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Friday, August 13, 2010

Nevada...lawmakers seek enforcement of proper pronunciation! Las Vegas, please!

Theme Hotels in Nevada popular!

For a city that wails ad nauseam about the ailing economy, down revenues, and empty Hotel rooms - the Natives sure are downright fussy - when it comes to uttering up the names of their fair state and the glitzy desert oasis.

News anchors have been reporting this week that City Officials - and locals - are miffed at folks who traipse into town and persist in incorrectly mis-pronouncing the the name of the Silver State with a noticeable "h" sound tagged on at the end.


No way!

In fact, one politician - still angered by the President's swipe at the City of Las Vegas last year - seized on the opportunity to take a slap at Barack's better half.

In a brief segment on the news - a video of the 1st Lady allegedly mangling the pronunciation - was rustled up and broadcast to millions of viewers with the specific aim of making the Prez's hubbie - not only look "bad" - but give the impression that Michelle is poorly uneducated (because she is a product of a lower class of  U.S. "blacks").

No matter!
Government officials are so annoyed over the problem that they are prepared to introduce a law to dictate the proper pronunciation


On the heels of the "Nevada" controversy, one newsie was quick to throw in his two cents worth, too.

"And, its Las Vegas - please - not Vegas."

I am originally from Toronto, and I always pronounce the Native "Indian" word correctly with a distinct "o" vowel sound on the tail end of the word.

However, it is quite common for Canucks who hail from Toronto "the good" to refer to hog town as "Toronta".

Do I get upset?

Heck, no!

I just chuckle at their lack of class.

For a gambling town, folks from Las Vegas, appear to have placed their bets on a losing proposition.

If they expect "out-siders" to comply with their silly demands, they're dreaming.

I intend to go on using the short form for "Vegas" for good reason.

On Twitter, for example, where the number of characters are limited.

In a nutshell, bottom line"

Residents of Las Vegas need to get real, especially in respect to this petty issue, which stinks to high heaven..

Home Town Toronto

Michelle Obama uneducated?

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