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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Anonymous blog comments...to post or not to post?

Well, when you first start up your blog, you face one dilemma right off the bat.

Do you accept comments across the board without censorship?

In view of the fact there are a staggering number of wackos out there - spewing a lot of psycho babble as they surf the Internet daily - for me the answer to the question was an easy one to come to grips with.

Then, the issue of "anonymous" comments surfaces.

There are many good reasons why an individual may be inclined to post a comment anonymously.

It is wholly possible the person is a celebrity or in the public eye and they want to make a contribution to the dialogue without throwing the spotlight on themselves.


On the other hand, setting up an account (at Blogspot, for instance) with requisite - e-mail contact address, background info, and profile shot - may be a bit of a pain in the butt (and too time-consuming) for some.

In that event - if the "anonymous" author makes an intelligent comment or worthwhile contribution to the discussion topic - I am inclined to "publish".

But, when it comes to "anonymous" comments that take pot shots at personalities mentioned in a post, or that go into a vitriolic rant about some political or social issue, I am inclined to "reject" the remarks.

For good reason!

My blog is not a forum for cowards who seek to assassinate the character of public figures while they remain out of harm's way anonymously.

Nor is it a launching pad for those with a "secret agenda" either!

Once I start to peruse such a missive, and determine the nature of its misguided focus, I just hit the old "reject" button.

In fact, the comment remains not only "unread", but does even see the light of day!

The bar is set pretty high for those who seek to make the "cut" at the Tattler.

But, my standards are reasonable under the circumstances.

For example, in spite of the fact I am inclined to pen and post daily - and make a few outrageous remarks on occasion sure to rankle a few - at least my mug shot (and legal name captioned above) squarely identify me.

Brooke Shields once said,

"I make no excuses."

Nor do I.

Frankly, it's liberating!

As George Bernard Shaw once said,

"Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated."

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