community to use some common sense and a modicum of intelligence when sifting through the issues with the ultimate aim of coming to grips with self-evident truths.

I think an old phrase that Joan Rivers once quipped ad nauseam is worth repeating here.

"Grow up!"

Continue with your efforts to overturn Proposition 8, but do so with dignity and grace.

You can rustle up a lot more with sugar - than vinegar - 'ya know!

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