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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jacumba...Nature's healing spirit caresses! Mystical forces uplift...

Nature's majesty in Jacumba pass

As I crept up a steep incline to the crest of the mountain - Jacumba (a quaint little town) - sprang into view.

Without much thought, I jumped at the chance to stride into the warm glow of the snack shop that beckoned from beyond, since my stomach had been growling for nourishment for about an hour or two.

Inside, a pretty little waitress built a sub for me on Honey Oat bread and packed it high with American cheese, lettuce and tomato - and all the trimmings - pickles, onions, green peppers, salt & pepper, and a dollop of honey mustard.

As I gobbled down the scrumptious sandwich in the front seat of my vehicle, I couldn't help but think that life was sweet!

Minutes later, I was trundling down the canyon, when I suddenly realized it was full of glorious surprises, too.

As dusk started to fall all around me - the once-vivid blue sky was now not only awash and tinged with passionate strokes of deep purple - but also infused with inky-black trouble spots which ultimately transformed the sky into a moving canvas of such intensity and fury!

Suddenly - and without warning - an eerie luminous light (awesome to gaze upon) - swirled within a storm of billowing clouds that proceeded to transform the canopy into a breathtaking scene brimming with all of Nature's spectacular majesty.

The landscape was breathing - alive! - and speaking volumes to me.

Earlier in the day, I also experienced another odd phenomenon, after a near-accident on the highway.

About ten o'clock in the morning I was cruising along - when, for some inexplicable reason - I must have dozed off at the wheel!

Suddenly, as the two outer wheels of my SUV hit the loose rubble on the shoulder, I jolted back to consciousness and was able to take control of the vehicle before it rolled over into the ditch.

At this juncture, I hazarded a guess that an exhausting ten days of non-stop activity, must have taken their toll at long last.

Undoubtedly, the troubling incident was a surefire indication that I needed a cat nap before venturing on.

So, I sped up the road to the nearest rest area and proceeded to take a much-needed break.

About two hours later, intermittent rain cascaded down, splashed the window near my bowed head, and awakened me from my deep slumber.

When I stepped outside on the pavement to stretch my legs a little, I was taken aback when I noticed that it had rained on just one side of my vehicle, in addition to the front windshield.

As I tried to fathom the odd occurrence, I couldn't help but notice that the other vehicles parked at the turnoff were completely dry!

Was this a sign from the heavens beyond?

Needless to say, a surge of overwhelming peace swept over my entire being.

God appears to be watching over me!

So, what are his plans for my future, I wonder.

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you."


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