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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Homeland Security...Highway 8 perilous for drug lords, illegal immigrants & fruit smugglers! High alert on April 11th...

The Border Patrol were busy little bees yesterday at the height of an elevated alert in the San Diego region!

Rather than cruise along the same highways I facilitated about ten days ago to attend the AFI Fest (Dallas) , I threw caution to the wind and let an adventurous spirit lead the way.

Well, my guide must have been a surly confidant of Uncle Sam!

The trek along highways 30, 20, and 10 were uneventful enough - but when I headed down the last leg of my journey homeward bound on Highway 8 (west to San Diego) - I got more than I bargained for.

Sure, some of the landscape was picturesque (more on that in a follow-up post) but had I known the Border Patrol would be buzzin' up my a** throughout the day, I would have taken another less burdensome route.

For example, about twenty minutes after I crossed the California border, a white vehicle with a green emblem on the side panel sped up behind me out-of-the-blue.

At first, I thought it was a Military vehicle.

As it raced on by to official business elsewhere, I spied the name of the Government agency out-of-the-corner of my eye.

Border Patrol.

I'd heard a lot about the all-powerful (overzealous?) elite force run by Homeland Security, but - like many Americans - managed to steer clear of 'em.

I guess my number was up.

About ten miles up the road, a flashing neon sign forewarned that there may be a stop ahead, and that drivers should be ready for a vehicle inspection.

As I inched closer, and my heart beat faster (next to my Green Card in a wallet inside my chest pocket), I noticed a couple of cars parked at the side of the road.

A handful of diligent officers were sifting through a lot of dirty laundry, camping equipment, left-over lunch, and what-have-you.

In addition, a couple of passengers in the car in front of me were being questioned quite vigorously, by a young lady in a green field jacket and spiffy pantaloons.

Gosh, the babe was packing a gun!

When I pulled up, she jawned, and waved me through.

Yeah, no one's interested in wrinkly old white dudes.

Just ask Paris Hilton!

Just as I started to pick up speed and managed to tick off a few miles to compensate for lost time, there was another lull in traffic as vehicles were instructed to slow down - and if necessary - stop for an Officer.

As luck would have it, the man in front of me must have looked suspicious, because he got flagged right off-the-bat.

I sat in my own SUV and waited for the interrogation to end as I twiddled my thumbs.

At one juncture, a hefty middle-aged woman in baggy shorts and matching vest - wearing an official-looking badge emblazoned on the front of her "butch" uniform (Lesbo?) - strode to the back of the pick-up, hauled herself over the back gate of the truck bed, and proceeded to inspect a cooler inside.

Satisfied there was nothing untoward in there, she hopped out.

Now, with a nervous hand, the driver handed over a couple of oranges he plucked out of the glove compartment out of harm's way 'til now.

The meticulous gal gave them a once over, plunked 'em down on her makeshift table at the side of the road, then proceeded to jot down his license plate number.

I guess if they decide to bust the disreputable fellow for smuggling, they'll lock him up in a holding cell where they detain all the "fruits" incarcerated in the prison population.

Once again, I was waved through with little fuss.

I thought the rude interruptions had all dried up at about the witching hour.

No, sir!

Next up?

A search for drugs!

When the vehicle in front pulled up to a line marked on the pavement at the check point, a police dog was inclined to jump up from his snug perch by the Guard's station, then trot up to driver's side of the vehicle to sniff a little.


Now, the dog handler turned in my direction with a slightly bemused look on his face.

Was I the culprit who piqued the dog's curiosity?

I inched forward, then stopped, so the dog and I were in line with each other.

Then, without any qualms, I stared directly into the animal's eyes and gave him a look as if to say:

"I'm not in the mood for your nonesense, so don't get any ideas, Bowser!"

He moved on.

If you can believe it, I also encountered another "border check" in an out-of-the-way pass on the way in to the San Diego area just about midnight.

A ubiquitous sign was posted on the gate for the tired and the humbled masses to peruse as they awaited their fate.

It read - "Homeland Security using tax dollars to protect Americans against the threat of Terrorism" - or something to that effect.

Again, travellers in vehicles ahead of me were stopped and questioned, but I was waved through.

I guess it was because I was driving a Ford, do 'ya think?

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