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Friday, December 11, 2009

Las Vegas...chivalry is not dead! Romance (not just sex) in the twilight hours...

Leopard prints all the rage!

Chivalry is hard to stumble across in these cynical jaded days.

But, is alive and well, in some parts of the country.

Tonight, after gambling a tad @ Encore, I strolled down the boulevard to rustle up some fresh air.

A hunger pang (acute case of munchies) struck.

So, I strode into Walgreen's to purchase a snack.

When I arrived at the check-out, I spied a handsome couple in chic night attire, sans sweaters or jackets.

They must be freezing their you-know-what off, I giggled to myself.

As I waited for the queue to move along, it did not escape my attention that the gentleman (a handsome African American) was purchasing one of the store's mainstays, a buttery-soft coverlet which couch potatoes often snatch up to toss on the back of their sofa.

The one in question was etched in a rich leopard print.

Curious purchase, I thought to myself, as the cashier rang the item up.

When I stepped out into the street, a touching romantic scene unfolded before my eyes.

The attentive Lothario draped the precious gift  over his lady-friend's shoulders - at which point - she fashioned it into a shawl to keep out the frosty night air.

Chivalry is certainly not dead in Las Vegas, dudes!

Knight in shining armor!

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