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Friday, August 21, 2009

Subway...serves up tasty breakfast specials! Win Dodger tickets, eh Phelps?

At the Subway fast-food take-out in Westwood, I spied a banner in the window with bold screaming caps etched on the front which announced that breakfast was being served.

Gosh, I wondered if the "foot long" swim-stud Michael Phelps (who plugs the chain on TV and Radio advertisements around the country) was keen on the idea.

When I strode in and stood at the sparkling-clean service counter (where I normally order up a six-inch veggie on Honey Oat bread) I half-expected the same old same old.

'Ya know!

Eggs (over-easy, scrambled or hard-boiled) with bacon strips (or pricey ham slices) slapped on a paper plate with sides of salsa, onions, and red peppers.

The Latino influence, no doubt!

Or, maybe the smartly-dressed chefs would whip me up a McMuffin or Breakfast Jack rip-off, with subtle changes around the edges so I wouldn't be so wise about the influence of their green-eyed competitors down the street.

Lo & Behold, turns out Subway simply incorporated a handful of their house favorites (which thousands of students @ UCLA chow down on daily) to rustle up a fresh format - er! - delightful culinary delight.

Yes, I am penning this post to spread the news far-and-wide.

I think they got it!

Fortunately, an adventurous streak that swept over me that morning, inspired me to gamble on a breakfast sandwich which proved to be mighty delicious!

On a six-inch Honey Oat bun (my fave), the perky little server first slapped on a couple of slices of American Cheese, and followed that protein choice up with a layer of scrambled eggs.

Then, a jumble of tomatoes, green pepper, lettuce, nutritiously spruced up the upper level.

All for a paltry 2 bucks!

Okay, so got off cheap, because I sipped on water instead of 28 gram soda pop!

Good-bye Jack-in-the-box and the once-filling Breakfast Jack.

And, Michael - if you're perusing my blog site and happen stumble on News Flash about Subway's foray into the breakfast nook - I highly recommend you wolf one down.

Well, maybe you'll spring for 2 or 3, in view of your healthy hungry-man appetite.

By the way, Baseball fans can fill out an entry form to win tickets to a Dodger game.

Dudes, get your nasty bat down there, pronto.

Play Ball!


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